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Community Warfare Clarity (P2P/f2P) - Feedback

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#321 Sandpit


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 09:49 AM

View PostKamenjar, on 27 September 2013 - 09:23 AM, said:

I fully agree with William and don't see how would a private match require any additional resources as long as it is 12-mans as it is now. If they play on a "private server", they are not playing in a "public server", hence offloading the main set of servers.

You have to keep in mind that the core of the community are corporations and the massive non-subscriber player base that STILL wanted to pay at least $20-30 to have a decent amount of mech bays and probably $10+ on overly expensive cosmetic additions. I'm sure this would cause some loss of members that neither you or us want unless you implement it in such a way that maybe only match organizers would be required to pay.

I think what people are wanting here is the ability to run their own private tournaments for their clans and units. So if "Big Papa's Patsies" wants to host a tournament against "Lady Willow's Wonkers" for bragging rights and just the fun of competition. Not something that's required to participate in CW. I think that's two separate issues that are getting talked about on both sides?



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 05:34 PM

There is now information on CW's and it is looking very much promising and should lessen the QQ (including my own QQ) some. Very exciting stuff upcoming for us to all sink our teeth into.

Clarity at its best. :D

Edited by xMEPHISTOx, 27 September 2013 - 05:35 PM.

#323 xX_Nero_Xx


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 09:27 AM

http://www.mwolobby.com/ we just have to take it into our own hands for a lobby

#324 VikingN1nja


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Posted 18 November 2013 - 12:19 PM

"If we decided to launch Private Matches, they will likely require a Premium Account to cover costs of hosting a match on our hardware."

I don't agree with this staement privare matches are played by people who already have invested a decent amount of money so far on mechs/bays/camo etc.
Matches are already being played with sync drops why on earth would you charge more to host a macth that can already be played and is being played on your hardware and alienate players even further.

The flexibilty and increased range of options will probably of more benefit to you long term.

Even 12 man as good as they are have disbanded smaller teams that could get 8 players.
Perhaps eight should have been an option.

Games have had lobby systems for years without any hassle in 2013 should be no different.

Edited by omegaorgun, 18 November 2013 - 12:44 PM.

#325 Ensaine


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Posted 18 November 2013 - 03:32 PM

I can't believe the amount of people who would actually PAY to play in a private match.

Sorry guys, FPS shooters for many years, and I've never heard of anything like this.

So, a clan wants to practice for a big match. They need to pay? REALLY?

Clan matches, whether in or out of CW.. they need to pay? REALLY?

ANY FPS I've ever played, we could either host our own server in it's entirety, or, start a private match, password protected, at any time we wanted.

This kills ALL private, 3rd party leagues of any kind. And mostly, it will kill this game.

Stupidest, dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

Edited by Ensaine, 18 November 2013 - 03:33 PM.

#326 Sandpit


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 12:31 PM

View PostEnsaine, on 18 November 2013 - 03:32 PM, said:

This kills ALL private, 3rd party leagues of any kind. And mostly, it will kill this game.

Stupidest, dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

Nah, and I firmly believe (right or wrong) they're not allowing private leagues or private leagues for free is ebcause it would kill CW. It would splinter the player base far too much.

#327 BoydofZINJ


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 04:57 PM

My last post and time played was on...
29 April 2013... so take this wit a grain of salt. Make a good game and people will play. Make a great game and people will be flooding in, throwing money at you. Make a bad game and see your profits dwindle. I love sci fi and I love robots.... and, better yet, I love the Battletech universe. Yet after a year of playing I stopped. There are few games that I love - and fewer that I want to play. So I came back... hoping to see more. At the very least, we are seeing 12 vs 12 matches? Yet still no clan tech and no clan invasion? What happened to the timeline? I notice only a few new mechs with the promise of more soon?

Get this Community warfare and d it great and you shall see new MechWarrior jocks food the market.

#328 Kageru Ikazuchi


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 07:36 PM

View PostBoydsan, on 26 November 2013 - 04:57 PM, said:


Snipped for brevity (if anyone wants to read it again - it's just one post up).

The biggest change to the game in the last 7 months is 12v12 - it went live mid-Summer-ish. There are some other minor tweaks to the game, but 12v12 is really the only big one.

I was in a slump towards the end of the Summer, but the launch event got me pretty excited again, and the communications were pretty good for a couple of months.

We were all hoping for U.I. 2.0 by launch, or near launch, or shortly after launch ... there are apparently a flood of features that will eventually come with it, and it will help enable Community Warfare ... it seems to be the biggest current priority for the Dev Team, but comms have been sparse since the October update.

I'm waiting for there to be a meaningful attempt at improving the new-user experience before I really recommend the game to anyone ... this probably means a couple of months after U.I. 2.0, which means ... well, we don't know what that means.

In the meantime, there are some pretty active units playing in several player-generated leagues that are helping to keep the game interesting. If you think you might want to get back into the game, check out: But back to your final point ... yeah, if PGI does it right, CW has the potential to have everyone inviting their friends to play the game.



