Belorion, on 31 March 2013 - 05:07 PM, said:
In there somewhere he says that Merc Corps will have to work with the House troops from the faction they are working with...
We don't know what that means right now, so we don't know they will only be fighting other Merc units.
I believe it was stated (months ago, maybe in the PC Gamer article) that the mercs will be fighting on the border worlds, where the houses will be fighting for the worlds surrounding the core world which cannot be taken.
Here's my prediction: If the border worlds (held by merc corps) fall, then the faction worlds are hit. The faction worlds (fronts) have to remain intact for the factions to gain their passive bonuses, technologies, and maybe house specific battlemechs. If the mercs do their job, then the houses SHOULD be safe. But a merc corp, even when they're holding planets in a factions name really don't have any homes to fall back to, where the factions have core worlds. So, with merc corps its all or nothing, where factions players will always have an income no matter how bad a player they are. Then again, the rewards for merc corps may be far more significant - if fleeting - than the faction players will ever dream of.
One of the things that is bugging me - and I'm sure bugging many people - is how the clan will fit in. I presume they'll just have their territory and that's it, as in, they won't have mercs and everywhere will be 'the front.' But we still don't even know if the clans will be a playable faction, will we? And if so, what is the incentive for playing anything other than the clans given the tech disparity? And I see five or more replies have happened since I started writing... lol