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Community Warfare Clarity (P2P/f2P) - Feedback

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#301 Jungle Rhino


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:42 AM

What are my thoughts on how CW is going to play out?

Prepare to bend over and be 'monetized'

All those words Bryan wrote months ago - they don't mean anything because MWO is constantly 'evolving'

#302 Name132675


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 05:20 AM

View PostFunbags, on 08 April 2013 - 10:29 AM, said:

Will EVERYONE in the group need to have premium time to do private matches or just the leader. Clarify.

I think this needs to be answered

#303 Toadkillerdog


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 07:06 PM

I would heavily caution against the requirement for the private matches, that is an easy way to **** a lot of people off. You've done a surprisingly good job of keeping this from being a forced pay game, other then mechbays (any chance we'll see a non MC way to get them, or atleast sales on them or something?), but requiring anything for such a standard part of online games now breaks that streak. As for the fee for founding a merc corps, that is completely understandable, if you don't like it you can join a faction anyways.
Also, for what it's worth, most of my unit refuses to post on this forum, not because of you, but because we get drowned out by absurd amounts of whining and screaming. I wouldn't be making this post, in fact, if I hadn't seen one earlier today that promised to review and ban the some of the players repeatedly hurling insults (it was something along the lines of 58% of these posts are by the same 99 players). Take comfort in the knowledge that the insanity is not common.

#304 Cerlin


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 05:56 PM

I just hope the final result is give incentive to premium in the CW side without forcefully splitting the player base. Make the benefits of having a 10 buck a month premium time worth it (more than just the Cbills and Xp) and people will get it. Not all can afford it but it you make it worth my while I am happy to pay a monthly fee.

#305 N0MAD


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 10:31 PM

I will be ( and lots more others i know) very happy to pay $8-$10 a month or $80 for a years sub if im given Private match lobby.
I would probably spend a bit more on Mech bays at least and occasional paint, given i would be playing.

View PostBDU Havoc, on 27 August 2013 - 08:05 AM, said:

I've said this before, and I'll say it again, and if I bother to return to the forums (and likely this game) again, I'll probably say it a few more times:


At the very least this will give the community the ability to create our own community warfare, as IMO CW will be the ONLY thing that gives this game any longevity. Hell MW4 lasted for 10 years with simply an in-game lobby and a dozen or so maps.

What PGI seems to be hinting at, is that if we want to play with friends, or organize any matches beyond what they have allowed us to play, we're going to need to pay extra for it.

I dont think any serious gamer/MW fan will mind paying a reasonable fee to have what you mention.

Edited by N0MAD, 31 August 2013 - 10:36 PM.

#306 Hammerhai


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 12:15 PM

We really want people who participate in this to be as engaged as possible. And we'll probably require them to have a premium time account, as a kind of dedication level

Let me just correct you here mr Ekman. You are not monetizing to increase dedication, you increase monetization because of expected dedication.
Cynical. And you are biting the f2p hand that feeds you.

I came here to drive a mech with my joystick, and to engage in thrilling battles over planets and resources. And F2P.

Seems like all these purchase indicators are becoming irrelevant as time goes by. I get kind of disheartened anyway, as I scrape the bottom of the pool in terms of earnings and xp as is. It took me a year to master Jenners, and only because I converted xp to gxp in the end. I accepted the grind, I still enjoy the game now and then.

But I am starting to have a long and hard think. Although it IS sad that there is such a huge amount of toxicity in the forums, they do have a point on far too many facts.

Edited by Hammerhai, 14 September 2013 - 12:29 PM.

#307 Protection


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 02:12 PM

View PostSean von Steinike, on 26 August 2013 - 08:42 PM, said:

Wonder if people still think PGI will keep their word about this design pillar since PGI took a dump over 1st pv design pillar.

All the design pillars have been destroyed or failed to materialize.

Role Warfare?

That's gone. Assaults can scout over hills with their 3PV drones and specialized niches for mechs are all but eradicated for the clustered deathmatch gameplay.

Information warfare?

That barely existed to begin with, and ECM more or less eliminated any usefulness that scouting or sharing information since there are few to no HUD options to do so and a buggy chat.

Community warfare?

