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Guess The Clan Mechs

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#41 qki


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 11:28 AM

View PostVassago Rain, on 26 March 2013 - 10:52 AM, said:


Far be it from me to link to the source of CBT knowledge, but...

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pssst. Unseen.

Anyways - Kit Fox and Fire Moth seem the most likely lights - by far the most common. There Is the option of a Mist Lynx, but My money would be on the Fire Moth.

Mediums - Nova, and Stormcrow.

Heavies - Timber Wolf - the most iconic mech ever. Then we have a problem. Hellbringer, Summoner, Mad Dog - all three widely used, and all three come in many different configurations.

Assaults - Dire Wolf and Warhawk are obvious. Ulric's ride (Gargoyle), and Executioner could also make an appearance.

#42 General Taskeen


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 11:39 AM

View PostVassago Rain, on 26 March 2013 - 11:21 AM, said:

The atlas C would be just another atlas variant, with the perk that it can equip clan tech. So they avoid the can of worms of mixtech by putting that in with specific variants.

Easier to balance, and less likely to make anyone mad. For instance, I don't want to switch from my trusty IS atlases to daishis, but if they gave me an atlas C, or an atlas 2? No complaints.

With the case of the basic Atlas C refit, that would be ideal, but I just don't see that happening considering it would have the same exact hardpoints as an Atlas-D. In other words, if Clan Tech were mountable on anything, an Atlas-D ( C ) could be made exactly with a regular Atlas-D (to reduce redundant variants).

I forsee them allowing Clan weapons and certain tech at some point on other Mechs, as all Mech games have done. Probably as an "upgrade" feature like paying C-Bills to Salvage a Clan Mech that you own, and use the gutted tech on whatever you want, or just simply an upgrade C-Bill cost that makes the Clan Gear mountable on Non-Omni Mechs (and then in order to make it back to Omni-Mech mountable, you would pay C-Bills again to convert it). I'm only guessing though, but that seems more likely since it adds additional "C-Bill" sink factors where people have to grind a lot to convert gear back and forth.

As for the Atlas II, that could definitely be added as an extra variant to the Atlas tree, since the hardpoint layout is completely different from an Atlas-D.

Edited by General Taskeen, 26 March 2013 - 11:39 AM.

#43 Sierra19


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 12:58 PM

Has anyone taken a REAL close look at some of the destroyed mechs laying around on Tourmaline desert? Hint, hint...

#44 P e n u m b r a


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:21 PM

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well here is his huncy you can see how its changed for mwo so yeah madcat and uller id say

#45 TehSBGX


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:23 PM

As long as one of those six is a Thor I'm happy.

#46 Weaselball


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:24 PM

View PostGeneral Taskeen, on 26 March 2013 - 11:28 AM, said:

List of stuff: here

Great. But again, that list has no official link. I can also make a post as follows:

List of confirmed changes PGI is making to the game:
  • -Mechs will all shoot bananas.
  • -Mechs are no longer mechs. They are instead magical rainbow turtles.

See? Without any actual links to what the devs say, or where the source info was found, it's all just smoke blown out the ***.

As to an earlier post saying it was in the PAX East video, I'm going to have to trust you on that. I tried watching a few minutes of it but found it incredibly boring and gave up ;)

#47 Fate 6


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:26 PM

Fire Moth
Kit Fox

Storm Crow


Dire Wolf

Give these to me, othing else matters

#48 Odins Fist


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:40 PM

I would like to see the Stormcrow... It's not way over the top, but it's fast ;)

#49 Dran


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:50 PM

Really want to see both the Mad Dog and Hellbringer make an appearance, but I know the Mad Cat will be in there so meh no hope in seeing both right off the bat I guess :/

#50 Shively


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:53 PM

I highly doubt there's no way we won't be getting the most iconic of Clan mechs, and honestly, we'll probably see them before we see IIC models - PGI wants to make that money, so they'd be idiotic not to appease the fans first and foremost. Maybe we'll start seeing IIC models roll out in 2014, I'd love the **** out of getting them earlier, though, but they have enough work to do just getting OmniMech designs implemented.

The Timber Wolf won't not be making an appearance - we've already seen posts from the devs in the past that indicated an impetus to get it in the game. Alongside, we'll most likely see the Summoner or Mad Dog at first, with whichever one we miss initially coming probably a couple months into next year.

The Black Hawk seems like a good choice because it's such a balanced 'mech, so we may very well be seeing it. I'm not certain how likely we are to get the Puma, regardless of how much I want it, due to its silly design and the problem of torso twist. Maybe the Storm Crow?

The Kit Fox seems like a good choice of light 'mech, Maybe the Mist Lynx'll accompany it.

I'm going to go ahead and call the Dire Wolf, but I have no idea whether we'll get the Warhawk or Executioner along with it, and frankly, I don't care.

I'm happy with the Timber Wolf, anything else is just masturbatory. But, the Summoner's a close second. I really dig Heavy 'mechs in general.

Hope you guys're ready for the massive costs/salvagegrind we'll be going through to get them. Might as well start saving up now, just in case.

Edited by Shively, 26 March 2013 - 04:00 PM.

#51 Wolf Ender


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:58 PM

View Postpbiggz, on 26 March 2013 - 10:07 AM, said:

Kit fox, and firemoth

Nova and stormcrow (shadowcat first appears at the battle of luthien in 3052)

Timberwolf and Summoner (summoner is an iconic jade falcon mech i doubt they can afford to overlook)

Warhawk and Direwolf

those would be my best guesses too. gotta have the fire moth!

