Ok, so there are my stats, since we're posting stats to validate our positions. I hope I'm veteran enough for this thread.
My responses:
Bugs are a HUGE issue. Probably the biggest. And yet we continue with monetization and new content (which introduces more bugs, funny how content works), and the core game mode isn't even in yet. Supposedly this isn't even the end UI!
LRM seem underpowered, but I use them rarely. I will defer to you. SRM/SSRM are still killing people for me, and how! Not sure if they're killing people SLOWER, but frankly if they were unfairly benefitting from MASSIVE damage bonuses due to borked splash, I can live with a properly working system, because the previous numbers were a bug and I cannot expect PGI to rebalance the game around formerly bugged performance.
Ballistics are all effed up. LB is useless, and the AC10 needs some kind of serious buff (probably ROF) to make it worthwhile. Machine gun isn't functional. The CRIT SYSTEM PGI designed is insane, worthless, and unnecessarily complicated. Get rid of it, go back to crit rolls, redo the MG as a cooldown weapon, and suddenly both it and LB pellets are worthwhile.
Here is the first disagreement - cannons can't fit in a Catapult. Yes, they can - evidenced by the fact that PGI remodeled the mech to swap 'machine gun ports' for HORKING BIG CANNONS. IF you are willing to completely strip a mech, lower armor on components, waive your right to an XL engine, and generally be gimped in all manner of ways, yes...you can carry two AC20. You can do that in your torso, or in stub-arms like the K2 has or the Jager. There are drawbacks, as I said. However , a 65 ton mech has the critslots and the weight to carry two big cannons.
Mechs that 'had to lock arms' as you refer to were using the tabletop rule that let you take something big, like an AC20, and split the installation between an arm and the torso. This game doesn't allow that. If it did, EVERY Centurion could be a YLW. There is probably no way to do that in this game engine. It saddens me, because it means the King Crab cannot be, but I will waive one of my fave mechs in the interest of the game being easier to finish.
Besides, we can now lock arms. All they'd have to do is make that non-optional on some mechs.
Heat management is a touchy subject. I think they need to stop the lie that "true DHS will break the game" since you can get damned close NOW. True, they make you elite out three mechs to do it, and you need a 250 engine, but you CAN do it. THE PROBLEM with heat management is the breaking point. A system that is too effective makes energy builds trivial, which destroys the game (boating is already hated, if boating was also THE BEST WAY TO PLAY, the game would implode). There is room for improvement in the heat system, and I won't refuse softer heat...but I think the system is fine. If they start throwing us cooling system bones, things come apart fast.
Clan tech/play/bacon is too up in the air right now to worry about. Yes, in THIS system Clan weapons will be SEVERELY heat forked. They might also need to be with their range, weight, and damage bonuses. Fortunately, PGI has been so vague on CW and Clans that I'm not worried in the slightest - because I assume they're just never coming in my lifetime.
Now, here is another area where we disagree. Salvo firing SHOULD NOT ADD MAGIC HEAT. If it did, people would just chain fire, and take the same level of guns. All it would do is spread damage a little. It isn't a fix because salvo firing isn't a problem. DPS versus Burst has been a tradeoff in every major game for years. Nothing says MWO must be built in DPS. A burst player is at an extreme disadvantage if they miss a lot, while a DPS player can take them apart. I can see where you got this, if you are coming from 'matches are too short.' I don't think they are, because I don't want 30 minute matches. Maybe CW will change that, but I doubt it.
Mechlab HAS internal balances - crit slots and mech tonnage. No, it is not realistic to say that the Raven has the same internal area in an arm as a Stalker...or is it? Every mech can 'strap on' as many things as those crit slots will allow, and then the armor is spread over it. Clearly, the smaller weapons are more effective because the target is smaller, but that doesn't mean the weapons HAVE to be smaller. It may not have the same internal DIMENSIONS...to start...but it can if you really want to attach a GodCannon to the left side of your birdmech.
Let's say they redo the model for the Raven just like the Tusker Guns on the K2 now. Then it has a big horking cannon on one side when someone installs an AC20 or gauss. Then what we have is a mech that weighs 35 tons, uses the available critslots, and has a hitbox more in line with what it is carrying. Nothing in that formula is unrealistic. Frankly they need to do this for both gearheads like me, and for balance. I WANT to see models change with what is in them, because it is friggin cool. Before they did this, I assumed it was impossible and told people to deal with it. The K2 changes (the FIRST ones, with the PPC tubes) showed us that is not true, so the models need to all have some work redone to reflect 'major' changes. No, I don't mean changing missile tubes (which wouldn't change anyway), but small ports should get bigger with bigger guns. Should big ports get smaller? No, that is the drawback to swapping a PPC for multiple medium lasers - you still have a big target on the outside of the mech. Hence, the K2 ears. They get shorter barrels, but never get 'smaller.' Even if all they have in them are small lasers.
You can't use "logic" as a basis for a game based on Battletech. Weapons go where/how they go because. Period. "Logic" is not a reason why that CANNOT. It didn't even matter in games like Chrome HOUNDs, all that mattered was the max weight of the HOUND. As such, people ran around with small mechs that had artillery pieces strapped to their heads. Same thing here, although we need more model variation for these off-the-wall builds.
Lastly, your comment about defending cheese builds. Objective players do not call any build "cheese." You're asking us to debate in a mature manner, but you use strongly opinion based phrases like that. I don't think any mech build is "cheese," because I have ZERO RIGHT TO TELL ANOTHER PLAYER HOW TO EQUIP THEIR MECH. If it fits in the hardpoints/critslots/weight, it's fair game. I have to deal with what people come up with.
The only thing I have a problem with right now is the combination of light mech speed with SSRM and ECM. They've already taken steps to deal with that by rolling back lasers, and making Raven legs easier to hit. Even still, I can't call it "cheese" because it is perfectly valid by the rules this game imposes. I don't like running into it, and I STILL have trouble shooting legs, but I deal.