ExAstris, on 23 March 2013 - 10:17 AM, said:
Same, I pug 95% of my games. I'd be interested to see what exactly constitutes the majority of players playing in groups. Because I play in groups... 5% of the time. If they're counting me, then thats a pretty meaningless statistic. But if they actually mean that over 50% of all the players actually playing at any given time are in a group at that moment, then it might be significant. Still, I'm pretty sure the number of players who prefer pugging, plus those that pug in their spare time when their regular team isn't around, would prefer MWO to have some more pug friendly attributes.
The biggest factor in that is that proper team construction parameters are utterly dependent on ECM, but its mal-effects extend far beyond punishing puggers who cannot check their team ECM counts before dropping.
But even beyond pet-peeves that have kept me from enjoying the game, the pugger experience is precisely what new players are going to have to deal with. Thus, building the game in such a way that it doesn't punish solo players should always be on the short-list of design goals.
While I fully agree that people should not be 'punished' for playing solo, there should be no benefit to it either. Then again, why people play MMOs, solo, is something that just seems oxymoronic to me, especially a MMO that has no PvE content what so ever.
As for ECM, it is my experience that outside of pugging ECM makes little to no difference at all (if it even makes a difference then). In competitive 8 mans the better team generally wins (damn you SJG) regardless of how much (or little) ECM you bring.
If you don't trust me....make an 8 man with all ECM and drop against a team like the Steel Jaguars or some such group (cough**The Templars**cough) and when you get smoked 0-8...over and over again...even though your team has 8 ECM mechs while the other team DIDN'T...then you might understand that pilot skill > EMC (even in Pugs).
On I related side note: Really wish someone would make a "while I don't always drink...." pic that says "I don't always make excuses for losing, but when I do....I perfer "They had more ECM than we did".
Edited by Armando, 25 March 2013 - 09:01 PM.