#52 Voidsinger


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:01 PM

My list of the Clan magic 8-ball

  • Fire Moth
  • Adder
  • Mist Lynx if speed cap cannot be lifted (Need a light jumper)
  • Ice Ferret (Nova has too many hardpoints)
  • Stormcrow
  • Mad Dog
  • Timberwolf
  • Executioner
  • Direwolf
The assaults will likely to be the 2 heaviest, simply because the Timberwolf is that damned good you gain little advantage in loads for the 2 lighter assaults, and it takes care of the jump assault issue.

Lights is likely the most open category. The 150kph barrier works against the Firemoth. The Kit Fox is a bit on the light side.

There is also clan favouritism at work, since Clan Wolf mechs will likely predominate.

The Also-rans for if IIC variants come in:
  • Jenner IIC
  • Conjurer (Wolverine IIC)
  • Glass Spider
  • Kodiak

Edited by Voidsinger, 26 March 2013 - 04:02 PM.

#53 Lil Cthulhu


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:02 PM

View PostBitMonger505, on 26 March 2013 - 10:16 AM, said:

Kodiak is a second line mech and in all likelihood will never be made. Unfortunately. :\

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Give me my damn Kodiak, PGI.

#54 verybad


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:07 PM

Urbanmech IIC.

I expect this will be the first release (I would love to see the qq if it were ;) )!

I'm hoping the Daishi ISN'T in the first release, as then what is left to release for clan Assaults? I'd prefer they let loose some of the smaller assaults first.

Edited by verybad, 26 March 2013 - 04:11 PM.

#55 Whiteshark


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:11 PM

Light - Fire Moth, Kit Fox
Medium - Hunchback IIC, Shadow Cat
Heavy - Timber Wolf, Summoner or Hellbringer
Assault - Dire Wolf, Stone Rhino (Unseen)

#56 Phoenix Gray


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:12 PM

I'm guessing the Baboon.

Knowing PGI, with six energy hardpoints.

#57 OneManWar


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:13 PM

I have this hidden hope and strange feeling that they've been working on the clans for a long time and we're gonna get half of the original 16 omnis when the clans finally debut, or even all of them.

We have 19 IS mechs announced, probably at least 1 more announced in the next couple months. To start with just 4 mechs I dont think would work. You would be facing a team of clones. At least 8 to start and like I said maybe even the full 16. Every month they've been making 1 IS mech, I have this dream that they've been doing 1 Clan one as well. It would make sense. You cant do an invasion with a handful of mechs, so I'm thinking a huge content patch. We know we'll at least most likely get all the clan weapons in one shot, so why not the mechs too?

A guy can always dream.

#58 Lucian Nostra


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:23 PM

View PostSgtMagor, on 26 March 2013 - 10:40 AM, said:

most of them already listed. but I guessing will see the Kodiak or Gladiator before the Dire Wolf shows up ;)

How would you see the Kodiak and Executioner over the super Iconic Dire Wolf? I mean my god besides the Timber Wolf nothing screams CLAN like a Dire Wolf.

If they stick to 3050 like I hope they do and spit out 8 clan mechs I'd see:

Fire Moth / Myst Lynx - Something lighter than average instead of a pair of heavy lights
Kit Fox - Good combat worthy light

Viper / Ice Ferret - Lighter medium machine on the Viper but the Ice Ferret dodges the no torso twist issue
Stormcrow - Very iconic medium mech would be almost a crime to leave it out

Heavies: (this is sticky)
Mad Dog / Timber Wolf - Look only 1 of these will and should make it in the first wave, they both rock LRMs and being what it is I see the Timber Wolf beating out the Mad Dog, I don't think they will delay long on the Mad Dog release but I see it sitting aside for the start.
Hellbringer / Summoner - I'd prefer to see the Hellbringer make it in before the Summoner but the Summoner has a following and I see it making it first.

Dire Wolf

(not much to say on assaults, the Gargoyle and Executioner just don't compare)

Edited by Lucian Nostra, 26 March 2013 - 04:33 PM.

#59 Novakaine


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:27 PM

There are no Clans.
The Clans do not exist.
The Clans are a myth.
You have been warned.
FedCom MilSec

#60 Vapor Trail


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:53 PM

My rationale. Pretty much the first waves of the invasion were omnis. The second line mechs (non-omni designs and IIC redesigns) were used as garrison mechs and really weren't seen by the Inner Sphere combat arms until they started retaking planets.

My picks:

Adder: Basically a Clan light striker omni. Designed to be capable of emulating the loadouts of IS mechs, and being common amongst the clans, has the best mix of lore and versatility.

Myst Lynx: Basically the light recon omni. Also extremely common, and sufficiently different from the Adder to allow for some variety.

Ice Ferret: Medium Recon mech, also capable in deep strike/raid. Clan Wolf fields this commonly, and other clans have them.

Stormcrow: Medium Strike/Pursuit mech. Capable of dealing with lights and mounting enough firepower give heavies pause. Common among the invading Clans.

Timberwolf: Gotta have it, it's an icon.

Hellbringer: Largest contrast in the heavy catagory to the Timberwolf, and is widespread among the Clans.

Warhawk: (one of my personal favorite assaults) I just want this one.

Other alternatives, such as the Dire Wolf, might be just too heavy as the intro mechs... even the Warhawk might be pushing it.

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