Tie Ma, on 03 April 2013 - 09:44 PM, said:
the 3L will still dominate in the light circuit. no light mech can carry ER PPC to combat the ECM/sSRM combo.
and if they allowed everymech to have ECM. it would be the replacement for AMS. nobody would ever carry AMS. and everbody would have ECM.
Indeed they must make that any ECM bearer can be locked (of course with longer lock-on times unless you don't narc/tag him or use BAP to speed up the lock-on) onto by streaks and lrms whenever gets under 250m from any enemy mech, making it spotted for the rest of the team. Do you have BAP? Detection range increases to 300m, lock on is slower than when locking unecm'd mechs but faster than without bap). Do you have BAP and bear the Adv. Sensor Range module? Detection range is upped to 350m. No Bap but Adv Sensor Range? 300m again.
With or without modules and bap, once anyone with ECM gets closer than 250m from any enemy mech, he becomes spotted. Reduce tag range accordingly (making it go back to either 450 or 500m). ECM would be a tactical tool to infiltrate enemy lines, spot, tag, snipe, go capping undetected thanks for the new heat vision that cuts out at 750m.
Neutering the situational awareness break in the map is a nice nerf, but it's still not enough. Screw counter mode and make that ECM applies only to the bearer.
With ECM still working with counter/distrupt Streaks along with 2Ds and 3Ls will keep being the easy mode and with ECM still covering allied mechs it is going to remain too effective, due to the alternative vision modes nerf.