We are getting the same thing in the US with low ping...the problem has to be in the patch...and i don't want to hear about drivers...i run amd and i am all updated.....never had a problem before this patch

[Bug] Black Screen After Joining A Game..
Started by Fishbulb333, Apr 02 2013 12:02 PM
190 replies to this topic
Posted 03 April 2013 - 09:53 AM
Posted 03 April 2013 - 10:00 AM
Everyone should go here and participate to help compile some data.
Everyone should go here and participate to help compile some data.
Posted 03 April 2013 - 10:04 AM
Just had a full CTD. Tourmaline, Assault. Tourmaline seems to be heavier, more prone to this.
Posted 03 April 2013 - 10:07 AM
Almost every game I try to start, black screen.
Sometimes it eventually pulls through and I can play......most times.....no.
Updated drivers etc etc, nothing.
Sometimes it eventually pulls through and I can play......most times.....no.
Updated drivers etc etc, nothing.
Posted 03 April 2013 - 10:20 AM
Having the same problem here in the US(WA state). A couple of other people I was in a 4 man with had the exact same problem.
Posted 03 April 2013 - 11:06 AM
Same for me, Fu....ing...black screen...with an uptodate ATI driver.....ping around 250..New Caledonia.
Posted 03 April 2013 - 12:05 PM
Concered about the blackscreen crashes possibly being latency related, I frequently move between NA and EU & have friends I play with all over the world, if the servers are split up I'd like to continue playing on the NA servers, but if this bug isn't resolved by then I'd basically be forced to switch to EU servers, unless I can move servers freely (or even for a nominal fee) this will be a major headache - either buy each item twice and earn each point of XP twice, or be restricted to playing with a small chunk of my friends list.
Crazy polygons, updated drivers before patch, bug still occurs frequently, also tried rolling back to previous version, no change noted.
My 2 cents - I personally highly doubt the black screen bug is purely due to latency, 2 of the guys I was playing with last night are in Canada (Vancouver + Toronto) both have very high speed connections and were getting both of the above bugs with roughly the same frequency as myself.
Crazy polygons, updated drivers before patch, bug still occurs frequently, also tried rolling back to previous version, no change noted.
My 2 cents - I personally highly doubt the black screen bug is purely due to latency, 2 of the guys I was playing with last night are in Canada (Vancouver + Toronto) both have very high speed connections and were getting both of the above bugs with roughly the same frequency as myself.
Edited by Fishbulb333, 03 April 2013 - 12:19 PM.
Posted 03 April 2013 - 12:13 PM
24 hrs later, and still nothing concrete on this?
18 attempted drops from time of patch load yesterday and 100% black screen on entry. The one match where I waited around to see what happened, I eventually landed in game at the Game Over screen seeing that my teem captured the enemy base. Then that screen wouldn't go away and left my mech stranded in the match along with the others in black-screen no-man's land.
Game is unplayable at this point. Mechlab works fine, as does training grounds. I realize that training grounds doesn't use server connections, so that's pointing to a problem at the server level if you ask me.
Core i7 laptop with ATI Radeon HD 6750
Always play with ALL graphic settings at their lowest
Windowed fullscreen, fullscreen, windowed all have same issue
All resolutions have same issue.
Never had a problem playing for hours on end before other than the normal few crashes to mechlab, etc. that most people see. My ping is high (~600 at times), but I tested this on another connection at 120ms ping and same thing.
Launch from mechlab
See map loading screen as normal
Black screen between load and startup sequence never ends.
Now we have a poll pinned. Does that really mean anything? This is obviously happening to multiple people, so we don't need a poll to make it worth PGI's time to fix it. Tremendous amount of people experiencing frame-rate drops and lag greater than normal also shows there is a huge hole in this patch, whether client or server side.
I know PGI probably gets sick of hearing that "I can play ALL my other online games just fine", as it doesn't say anything specific to the trouble-shooting process here, but it is indicative of a massive problem with PGI code. Even with my high ping, I have no issues playing other FPS games (most much more reliant on fast action / response times than MWO).
If we need a poll on anything, we need a poll on whether we'd all give up new shiny stuff for a couple months or so in favor of code that is actually stable and productive to sustainable gameplay. Chalk me up for YES.
PGI - You are allowing people to pay you money to have access to items in your game. You are also doing what appears to be a great job at insuring that some of us cannot access those items. This must be fixed. There is no need for a poll to see whether or not you need to operate under good business practices. Hire a team that is not afraid to tell it like it is and let us know what is going on. It is our investment that keeps you going. Both time and money. Yes, you probably have stores of cash coming in from publisher / investors that outweighs our input at this time, but I assume you need us in the long run.
Perhaps you've issued a response somewhere that I can't find detailing how you plan to compensate all affected parties by replacing premium time or refunding some MC or something. I apologize if I missed that part.
