Heavy Vs. The World! Winners Announced!
Posted 26 March 2013 - 10:01 PM
wow that must be how disinterested i really am.
Posted 26 March 2013 - 10:34 PM
Congratulations to all of the winners and I will see you on the battlefield.
Posted 26 March 2013 - 11:21 PM
In a way I think you might be scoring too many results, which enables "gaming" the stats. Ultimately, just because you TAGged someone didn't mean you helped your team better than if you had picked another Laser, especially if you only swtiched between target slike madness to get the results.
What you could do is add a modifier based on the final match result - if you won a match, you get an extra 25 % bonus on the points made in that match.
I like however how you did the "pick the 10 best matches", though I migh thave gone with the "pick a row of 10 matches that is overall best". 10 best matches can be very much like cherry-picking, but delivering consistently outstanding performance over 10 successive matches is much harder. But I suppose in the end either is good. This way it's at least not an endurance test.
Posted 26 March 2013 - 11:35 PM
Thanks PGI for these Tournaments :-)
You are getting better at the tournaments . I really liked the idea of the 10 best games. To further refine that you should only take the first 20-30 matches for the 10 best games. So skill and constant performance are more important thant dropping the entire weekend to get 10 perfect matches.
And it would be nice to see our personnal performance on our stats page. And the number of the players who participated.
Thanks :-)
Posted 27 March 2013 - 12:50 AM
They left games when there were no prefect game possible anymore, had support in form of syncdropping (better usage of Tag).
So its bad for the team when the player (best player) left because he cant do an assist before 1st kill. I mean thats not fun anymore.
I dont say that all winners did this but i saw some from the upper end of the bracket doing this!
Posted 27 March 2013 - 12:53 AM
Posted 27 March 2013 - 01:37 AM
Overall the direction is positive and I can't wait what kind of tournaments there will be in the future. So even if this post might take a negative tone later, I have high hopes!
"Pluses and minuses for this tournament"
+ Top x games a lot better than an aggregate system.
+ New mech in the spotlight. If I would have had more time this weekend I would have mastered all 3 jagers just for the fun of it... And take part in tourney!
- Scoring system was ludicrous. Tagging and spotting is worth 40 points while a kill and assist is 30? What is this nonsense? If you play a 8 kill game that IS a perfect game.. but with this system you would get what.. 30 *8 + 100 = 340 points.. this times 10 would not even get you in the top 100..
- Somehow these tournament bring the worst in players. And I understand it (kinda), you can't win by playing without exploiting (and the tag/spotting was exactly that). Shouldn't tournaments reward good team play and skill?
So here are my suggestions for the future. Note that they might not work with current matchmaking being what it is.
"Tournament of my dream"
- Win/Lose RATIO!
- Avg over x games. The bigger number the better. 50 games minimum. I know this sounds like a lot to some but this is a tournament.. and if I recall correct the most games played by one player in the first tournament was close to 500 games.
- Light/Medium/Heavy/Assault classes like usual.
Some things have to be improved however before this is possible.. no way a 5 vs 8 game should be allowed to happen.. or if it did these should not count. Bugs, crashes etc. also might ruin the experience for some.
Well this turned out to be a long post, so if anyone has some refinements to my suggestion, please reply and let's see if we could work out a tournament most of us would be happy with.. (pretty impossible task)

