qki, on 23 March 2013 - 06:33 AM, said:
Agree with everything except that :3
Round times are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too short
Sure you might see some tactics in your 4 or 8 man group on TS and such but in a PUG there's NO CHANCE of getting any remotely decent organisation on.
Tourmaline going at 65kph takes on average 3-5 mins of sheer walking before you ever see the enemy, same for alpine.
Bother maps are absolutely HUGE yet ALL of the fighting takes place either by the rolllercoaster thing or just south of Epsilon on alpine I can bet that 90% of the games youve played on these maps end up like that
Wtf is the point in a huge map if the gamemode dosn't promote its use? may as well just have a 2km corridor leading into an arena because that's all that happens