Niko Snow, on 21 March 2013 - 02:01 PM, said:
The HPG Network, or Forums, as some like to call them, are essential to us in many ways.
We rely on organization of various forms of Feedback and ideas to allow for easy flow of this information to help us make the game better.
Similarly, the forums are very much the home of this Community in many ways. In recognition of such, I am opening up this discussion floor for ideas for how to change the forum structure to make it more intuitive and useful for you, the MechWarriors.
So, what sub-forum(s) would you like to see?
Here NIko I will give you a clue===Produce a live chat room-then produce game lobby launchers-then allow private games and leagues. Shall I go on? Live chat would help to bring the community back Forums are not the way to go. This is what MWO needs to evolve back into MechWarrior---->>>