Offers up a different style of gameplay and tactics.
So what tactics does 3rd person view add?
I know it adds pop-tarts who can check to see if the coast is clear before playing peek-a-boo.
I know it eliminates
Suppressive Fire as a tactic. From Wikipedia: In
military science,
suppressive fire, also
covering fire, is
area denial fire that degrades the performance of an enemy force below the level needed to fulfill their mission. Suppression is usually only effective for the duration of the fire. With 3rd person, you can still gather intel on my position, relay that info to your team, and drop some arty on me without ever poking your mech out from cover.
I know it will allow dead ghost-riders to relay intel back to their remaining team with their vastly expanded ability to read the battlefield. It will be possible to have the first player dead take over the MechCommander role and cycle through your remaining teammates 100 degree plus viewing angle, directing the battle over comms.
Ever snuck up behind a stalker in your spider, while staying in his blind spot, as he ignores the fact you are peeling the armor off his back because every time he looks around he can't find who is shooting him? That was an awesome experience to have in my spider... after having been on the receiving end in my stalker.
This won't be possible with third-person view.
Basically I love the tactics of this game and if I could see a way that 3rd person made more tactics available instead of less, it would be a much easier thing for me to support.
No sarcasm meant, but if anyone can answer I would love to hear it... What does third person add to the tactical gameplay without eliminating currently available tactics?