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Community Warfare Clarity (P2P/f2P) - Feedback

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#281 DirePhoenix


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Posted 20 June 2013 - 03:52 PM

View PostCyBerkut, on 13 June 2013 - 02:54 PM, said:

During the time this thread has been silent, it appears that the devs are intent upon putting the 3PV players into the same CW universe as the 1PV players are in.

If that is how it pans out, how will it work when a 1PV playing team attacks a planet/asset that is being defended by a 3PV playing team? How about vice versa?

Pretty sure that's not how it works. 1PV vs. 1PV; 3PV vs. 3PV. The victories/losses may contribute to the loss/gain of the same worlds, but they don't fight each other.

Also, since 3PV can't be Merc Units, they don't contribute to loss/gain of border worlds anyway. Just "Faction Worlds". And not necessarily for "control" but "influence".

Edited by DirePhoenix, 20 June 2013 - 03:54 PM.

#282 Mr Blonde


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Posted 29 June 2013 - 01:04 PM

View PostDirePhoenix, on 20 June 2013 - 03:52 PM, said:

Pretty sure that's not how it works. 1PV vs. 1PV; 3PV vs. 3PV. The victories/losses may contribute to the loss/gain of the same worlds, but they don't fight each other.

Also, since 3PV can't be Merc Units, they don't contribute to loss/gain of border worlds anyway. Just "Faction Worlds". And not necessarily for "control" but "influence".

I'll believe that when I see it. The "normal/hardcore" designations betray their intent. I hold out hope, only because I want the game to succeed, but perhaps it is a fool's hope.

#283 Fr0z7y


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 06:31 AM

i can actually believe some people sending death threats of the sort, people feel really big behind a fone and or computer screen... lolz, but it's okay, i hope they really don't mean those things, keep up the good work guys!!!!

#284 Odins Fist


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:55 AM

No CW yet, and this is all that matters until it is here for us to critique..

A "small" MC payment for starting a Merc group... How small..??

I'm sorry, I got grabbed by the throat for being vauge, or not answering questions directly, when I was a kid.
It was considered rude, and disrespectful.

Until definitive answers are given, even ("we don't know yet") would work, then expect the player base to be far from polite with their questions in the forums.

Do you know who else dances around questions, and do everything possible to keep from answering a question directly.??

For simple questions there are only two answers YES or NO. In some cases (I don't Know) applies if no answers truly exists.

For detailed questions, detailed answers should be given, "IF" the question is asked in a polite manner.
I think we're past this point of this applying anymore, there has been bad manners on both sides, but the forums are full of bad manners by the player base in terms of their behaviour. (everyone has benn guilty in one shape or form)

So I will ask again. How much MC to start a Merc Group for MWO, and do all pilots in said Merc group have to pay to be in the Merc group, or is it a one time fee to start the Merc Group?

ALSO: What is the minimum size of a Merc Group going to be.??

Thank You.

Edited by Niko Snow, 30 July 2013 - 06:34 AM.
Redacted Portion belongs in a History Forum

#285 Tarrasque


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 08:13 AM

View PostOdins Fist, on 14 July 2013 - 09:55 AM, said:

No CW yet, and this is all that matters until it is here for us to critique..

A "small" MC payment for starting a Merc group... How small..??

I'm sorry, I got grabbed by the throat for being vauge, or not answering questions directly, when I was a kid.
It was considered rude, and disrespectful.

Until definitive answers are given, even ("we don't know yet") would work, then expect the player base to be far from polite with their questions in the forums.

Do you know who else dances around questions, and do everything possible to keep from answering a question directly.??

For simple questions there are only two answers YES or NO. In some cases (I don't Know) applies if no answers truly exists.

For detailed questions, detailed answers should be given, "IF" the question is asked in a polite manner.
I think we're past this point of this applying anymore, there has been bad manners on both sides, but the forums are full of bad manners by the player base in terms of their behaviour. (everyone has benn guilty in one shape or form)

So I will ask again. How much MC to start a Merc Group for MWO, and do all pilots in said Merc group have to pay to be in the Merc group, or is it a one time fee to start the Merc Group?

ALSO: What is the minimum size of a Merc Group going to be.??

Thank You.

Nominated for a position in the [Redacted] Crazy Sidetrackings of Forum Posters' Hall of Fame

Edited by Niko Snow, 30 July 2013 - 06:35 AM.
Guano Redacted

#286 BadgerWI


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 08:56 AM

12 is the minimum needed to start a merc unit. Much to my dissatisfaction, but what can you do? Anywaythey also said they don't know how much they are going to charge yet. Theses were answered in an ask the devs post oa ngng interview a few weeks ago. Sorry I can't remember which.

#287 Belorion


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 08:59 AM

View PostOdins Fist, on 14 July 2013 - 09:55 AM, said:

I'm sorry, I got grabbed by the throat for being vauge, or not answering questions directly, when I was a kid.
It was considered rude, and disrespectful.

Until definitive answers are given, even ("we don't know yet") would work, then expect the player base to be far from polite with their questions in the forums.