Posted 27 March 2013 - 02:39 AM
Posted 27 March 2013 - 03:25 AM
Marineballer, on 27 March 2013 - 12:50 AM, said:
They left games when there were no prefect game possible anymore, had support in form of syncdropping (better usage of Tag).
So its bad for the team when the player (best player) left because he cant do an assist before 1st kill. I mean thats not fun anymore.
I dont say that all winners did this but i saw some from the upper end of the bracket doing this!
I saw some guys leaving in the first minutes of the match when there wasn't a big chance to get many kills or assists.
They are rewarded for that behavior with MC.
So gratz to the winners except those guys cheating and rage quitting matches just for the score.
Posted 27 March 2013 - 04:21 AM
However, my best 10 out of 20 was NOT better than your best 10 out of 50. Go figure?! <3 PGI LOL
Posted 27 March 2013 - 04:40 AM
Marineballer, on 27 March 2013 - 12:50 AM, said:
They left games when there were no prefect game possible anymore, had support in form of syncdropping (better usage of Tag).
So its bad for the team when the player (best player) left because he cant do an assist before 1st kill. I mean thats not fun anymore.
I dont say that all winners did this but i saw some from the upper end of the bracket doing this!
I just wanted to step in here. I played a ton during this tourney (particularly since my fellow 1st ghost Cyborx led my score ALL WEEKEND) and I ran into every last one of the leaders and a ton of the top 10 s on each board. I saw so few d/cs by the guys in the hunt I would be willing to say they were not intentional. I know I locked up 3 straight matches on Saturday right after first contact but overall I saw a much more sportsman like run this weekend. Previous tourneys we had people getting thief assists and dropping or my favorite the going or legging teammates that were ahead of you on the leaderboard. The only time i saw something unsportsmanlike is when I dropped with Cyborx on my team and I put my ppcs in his back......erhmm...
Posted 27 March 2013 - 05:33 AM
Posted 27 March 2013 - 06:49 AM
Well done all, this weekend.
Posted 27 March 2013 - 07:03 AM
Kmieciu, on 27 March 2013 - 05:33 AM, said:
Of course, and you know why ? Because all three Dragon variants can equip the tag AND narc, large lasers for long range easy assists, a big engine to run fast into the enemy and enough armor to survive. The Dragon was best for those scoring rules.
So you basically do your assist thing, if it works rack up points, if it doesn't d/c and reroll the dice with another variant with basically the same loadout. GG
Seriously though this is BS, if you want to do a heavy tournament do it based on damage inflicted, components destroyed, kills and kill assists based on how much damage you inflicted on the enemy mech that was destroyed. You know, things that are actually useful during a match, especially from a Heavy mech.
I don't know who said that he prefered the guy that cored the atlas rather than the "clown" that destroyed all the side torsos. Well dude whoever you are, I'd rather have a "clown" that leaves the Atlas stripped of all weapons in half the time your progamer takes to get past his CT armor. JS
Edited by Cervantes88, 27 March 2013 - 07:06 AM.
Posted 27 March 2013 - 07:07 AM
Glad to hear the bug was isolated.
Congrats to the winners, and well played PGI for awarding before and after match adjustments!
Posted 27 March 2013 - 07:17 AM
My thoughts on scoring would be more centered on the team aspect. Event though in my opinion, kills means nothing in a team game, because if you get 3 kills but the rest of your team gets nothing you still lose. I think it should be based on damage and assists. The assists should be quality not quantity though. Shooting each enemy once with a ac2 means jack. This shows that you are participating and causing havok. Snipers generally can get some kills by picking off the wounded but their damage amount is usually not as great as a team member who works together to take down an enemy.
I was getting anywhere from 1-3 kills per match with 3-7 assists and usually within the top 3 for damage. However, I came no where near averaging 700 points per match let alone 500.
The scoring was definitely whacky for this type of challenge.
Posted 27 March 2013 - 07:31 AM
And good work by PGI to recognize a problem and correct it by awarding two sets of winners.
As to the scoring method, much better than before, but using TAG and spotting as what makes the difference in a heavy mech only tournament??? That just don't make no sense!!!

Edited by Merc85, 27 March 2013 - 07:31 AM.
Posted 27 March 2013 - 07:34 AM

To everyone else asking to see their place, "WHAAAH WHAHH WHAAAH I wanna know my position!" If you weren't top 3, you were last. Leave PGI alone. How many ppl opted in to the tourny? Couple thousand? You wanna know where you stand in some 2 page list? If you aren't first you are last, that is where you land. Deal with it.

Posted 27 March 2013 - 08:03 AM
Thontor, on 27 March 2013 - 07:37 AM, said:
I played 91 matches. I've started doing a cut and paste into Excel of the mech stats before the tournament and after the tournament so I can do some post-mortem on where I need to work on builds.
I also want to point out an interesting phenomenon I noticed: essentially no ECM last weekend. I have to assume a large majority of the ECM users out there were participating in the tournament.
Should there be a heavy build with ECM?
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