Hud, on 30 March 2013 - 10:20 PM, said:
All this DOOM AND GLOOM stuff needs to end wait and see im sure they dont need your help destroying their own game they seem to be doing that just fine
But what do you think a new player feels about the game when they come here and all they see is the crying and whining (they stop playing) WE NEED MORE PEOPLE playing the game.
Also more people means more micro transactions so MAYBE just MAYBE that will cover w/e cost they feel that needs covering by bringing in Premium CW only. TA DA i saved the game

wah wah wah god forbid others disagree with you, the game is fine, the monetization is fine, dont like it ******* leave, theres the door. quit crying because you dont like it. you dont like it, leave, there are PLENTY who do enjoy it and have NO PROBLEM with the monetization. Of couse im a troll or an asskiss because i dont whine like you, but im okay with it, because when I dont like the price of something, I dont buy it. Not cry because others dont have a problem with it.