It's been a while since I've posted. I'll keep this short.
Solaris would initiate a major profit margin.
Practice quick matches free and earn varying C-bill rewards for placement.
-Make the yearly season a reality with MC entry fee.
Set times for daily matches of each weight category.
Free to spectate from floating maneuverable camera 1st & 3rd perspective.
-Discount starting entry fee for quick auctions so present spectators can fill any no-show competitor slots.
-Make you tube sessions showing the best of the official matches with commentary, as well as advertising with emphasis the best in depth qualities of the game/techniques. Season a year on the game channel I heard of once?
Make LRMs able to be shot down, to some degree, with lasers of high enough power. (anything in this manner would be thrilling)
Consider joint shots of enough power to lock components in place before destroying them?
A stalker shot in the waist?

Better just slightly slow its twist with a grinding sound...
Arms get fused to torso?
Make them slim, hard to hit spots.
If we could initiate or join the wait for a match, while still being able to tinker in the mechlab/all other tabs, ect... more players would invest their time into the faction combat option.
When match gets full and initiates the countdown, player gets pop up with same count down to save/discard whatever they were working on and return to the lobby clicking READY in the pop up.
Waiting in a lobby not full without any option to do anything else has always been participatory downfall, so I believe.
Cheers and thanks for boulders rolling down a hill,
"Remember, Be Here Now"
-Ram Dass