Being impolite on the forums IS being rude and disrespectful. Being vague or not answering a question directly is not rude or disrespectful. I am sorry you were abused as a child, but that doesn't make your view on what is the way people should behave correct.

In fact it is sometimes a much greater sign of being polite to be vague or not answer a question directly. Answering a question incorrectly because you are trying to not be vague or indirect when you don't know the answer, or have not fully formulated your thoughts on that question is way worse than being vague.

#288 DirePhoenix


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 12:46 PM

View PostOdins Fist, on 14 July 2013 - 09:55 AM, said:

No CW yet, and this is all that matters until it is here for us to critique..

A "small" MC payment for starting a Merc group... How small..??

I'm sorry, I got grabbed by the throat for being vauge, or not answering questions directly, when I was a kid.
It was considered rude, and disrespectful.

Until definitive answers are given, even ("we don't know yet") would work, then expect the player base to be far from polite with their questions in the forums.

Do you know who else dances around questions, and do everything possible to keep from answering a question directly.??

For simple questions there are only two answers YES or NO. In some cases (I don't Know) applies if no answers truly exists.

For detailed questions, detailed answers should be given, "IF" the question is asked in a polite manner.
I think we're past this point of this applying anymore, there has been bad manners on both sides, but the forums are full of bad manners by the player base in terms of their behaviour. (everyone has benn guilty in one shape or form)

So I will ask again. How much MC to start a Merc Group for MWO, and do all pilots in said Merc group have to pay to be in the Merc group, or is it a one time fee to start the Merc Group?

ALSO: What is the minimum size of a Merc Group going to be.??

Thank You.

Um, yeah...

I don't think a lot of forumites grasp the concept of game development, even if they're actively involved in a beta. Unless you're an actual developer / employee working on this software, all you provide is feedback. You don't make design decisions. The developers are not bowing to your whims. And you especially have no leverage comparable to an atomic weapon at your disposal to threaten anyone with.

Also, the minimum size for a Merc Corps is 12. They apparently want only a few very large Merc Corps, because you'd have to be a very large Merc Corps to get at least 12 people online at the same time to have pre-scheduled battles on a regular basis, with another group of 12 players online at the same time who coincidentally want to battle for the same planet(s).

(BTW PGI, 40-man raids went out of style years ago, and despite how some people may nostalgize about that era, it was not "all that")

Edited by Niko Snow, 30 July 2013 - 06:35 AM.
Quote Cleaned Up

#289 Reod Daie


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 09:57 AM

Well spoken sir. I'm lost in horrid amazement at how some people just don't get it.

#290 LeadWing85


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 04:36 PM

"We really want people who participate in this to be as engaged as possible. And we'll probably require them to have a premium time account, as a kind of dedication level." That premium time account can be purchased in quantities ranging from daily to monthly to bi-annually, with the 30-day pack costing $10. So we will need premium time to play CW?

#291 Skye Storm


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Posted 04 August 2013 - 06:25 PM

Feed me more info, this lack of speech is really boring.

#292 Unbound Inferno


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Posted 14 August 2013 - 08:29 AM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 08 April 2013 - 09:35 AM, said:

Some aspects of CW will reward players with MC, we are considering a Premium Account requirement to participate in these rewards. This will not prevent non-paying customers to participate in all aspects of CW with their friends and teammates.

If there is one thing I cna suggest or request - if you KEEP (or use) the aspect of having MC rewards from playing the game to earn and obtain MC-only items, that would encourage people playing this game more.

As it stands right now I put $20 in another game because this one isn't worth it. However if you had given some form of MC earning incentive I might have put that extra $5 down to finish getting something special. As it stands right now, I don't have much of a reason to do that as I don't want to put $20 down for one thing here now.

Just a thought and suggestion PGI, might make a good idea pay you back.

#293 Navy Sixes


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 02:43 PM

So, CW...

Are there going to be awesome maps of the Inner Sphere, complete with borders that will change from week to week? With players in units assigned to our faction's worlds? Will those worlds in turn represent a portion of our faction's strategic assets? Will there be a dystopian "ever-war" economy, complete with supply and demand (based on salvage) that will expand and contract as the war plays out? A command structure for each faction, with unique ranks and criteria for advance to give the factions 'flavor?' Will there be strategic offensives and counter-offensives, raiding, and a faction's diminished ability to wage war as it loses strategic assets?

Or (as I'm beginning to fear) is this going to be a big fat tournament? With some vague abstract reference to worlds and war, but really coming down to some sort of point system of wins/losses. Will this be (as I'm beginning to fear) little more than we have now, except everyone on our team sharing a faction/merc-group? Only now we have to pay for it?

You've done a lot with MWO, PG, and I think I speak for many when I say we appreciate all you've done and the difficulty you face. But there are a lot of things you've promised that have been followed by long periods with no news, followed by an announcement of a lot less than you first promised.

CW is a huge part of why many of us are here. Please keep us informed. Please assuage my fears. Please don't mess this up.

