Been reading this a lot since the Cats are iconic mechs. Long range support mech (CHECK), Good for big maps with little cover (CHECK).... but in game, none of this holds up. We have 2 maps that would allow this, and even then there is plenty of cover, OR ECM mechs. When you have a weapon that is suppose to soften up the enemy, or finish off weak enemies, but they only hit round 30% of the time, and the other 70% of the time they miss, or get negated by ECM.... well frankly that weapon becomes useless. Why bother when you can use AC2, Gauss, or PPCs that can be used for greater affect?
If that is LRM's job and it doesn't do it, it gets fired. All the Cat and Trebs Mechwarriors are out of a job, since any mech with mostly Energy or Ballistics can be fitted to do it better. YES post Jager patch LRMS were insane. I got hit by 30 that tore off my arm and side torso armor on my fully armored CTF-3D. 1 VOLLEY of 30 missles!!! Insane. I've also sent 30 into the back of an atlas that nearly cored took off his arm. NOT OK, i had like 880 damage that match with 2 Artmis LRM-15s and 3 med lasers and TAG. Streak Cat test proved their OPed posted patch.....
Pre-Patch owning in the same 2 LRM setup I could use all my missles and FIGHT with lasers and get round 600 damage. POST HOTFIX, same style and play, I can bearly reach 300 damage. THIS IS NOT OK.
WHY would anyone use a mech that can barely do damage in a game about KILLING other mechs? It isn't to "support" the team by annoying the enemies with flies. Lights can do that, and STILL get more damage in a match.
1) leave the defined role of LRMS as is. They function as they should. A constant danger to stop stupid Call of Duty chargers from getting kills on a team that has no snipers...
A) give ammo type as suggested. Like artillary in World of Tanks, either hurt 1 Mech or multiple mechs grouped up with big weak splas/heat.
Go back to pre-Jag patch performance They could kill a mech if TAGed, Artimus, and multi-shot the same side (I.E. snipers ignoring the Missile incoming 3 times while facing you... However, increased splash damage to Armor is NICE, but damage is too low..... SO armor periceing missiles (slight damage internals 1 out of 10 missile hits, OR heated side-effects from being constantly hit from missiles either/both added in the current stat might work too.
2) LOOK AT THE HIT PERCENTAGE DATA!! This tells you so much of effectiveness. LRMS (even using the 180 to 360ish attack range) still WASTE so much, and their percent drops a lot beyond that due to
A) Maps with too many hiding spots,
ECM...... Too much to say, it is close but not where it needs to be
1-Fix flight paths so they arc DOWN on enemies behind cover, or hit them straight on if in the open,
2-make more maps with vantage points to rain them down (or as mentioned option to chose mech based on map (Ala the LOBBY feature so many of us ask/want)
3- group them tighter but make them hit different parts of the mech thus increase hit %, and damage but spreads it a lot thinner. 3 solutions right there.
3) ECM: Yes, can't talk about lock-on weapons with out talking about ECM. EASY FIX. they can only scramble a mech's lock on IF the ECM mechwarrior TARGETS a specific MECH. OTHERWISE it just gives cover to detection range. SO, no more ECM mechs HIDING behind walls, mechs, etc just to disrupt LRMs from doing ANYTHING. The A1 is useless now with ECMs UNLESS its a splatcat (another potential topic)
So if ECM was fixed as described, a team with 2 SUPPORT mechs could still fight half strength, OR defend themselves. As it is now, 1 ECM can make another team's LRMS pointless. Team based game or not, why use a weapon with HIGH RISK and NO REWARD (other then... SWEET i'm playing a classic mech.... how many of you kept your spider's stock with machine guns cuz's its cannon?) How many use Cat-A1 for anything other then splatcat due to ECM? I miss my 4 LRM5, 2 SSRM A1 that was fast support at 200 mm, now it's better to use any mech with 2 or 3 PPCs (or ERPPC Cidas mind you.... do the job better)
*****PGI I hope you read this tooo***
I'm sure most could agree with these fixes. NO, i don't want uber mech weapons (I do want and Urban Mech for giggles though.... it keep my commandos company)
NO, i don't want SNIPER-Warrior or LRM-boater online, but I don't want tactically sound players to not be able to play that way. Bring a 6 PPC stalker to river city, DIE fast, not own. Bring a splat-cat to Alpine, DIE fast, not face hug 2 mechs to death. Streak cat, why those LRM boats should get him almost dead before in range, NOT he was covered by ECM and your team had no TAG to counter.....
EDDIT: fixed some explinations to clear it up, PGI read this, everyone else check out the sumation of our request to balance and fix the game. Yay or nay? ECM suggestions easy enough to do and acceptable? LRM/SRM Suggestions make sense and balanced out with out being a hater (for or against them as so many ppl 1 sided this topic)?
Edited by Divine Decoy, 21 March 2013 - 10:24 PM.