If you continue to act like this is beta in order to assume no risk during the process, then you must also rise up and take care of your player base when you fall on your face like this. Games are not life-support, and we don't need to play them 24 hours a day, but that works both ways. It means you don't have to be Johnny-on-the-spot with 100% fixes, but it also means we don't have to play. Somewhere in the middle is a spot where you communicate to us and we are allowed to respond in a productive manner. You don't communicate, we yell and throw tantrums. We don't respond constructively, and you stop listening. Neither of those produce winning games.
I for one want MWO to be a winning game. I'll do my part to offer non-crying, constructive information from my end. I'd like to ask that PGI stop hiding behind "it's beta", must be high ping, alt-tab fixes, and needless polls as a crutch. Those seem to be all we have since there is no official response on any of this.
If you choose to offer for sale things that are only useful in a stable, playable environment, then get us that environment to use those things in. If you can't, then take some time to stop taking our cash for a buggy game and fix the bugs. If that cash is all that's keeping you going, then hire a new business manager and get a better plan together. I'm sure we'd all be more than happy to shower you with cash once this game is everything you're telling us it's supposed to be.
18 attempted drops from time of patch load yesterday and 100% black screen on entry. The one match where I waited around to see what happened, I eventually landed in game at the Game Over screen seeing that my teem captured the enemy base. Then that screen wouldn't go away and left my mech stranded in the match along with the others in black-screen no-man's land.
Game is unplayable at this point. Mechlab works fine, as does training grounds. I realize that training grounds doesn't use server connections, so that's pointing to a problem at the server level if you ask me.
Core i7 laptop with ATI Radeon HD 6750
Always play with ALL graphic settings at their lowest
Windowed fullscreen, fullscreen, windowed all have same issue
All resolutions have same issue.
Never had a problem playing for hours on end before other than the normal few crashes to mechlab, etc. that most people see. My ping is high (~600 at times), but I tested this on another connection at 120ms ping and same thing.
Launch from mechlab
See map loading screen as normal
Black screen between load and startup sequence never ends.
Now we have a poll pinned. Does that really mean anything? This is obviously happening to multiple people, so we don't need a poll to make it worth PGI's time to fix it. Tremendous amount of people experiencing frame-rate drops and lag greater than normal also shows there is a huge hole in this patch, whether client or server side.
I know PGI probably gets sick of hearing that "I can play ALL my other online games just fine", as it doesn't say anything specific to the trouble-shooting process here, but it is indicative of a massive problem with PGI code. Even with my high ping, I have no issues playing other FPS games (most much more reliant on fast action / response times than MWO).
If we need a poll on anything, we need a poll on whether we'd all give up new shiny stuff for a couple months or so in favor of code that is actually stable and productive to sustainable gameplay. Chalk me up for YES.
PGI - You are allowing people to pay you money to have access to items in your game. You are also doing what appears to be a great job at insuring that some of us cannot access those items. This must be fixed. There is no need for a poll to see whether or not you need to operate under good business practices. Hire a team that is not afraid to tell it like it is and let us know what is going on. It is our investment that keeps you going. Both time and money. Yes, you probably have stores of cash coming in from publisher / investors that outweighs our input at this time, but I assume you need us in the long run.
Perhaps you've issued a response somewhere that I can't find detailing how you plan to compensate all affected parties by replacing premium time or refunding some MC or something. I apologize if I missed that part.
If you continue to act like this is beta in order to assume no risk during the process, then you must also rise up and take care of your player base when you fall on your face like this. Games are not life-support, and we don't need to play them 24 hours a day, but that works both ways. It means you don't have to be Johnny-on-the-spot with 100% fixes, but it also means we don't have to play. Somewhere in the middle is a spot where you communicate to us and we are allowed to respond in a productive manner. You don't communicate, we yell and throw tantrums. We don't respond constructively, and you stop listening. Neither of those produce winning games.
I for one want MWO to be a winning game. I'll do my part to offer non-crying, constructive information from my end. I'd like to ask that PGI stop hiding behind "it's beta", must be high ping, alt-tab fixes, and needless polls as a crutch. Those seem to be all we have since there is no official response on any of this.
If you choose to offer for sale things that are only useful in a stable, playable environment, then get us that environment to use those things in. If you can't, then take some time to stop taking our cash for a buggy game and fix the bugs. If that cash is all that's keeping you going, then hire a new business manager and get a better plan together. I'm sure we'd all be more than happy to shower you with cash once this game is everything you're telling us it's supposed to be.
Posted 03 April 2013 - 01:44 PM
I re-installed the client and still got the same black screen. Difference is, if I keep Alt-Tabbing out and in again until I see my cursor on screen, I dropped every time. Not acceptable but at least I can play now.
Posted 03 April 2013 - 01:48 PM
Another high-pinging Aussie getting the 5 minute black screen

Posted 03 April 2013 - 02:34 PM
Please create a new thread for post-hotfix issues to help us keep tabs on new issues.
Please create a new thread for post-hotfix issues to help us keep tabs on new issues.
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