Long before mankind reached out for the stars, the nations of Terra waged generations of war against one another. While each conflict underscored the barbarism and technological savvy of the human species, the Second World War stands out as the most epic and critical of them all. Locked in battle on land, sea, and air, World War II spared few as the Allied nations fought to hold back the imperial ambitions of the Axis powers.
Experimental Technical Readout: 1945 samples a number of designs that played a key role in the largest, and perhaps most critical conflict in Terra’s pre-spaceflight history. Representing the military capabilities of the mid-twentieth century powers, most of the designs featured in this book are obsolete even by the standards of the Age of War, their weapons and armor rendered completely ineffective long before the days of the BattleMech. But if you’re going to insist on using the anyway, statistics are included for 24 iconic vehicles and warplanes of the Second World War, complete with special rules that make them ready for play—either against each other, or against thirty-first century tech in BattleTech games where you need a chuckle.
Experimental Technical Readout: 1945 PDF (Buy From BattleCorps)
Experimental Technical Readout: 1945 PDF (Buy From DriveThruRPG)