Streaks in TT aren't homing missiles, they had the same to-hit chance as normal SRMs and no homing capability, and didn't require any sort of lock, their advantage was that they wouldn't fire if the barrage wasn't going to hit, which was very useful for low ammo builds.
This compared to our current streaks in MWO, which are lock-on only weapons with full guidance/homing capacity as well as superb maneuverability.
Ok, we aren't going to get TT style streaks.
This seems a bit much for weapons with the same weight and crit slots, however as various stock builds require these to be kept the same I'd instead suggest:
1> Reduce SSRM ammo to 50 per ton
2> Reduce SSRM damage by 20%
3> Allow SSRMs to fire when the pilot (and only the pilot, not other mechs) has a personal lock on the target regardless of ECM
4> Reduce SSRM missile velocity by 25%
All in all makes SSRM builds need more ammo, be slightly easier to avoid and reduces the streak/ECM synergy, also might hopefully mean SSRM6s won't kill everything on sight