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Posted 27 November 2013 - 01:39 PM

UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH...Need CW's SOON, at the very least please give us phase 1 soon before all stop playing this game. There is no purpose nothing to drive me onward any longer.
At the very least give us a lobby. I tire of the pugging and even the 12 man queue is getting old (as there is no lobby or anyway of knowing if any other 12's are on).
While I wait been grinding mechs but because I have high win percentage this has become very agitating (80% of time I get tourma,terra,caustic, grouped with worst pugs, many times ive seen 3 4 mans vs. my all solo pug team, this attempted assassination of my ELO is boring me).
It is high time we had more to drive us and give us desire to log in and play. The last year and a half has been fun, but I/we really need more at this point.

#330 Chronojam


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Posted 29 November 2013 - 02:28 PM

Phase 1 of Community Warfare began in February, 2013 as planned.

#331 Wookieelover


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 04:49 AM

So as a Founder from closed beta and remembering all the feedback about CW from the devs, was it all smoke and mirrors?
Was there ever any chance it was going to be released 6 months after open beta?
2+ years later and now it seems they haven't done anything on CW at all in that time.

I want some proper feedback on this devs.
The community and the players deserve it.
We pay for this game and you have delivered next to nothing of substance in over two years.

Well PGI ?

#332 Ensaine


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 02:00 AM

View PostSandpit, on 25 November 2013 - 12:31 PM, said:

Nah, and I firmly believe (right or wrong) they're not allowing private leagues or private leagues for free is ebcause it would kill CW. It would splinter the player base far too much.

Well, that thinking would have been fine .........during Open Beta at best ..... but once they failed to get CW going, they should have let us have a lobby, and private matches anyways. It would be up to THEM to make CW THAT GOOD where people would consider nothing else at that point.

Even the above mentioned leagues have to sync drop .... which we all know, is equal to shooting craps.

I downloaded War Thunder about 5 months ago. Game is approx the same age, and has roughly the same sized studio behind it. I got a public general lobby, private matches, private events, 2 difficulty modes, 3 game modes, and a slew more.

Premium planes cost an average of $2-3, with the most expensive at perhaps $8. Premium currency give aways, daily events and challenges, in game achievements, medals, and hundreds of other unlocks.

8 fully fleshed out tutorials, that really do prepare you for the live game. Built in Twitch and Facebook support .... I can go on.

You know, all the BASIC stuff any online multi-player game should have, that we don't.

Instead, we get what we got now ......

#333 Araevin Teshurr


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Posted 09 January 2014 - 08:49 AM


Some aspects of CW will reward players with MC, we are considering a Premium Account requirement to participate in these rewards. This will not prevent non-paying customers to participate in all aspects of CW with their friends and teammates.
If we decided to launch Private Matches, they will likely require a Premium Account to cover costs of hosting a match on our hardware.

Really? Well hell, just make a subscription based MMORPG so we can all pay and play, why go through the torture of all this free to play some of the game, pay to play the rest of the game mumbo-jumbo? It's hilarious to watch you torture yourselves with it.

You know you should have made a subscription MMORPG, like Project of Planets.

Poking around the net for Mechwarrior stuff, I ran across this interesting game.
Project of Planets, circa 2007. The question that bugs all MWO players is how could PGI not go MMORPG style, that would have created a huge following and really gotten people into the game? It's already been done, and 6 or more years ago. All they had to do was build upon the game models already available to make an MMORPG style Mechwarrior game. Instead, we get this boring, World of Tanks knock-off, that holds no ones attention to play it for any amount of time. Perhaps before I die, there will be a Mechwarrior MMORPG with single player missions, faction warfare, the whole nine. But wait, it has already been done - or did PGI have no clue about this game - Project of Planets. http://mmohuts.com/r...ject-of-planets


Posted Image

#334 DirePhoenix


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Posted 10 January 2014 - 12:34 AM

View PostRelaed, on 09 January 2014 - 08:49 AM, said:


Really? Well hell, just make a subscription based MMORPG so we can all pay and play, why go through the torture of all this free to play some of the game, pay to play the rest of the game mumbo-jumbo? It's hilarious to watch you torture yourselves with it.

You know you should have made a subscription MMORPG, like Project of Planets.

Poking around the net for Mechwarrior stuff, I ran across this interesting game.
Project of Planets, circa 2007. The question that bugs all MWO players is how could PGI not go MMORPG style, that would have created a huge following and really gotten people into the game? It's already been done, and 6 or more years ago. All they had to do was build upon the game models already available to make an MMORPG style Mechwarrior game. Instead, we get this boring, World of Tanks knock-off, that holds no ones attention to play it for any amount of time. Perhaps before I die, there will be a Mechwarrior MMORPG with single player missions, faction warfare, the whole nine. But wait, it has already been done - or did PGI have no clue about this game - Project of Planets. http://mmohuts.com/r...ject-of-planets


Posted Image

Really NOT impressed with Project of Planets. And although I'd love more RP elements in a MechWarrior game, making a WoW clone with a mecha skin is not the way to do it. I'm pretty sure if I had to talk to an UrbanMech NPC to get a quest to gather 11 Locust knees I'd be dropping this game faster than you could say NOPE.

