The Trice, on 25 March 2013 - 01:44 PM, said:
1-cryengine should have costed them not more than 100k if more then they are idiots and should have bought unreal engine.
2-thier 3d model designs of mech can be bought on many 3d sites with total of 2000$
3- thier computer cluster would cost 2 million dollars to have and maintain for a year maybe 3 million
And they have 1 million dollar for thier profits( not enough but they are a small group and the game should make them money from the mc)
So pgi have no excuse , they are just lazy as.....
pfff , they can even get the programming right and microsoft guys did it on mw4 at 1998 i can alone!!!! make mw4 given time and already made 3d models and some money like 10000$ for unrealengine and they have 5 million dollars and thats what they got .
Hey Trice...I'm doing everything possible here so we can get PGI to look at this thread as positive and a good idea. Seriously man, please...don't mess this up.
If you're upset with PGI, fine, go create your own thread and yell at them there. Please...don't derail this. I'm sure there are a lot of fans here who want this idea to become reality. I'm asking nicely.
Lyrik, on 25 March 2013 - 01:45 PM, said:
Even in Skyrim with their free and awesome SDK for the game 90% of user generate content is pure buggy crap. 5% are ok buggy crap, 4% are awesome but not finished/buggy and only 1% is really awesome, wow and worth the time to search for them.
Now considering that Skyrim has a much larger fanbase than MWO an so has much an higherr pourcentage on skilled Modder... well yeah, perhaps in 2 years we see one really good map.
Ok, fine, but I'm talking to see if we can get some fan-based art and work to be accepted here. That might be relevant there, but this might be an entirely different animal and it could be possible. However, I'm waiting for the DEV's to comment on this to get their thoughts on this.