every single time more than 1 solo light goes for a base cap, it's done by a premade.
i've been defending assault mode when i interject my opinion into these assault vs tdm threads, because most of the time when i get the "base under attack" notification i turn around and defend the base myself (i typically play faster mechs. spent all day today eliting spiders, working on cents too, and my main mech is my cda-3m)
however, what im seeing now all of a sudden are premades that intentionally dont fight and just go for base caps. it happened maybe once or twice earlier today (no big deal. shrugged it off), but now i just hit 2 matches in a row where 2 different premades didnt fire a single shot and went straight to base.
i still prefer assault over a pure tdm mode but i'll admit that 2 matches in a row of that crap is enough to make me switch my mode select from "any" to "conquest"
i know nothing will come from this post but if someone who runs a premade that base rushes happens to open this up, do me a favor and explain to me why you prefer showcasing your complete lack of skill over using the fact that you're a premade to do things like play tactically.
do you honestly have fun booting up the game and then not playing it?
is this just a glorified mech driving sim to you and not a mech combat sim?
i myself (especially when skilling up my 5k and 5v..) have been known to run to the enemy base in an attempt to split their forces if i know my mech isnt exactly combat-capable. but using it as a distraction and then escaping to the main battle is one thing...sending an entire premade group of mechs to the base with cap modules is something else entirely.
Edited by Vividos, 28 March 2013 - 07:20 PM.