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Streak Srm

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#1 MechWarrior131925


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:30 PM

Ok, I am a bit confused on this one. I have BAP and have tag, however I cannot get any lock on with the Streaks with any mech with an ECM. My reticle sits on them but it will not lock on...is this the ecm overpowering they are talking about? Also, the 3L I was targeting could lock his streaks on me...doesn't seem logical.

#2 Paladinmow


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:34 PM

You need to have an ECM to counter his or someone else on your team does.

#3 Redshift2k5

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:38 PM

The BAP doesn't help vs ECM, so that's out of the equation

As for using TAG, you can only TAG on someone who has/is under ECM while you are at a certain range. you must be outside of the 180m area of effect to receive the benefits of TAG

TAG is explained in detail here http://mwowiki.org/wiki/TAG They say "TAG completely nullifies ECM (One target only) if the beam is held on the target from beyond the ECM's range." They issue you're having is probably because you are not "beyond the ECM's range" *(180 meters)

#4 Koniving

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Posted 30 March 2013 - 05:08 PM

As Red has stated, you must have your TAG pointing at the ECM mech the entire time. You must also be outside of 180 meters. Remember that "TAG" struggles to penetrate ECM bubbles, and as such a lock on can take up to 5 seconds or more. This makes the idea of using Streaks to fight enemy ECM mechs without an ECM of your own pretty much pointless.

Personally I find having 4 SRM-4 or SRM-6 racks, and a mech with a fast enough torso twist to lead a target to be much better. Twist. Fire. Watch that ECM mech explode.

#5 MechWarrior131925


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 05:04 AM

Thanks guys for the replies.

I ran Streaks this weekend on and off. I think that the main concern with these is that if the ECM nullifies them (hard to get out of that ECM range against a 140kph raven) that they should allow for them to be dry fired just like the SRMs.

They already compensate for the accuracy of them by adding in more weight and keeping a streak to 2 missile vollys, however the disadvantage of losing its ability to fire seems a little ridiculous. If the concern is that then it would be too overpowered then make another disadvantage by lowering the amount of ammo per ton.

#6 Just wanna play


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 06:33 AM

do you have an acm??? if so, you can disrupt his ecm

#7 Elyam


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 06:47 AM

You can also coordinate with a team member(s) who are using PPC to have them repeatedly hit the ECM-bearing mech to disrupt it.

#8 Buckminster


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 06:50 AM

I love Streaks on my 3L (cheese, I know), but I have avoided it on my other mechs because of the ECM issue. Even though they are still fairly effective against non-ECM mechs, I don't like bringing a weapon to the game that may be rendered useless.

Maybe a week ago, I ran into a Streak Cat (haven't seen one in a long time) in my 3L. He was the last mech on their team, and I kinda felt bad. There was absolutely nothing he could do to me - all he could do was try and out run me while I shot him to pieces.

#9 MechWarrior131925


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 04:44 AM

LOL, Buck...kinda felt bad. Never feel pity for the enemy!

I think the solution to this issue would be to do one of 2 things. Either allow the Streak to be dry fired like the SRMs but also lock if non-ecm interference is present or prevent any ECM mech that is in disrupt mode to lose its lock ability.

I think either one of those solutions would even out the playing field. It is irritating when I am faced with a ECM scout that has streaks that is able to use theirs but mine are rendered useless.

PGI you paying attention?

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