#294 Threat Doc


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 07:49 PM

If September 21st is the new soft date, and was repeated by both Russ and Brian, so it sounds like a hard date to me, even though September of last year was supposed to be the soft date, will it be possible to reserve a non-canon unit name, to be used later?

I'm in college, right now, and as intense as getting this degree has become for me, I may not be able to get 12 people back together just to register and keep a name. Hence, my question.

~Colonel Kay Wolf, Armageddon Unlimited, on hiatus

#295 Liquid Leopard


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 10:20 AM

I could swear Sept 17th was stated as the date for full launch of the game.
As of August 19th, 1st person view - once stated as a pillar of the game - is off by default, and the developers have obviously prioritized 3PV over Community Warfare.

We have 25 days left to the alleged date of the launch. We're supposedly beta-testing this game for PGI, but how much beta testing will Community Warfare get before full launch?

...Or will the developers claim full launch, and then implement CW without testing?
Is it just me, or does CW without testing and feedback sound like a disaster?

#296 Threat Doc


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 11:06 AM

View PostLiquid Leopard, on 23 August 2013 - 10:20 AM, said:

I could swear Sept 17th was stated as the date for full launch of the game.
And you would be correct. I had not read the OP very well, and just became aware of the hard date, myself.


As of August 19th, 1st person view - once stated as a pillar of the game - is off by default, and the developers have obviously prioritized 3PV over Community Warfare.
Well, it needs to be reversed, where 1PV is default, because there are a LOT of good people on these forums, including myself, who have a very difficult time with that. I am not interested even in trying 3PV, as it utterly destroys immersion. My hope is that 3PV will be allowed for a training mode, perhaps as the 1st 25 ours of game-play for new people, who can switch over to 1PV anytime they want. Then, if they still like or want 3PV, and set that as their default, they play in non-hardcore modes.


We have 25 days left to the alleged date of the launch. We're supposedly beta-testing this game for PGI, but how much beta testing will Community Warfare get before full launch?
I haven't read about any changes, but when I stopped playing last September 9th, the word was that Community Warfare would come some time after launch, between 60 and 90 days. However, they were supposed to have launched last October, and then January, and then... ad nauseum, and now it's nearly a year on since I murdered my mercenary unit and, for all intents and purposes, stopped playing, and they've had time to get some things together. If the talk I'm hearing is accurate, though they've announced nothing different, CW will not be in the game in its complete form, at least, until several months after launch.


...Or will the developers claim full launch, and then implement CW without testing?
Is it just me, or does CW without testing and feedback sound like a disaster?
I stand by what I've said, elsewhere... I believe the developers need to take another step back, complete the core items of this game, CW chief among them, and have a hard-launch set for January 2nd in 2014. It's a new year, a great time to launch, they can pick up the news for 3050, again and continue their day-by-day work -perhaps even posting about the New Year on New Year's Day-, and a lot of people will be looking for something new to do, such as recruiting to expand their units, or a new game to play if they've not checked this one out, yet. Of course, advertising across the internet would be a great idea from Christmas Day on.

Oh, and let's not forget that this will give PGI another 9 months to get the Clans filled out, balanced, and ready for introduction into the game. This has to be done ABSOLUTELY RIGHT or they will lose the whole ball of wax... this is not a portent, this is simply how it will be done. There will be no Inner Sphere players, at all, if this is not done with great care.

As for putting CW into the game post-launch, I think they will just do what everyone else in the development universe does, keep on many of the closed beta testers to help out with testing CW, and then implement it when it's time. I wouldn't worry about it, too much. I will say that I hope CW is a fairly robust system for MWO, or my disappointment will be pretty large. I wish they would put out some polls on things they are looking at implementing into CW.

Edited by Kay Wolf, 23 August 2013 - 11:11 AM.

#297 Kiritumi


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Posted 23 August 2013 - 11:20 AM

All hail, O Holy Hammer of The Ban! ;3

#298 zorak ramone


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 12:34 PM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 08 April 2013 - 09:35 AM, said:

No, we will not require players to have a Premium Account to play in a Merc Unit.

I remember a clarification post like this where you emphatically stated that players would never be forced to play with 3PV players if they didn't want to.

So should I start the countdown until players are required to spend MC to join a merc unit and/or participate in community warfare at all?

Posted Image

Edited by zorak ramone, 24 August 2013 - 12:35 PM.

#299 Sean von Steinike


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 08:42 PM

Wonder if people still think PGI will keep their word about this design pillar since PGI took a dump over 1st pv design pillar.

#300 Havyek


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 08:05 AM

I've said this before, and I'll say it again, and if I bother to return to the forums (and likely this game) again, I'll probably say it a few more times:


At the very least this will give the community the ability to create our own community warfare, as IMO CW will be the ONLY thing that gives this game any longevity. Hell MW4 lasted for 10 years with simply an in-game lobby and a dozen or so maps.

What PGI seems to be hinting at, is that if we want to play with friends, or organize any matches beyond what they have allowed us to play, we're going to need to pay extra for it.

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