#335 SubXulu


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Posted 10 January 2014 - 05:20 AM

"If we decided to launch Private Matches, they will likely require a Premium Account to cover costs of hosting a match on our hardware."

this is a complete joke ... You make them free because it makes us happy and then we pay for paint's and item's and premium time anyway. You guys really are utterly clueless :|

#336 Kageru Ikazuchi


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Posted 10 January 2014 - 06:35 AM

View PostSubXulu, on 10 January 2014 - 05:20 AM, said:

"If we decided to launch Private Matches, they will likely require a Premium Account to cover costs of hosting a match on our hardware."

this is a complete joke ... You make them free because it makes us happy and then we pay for paint's and item's and premium time anyway. You guys really are utterly clueless :|

It is clear to me, that they desperately want Community Warfare to be the main place that people go to play, not private matches. I want private matches, and have no problem if there's a subscription requirement for them. I expect it will only be required for the guy who hosts the match, but it has been stated that it's possible that the more premium players you have, the higher priority your match will have to find a server.

I will be surprised if in the end-of-game screen for private matches, it doesn't say "you would have earned ###,### CB and #,### XP, if you had played in Community Warfare", and then award you nothing.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the desire for them ... there are lots of cool things we can do with a pure sandbox experience, but it is not what PGI wants. Unfortunately, CW and private matches are still a long way off.

#337 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 11 January 2014 - 05:38 AM

For PGI, hope they read this...

" Where that bites you is if somebody makes a bad decision, like Diretide. I found out that we were doing something stupid when one of our customers mailed me and said "you're doing something stupid." I was like "really?" And I go and find out that yes, in fact, we're doing something stupid. That isn't a fault, it's just one of those trade offs. But we definitely in a sense have an army of customers who are always helping us stay honest. That's way better. We've essentially crowd-sourced supervision of a lot of these decisions to our customers and it works way better than almost any other system we could design. They're rabid, they're passionate, and there are a lot of them."


#338 Nick Makiaveli


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Posted 12 January 2014 - 12:35 PM

View PostEnsaine, on 18 November 2013 - 03:32 PM, said:

I can't believe the amount of people who would actually PAY to play in a private match.

Sorry guys, FPS shooters for many years, and I've never heard of anything like this.

So, a clan wants to practice for a big match. They need to pay? REALLY?

Clan matches, whether in or out of CW.. they need to pay? REALLY?

ANY FPS I've ever played, we could either host our own server in it's entirety, or, start a private match, password protected, at any time we wanted.

This kills ALL private, 3rd party leagues of any kind. And mostly, it will kill this game.

Stupidest, dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

You guys are acting like they said it would be $1 per person, per match or some such. No it's you buy premium time, with all the benefits that already come with it and they are going to add something to it.

You do realize the game is F2P right? That they have to make money somewhere.

As to the folks who talk about splintering the player base, yes that's a concern. So they either don't do it, limit it (req. PT), or risk damaging the player experience to the point where they start to lose more players than they gain.

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 11 January 2014 - 05:38 AM, said:

For PGI, hope they read this...

" Where that bites you is if somebody makes a bad decision, like Diretide. I found out that we were doing something stupid when one of our customers mailed me and said "you're doing something stupid." I was like "really?" And I go and find out that yes, in fact, we're doing something stupid. That isn't a fault, it's just one of those trade offs. But we definitely in a sense have an army of customers who are always helping us stay honest. That's way better. We've essentially crowd-sourced supervision of a lot of these decisions to our customers and it works way better than almost any other system we could design. They're rabid, they're passionate, and there are a lot of them."


To what end? Do you think they don't know that they have some really smart people playing the game?

I think what you are missing is the concept of of "signal to noise ratio". For every Koniving, there's at least a thousand <insert redacted name here> running around spouting off gibberish and basing everything on their limited personal experience.

#339 Chronojam


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Posted 12 January 2014 - 01:08 PM

View PostNick Makiaveli, on 12 January 2014 - 12:35 PM, said:

You guys are acting like they said it would be $1 per person, per match or some such. No it's you buy premium time, with all the benefits that already come with it and they are going to add something to it.

You do realize the game is F2P right? That they have to make money somewhere.

The same sort of argument being thrown up in defense of the $210 Timberwolf. You see, it's not ~really~ $210 to get a Timberwolf, because you also get a forum badge, and a Nova, and a JPG, and if you think about it it's only $10 so what a value!!

Maybe they'll offer private matches a la carte for $20 apiece.

#340 Cimarb


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 09:24 AM

View PostChronojam, on 12 January 2014 - 01:08 PM, said:

The same sort of argument being thrown up in defense of the $210 Timberwolf. You see, it's not ~really~ $210 to get a Timberwolf, because you also get a forum badge, and a Nova, and a JPG, and if you think about it it's only $10 so what a value!!

Maybe they'll offer private matches a la carte for $20 apiece.

So, even though they offer a package as well as an ala carte method for getting "the almighty TWolf", you still aren't happy with it because you have to pay to get it early and with bonuses?... If you don't want to pay, don't - no one is forcing you.

Private matches are an additional bonus for paying to have premium time. No one is forcing you to buy it, but it IS a benefit of supporting the game.

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