Never existed and will ultimately be nothing more than a coloured scoreboard that tacks on "loyalty points" to the same old 12v12 deathmatch gameplay that we have now.

Mech warfare?

I suppose that still exists, but it's only a matter of time before they find a way to erode that pillar as well.

#308 Shaun85


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 03:02 AM

i guess private matches will have no xp or cb gain since it can be exploited? but wood be fun to play in house training matches and and stuff like that



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Posted 16 September 2013 - 12:30 PM

View PostCerlin, on 30 August 2013 - 05:56 PM, said:

I just hope the final result is give incentive to premium in the CW side without forcefully splitting the player base. Make the benefits of having a 10 buck a month premium time worth it (more than just the Cbills and Xp) and people will get it. Not all can afford it but it you make it worth my while I am happy to pay a monthly fee.

Agreed...I used my founders premium time and that was it, have not bought anymore premium time and am waiting to see CW's before I commit to spending any more moneys on this game w/exception to a few bucks occasionally to purchase mech bay slots.

#310 Qrbaza


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 11:46 AM

Let me get this tr8 since english is not my native language and im not really good at reading "beating around the bush" texts. I will have to pay money to play CW? I mean CW as clashing out against rival clans and innersphere dudes? If i want to join a faction i will need a premium time so i can have cool logo and play planet attacks and stuff? I rather PUG than play CW then and i believe more than 80% of playerbase. If not the case than yeepee ka yey...

#311 Odins Fist


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 01:14 PM

View PostTarrasque, on 16 July 2013 - 08:13 AM, said:

I don't like answering questions directly either...

And look I was right about launch versus beta being no different... Imagine that...

Edited by Odins Fist, 17 September 2013 - 01:15 PM.

#312 MavRCK


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 04:18 AM

In my tier list video this week, I argue that having a simple 12v12 private match with lobby that doesn't earn cbills will enable player-run community events / tournaments / leagues and give free publicity to the game and ultimately will encourage players to join the MWO community - ultimately creating a force and incentive for players to invest in MC in order to join these events / tournaments / leagues.


#313 xX_Nero_Xx


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 04:44 PM

i know we need a lobby so bad that its kind of sad we dont have one right now just to shoot the {Scrap} with ppl in between games.
now for cw.
this is a must i dont mind waiting as long as its not yr down the road .
i played mw2-mw4 veng with a passion i was in every league.
in many teams over thoose years kh,SA/CxB,mercwar,Falcons Claws,smoke jag,and so on most were some of the best teams ,didnt matter how many maps or how many mechs is was the fact i could play with my friends and teammates in matchs bidding a match in sl/vl was a art form and part of the fun.
thats what mackes mechwarrior fun.
Fighting in a league any league all of the leagues.
we CAN NOT DO THIS RIGHT NOW and the reason ppl are leaving and not spending anymore money.
its repetive and there is nothing for us to do once we get every mech maxed out on tree's.

#314 Sandpit


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:28 PM

View Postfccolhitman, on 20 September 2013 - 04:44 PM, said:

i know we need a lobby so bad that its kind of sad we dont have one right now just to shoot the {Scrap} with ppl in between games.
now for cw.
this is a must i dont mind waiting as long as its not yr down the road .
i played mw2-mw4 veng with a passion i was in every league.
in many teams over thoose years kh,SA/CxB,mercwar,Falcons Claws,smoke jag,and so on most were some of the best teams ,didnt matter how many maps or how many mechs is was the fact i could play with my friends and teammates in matchs bidding a match in sl/vl was a art form and part of the fun.
thats what mackes mechwarrior fun.
Fighting in a league any league all of the leagues.
we CAN NOT DO THIS RIGHT NOW and the reason ppl are leaving and not spending anymore money.
its repetive and there is nothing for us to do once we get every mech maxed out on tree's.

