I mean what the hell, I support PGI and this... this is what we get. Might as well call it OMFGRAVENP2WONLINE now. ****!
For those that haven't seen it, Properity Park has brought us warning of this horribad design choice.
If this is what we can expect i'm out, i quit, I'm done, seleing my mechs and giving my cbills away to charity. it's not even worth it to be space rich any more. I QUIT!!!!!
Prosperity Park, on 01 April 2013 - 07:29 AM, said:
New Hero Mech
“The NeverMore” RVN-NMr
Mounting a massive Vox 280XL Engine, 3 Jump Jets putting those wings to good use, and loaded with the latest high-tech equipment, this chick will leave any Information Warfare specialist drooling... ECM? Oh yeah. BAP? Sure, why not? TAG? You’re It. Endosteel? DHS? FFA? Psh, of course! 4 Missile Tubes and 4 Energy Hardpoints? Well... okay, if you insist :-D Oh wait, you still want that 30% C-bill boost, huh? Well, I just asked Paul about it and he said we couldn't do it this time. Good thing nobody listens to him, huh?
- Base Mech: Raven
- Tonnage: 35
- Engine: 280 XL
- Max Engine Rating: 300 (for now…)
- Top Speed: 133.7 kph
- Torso Twist: 120 degrees to each side
- Armor: 215 points Ferro-Fibrous
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: 2 Small Laser
- Left Torso: 2 SSRM 2
- Right Torso: TAG, Beagle Active Probe, Guardian ECM
- Right Arm: Medium Laser
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 2 Energy
- Left Torso: 2 Missile
- Right Torso: 1 Energy
- Right Arm: 1 Energy
- Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
- Heat Sinks: 10 Double
- Jump Jets: 3/3
- ECM Capable?: Yes
- Module Slots: 2
- 30% C-Bill Bonus
I mean rarrghh rabble rabble garble gurble. blah blah blah irrational rage noises!
Thank you to Prosperity for his joke and the opportunity to make my very own rage i quit thread, and all praise be to the mods for the generous bounty of K-town.