We tried to explain this to them 2 years ago. (not directing this at you at all) I don't think a lot of the players on here screaming for us to be patient realize or understand that we HAVE been patient. We HAVE been understanding. We HAVE been forgiving. Recently it seems like pgi has gone out of their way to damage their own reputation and integrity with many of us and our patience, understanding, and forgiveness has finally run out. Now granted there are some that could be a lot more tactful in expressing this but basically what is being said is, enough is enough. If you cannot deliver what you promised then we deserve to know. If you don't feel the same way that we do then yea we might still log on from time to time and play but you will not be getting anymore of our money to pay your bills and support your product. That's our voice and choice as comsumers

#315 GoManGo


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:42 PM

View PostSandpit, on 20 September 2013 - 09:28 PM, said:

We tried to explain this to them 2 years ago. (not directing this at you at all) I don't think a lot of the players on here screaming for us to be patient realize or understand that we HAVE been patient. We HAVE been understanding. We HAVE been forgiving. Recently it seems like pgi has gone out of their way to damage their own reputation and integrity with many of us and our patience, understanding, and forgiveness has finally run out. Now granted there are some that could be a lot more tactful in expressing this but basically what is being said is, enough is enough. If you cannot deliver what you promised then we deserve to know. If you don't feel the same way that we do then yea we might still log on from time to time and play but you will not be getting anymore of our money to pay your bills and support your product. That's our voice and choice as comsumers

I could not agree more with your post and those that say we need private matches-leagues-and a lobby. I think the forum mods have buried most great topics and posts that would have helped this game become a great game. They say they have them archived but I doubt many topics and post ever reach the devs sight or ears and it might just cost them the whole playerbase. I have also heard someone mention they made there own MWO private server somehow based on the work done at AC-Web to make private servers of World of Warcraft. If PGI dumps the game and servers possibly someone could distribute private server software to make our own MWO servers and clients.

#316 QuaxDerBruchpilot


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:28 PM

View Postzorak ramone, on 24 August 2013 - 12:34 PM, said:

I remember a clarification post like this where you emphatically stated that players would never be forced to play with 3PV players if they didn't want to.

So should I start the countdown until players are required to spend MC to join a merc unit and/or participate in community warfare at all?

They already stated somewhere that they are considering (but haven't made up their mind about) a one-time MC fee for creating a Merc unit ...

#317 Sandpit


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Posted 21 September 2013 - 10:24 AM

View PostQuax1102, on 20 September 2013 - 10:28 PM, said:

They already stated somewhere that they are considering (but haven't made up their mind about) a one-time MC fee for creating a Merc unit ...

I think what he was getting at is that at this point trust and faith in the company's honesty and integrity have been eroded because they have been more than a bit deceptive about other aspects. So at this point many have no faith in anything they say and everything is going to be suspect until the company works to prove that they deserve a player's trust (and more importantly money) again

#318 CrashieJ


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Posted 21 September 2013 - 12:14 PM

my guess is Merc Companies will be a subscription-based service

"What's that? you ran out of MC? *POOF* say goodbye to your hard work"

#319 xX_Nero_Xx


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Posted 21 September 2013 - 03:57 PM

the problem is that we can not talk to each other unless in after a match,can not bid a match and then drop it against friend/other teams, as of right now the only thing we can do is grind mechs that gets very old.
now if they just put in a lobby and i dont give a dam if i have to pay to be able to play in a league match as long as there is a league .
i want away to to what every mechwarrior game has be able to provide us ,the abilty to choose who,when and where and with what we fight.
a MFB would be nice

they have to rember as much as we want clanwars and such ,all the other games did not have this the league tried to give us this and with out it the games did well and lived a very long life.
give us leagues and lobby now and then add cw later PLEASE im begging you

#320 Kamenjar


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 09:23 AM

View PostWilliam Denton, on 08 April 2013 - 09:54 AM, said:

...And I dont think anyone who would make films is willing to Pay Premium so he can shoot the way he wants.
And why do we have to pay for private Matches in the First place? How should those be more resource intesive than our Games atm?

I fully agree with William and don't see how would a private match require any additional resources as long as it is 12-mans as it is now. If they play on a "private server", they are not playing in a "public server", hence offloading the main set of servers.

You have to keep in mind that the core of the community are corporations and the massive non-subscriber player base that STILL wanted to pay at least $20-30 to have a decent amount of mech bays and probably $10+ on overly expensive cosmetic additions. I'm sure this would cause some loss of members that neither you or us want unless you implement it in such a way that maybe only match organizers would be required to pay.

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