HammerSwarm, on 08 May 2013 - 12:31 PM, said:
To anyone who is new to this thread and has haphazardly ended up here. Please don't repeat this argument::
First, the current machine gun is broken. I can interpret this from your post being that you support some change. Knowing that the weapon is not functional as is will help you here.
Secondly, the current draw distances already prevent attacks at the maximum range because you can't see out to or passed the maximum range. The game mechanics would hamper your proposal. What benefit would you have at such ranges? even if you were firing an infinite stream of bullets the adjustments to target a mech with pinpoint accuracy at that range are outside the technological bounds.
Third, We're talking about a 1 degree error at 2000 meters being 34 meters when your projectile gets there. So an infinite range weapon isn't practical even if you are firing 10 a second because most people would just be spraying around the target.
Compared to what we got now......i'd take it

If I could shoot even in horrible cone fashion just to get visual effects would be benefit. Supressive fire, points out where the enemy is, points out where I am(grabs attention).
Folks will duck behind cover over small lasers....... so even a few love taps from mgs would be pretty useful.
Best of all it could be a game changer in sense of giving a better combat/war atmosphere.
If machine guns having a great maximum range is so insignificant then why hold it back?
Give me that "useless" machine gun with longer range then any weapon here anyday.
Having long range is absolute advantage. I would completely welcome it to the Mg. when we got fire teams, flanking manuvers that ability to draw attention play on the deceptions of being far away or up close is valuable.
Combat plays out on mental levels too and being able to snap your own fingers can be quite deadly.
Like having smoke bombs, most folks would count it pretty useless too.
I wouldn't expect a person to understand the concept of a long range weapon having the advantage of being long range, till they see it for themselves.
Perhaps i can give you a way of seeing it for youself. Lets take another weapon with a cone effect... Take a mech grab LBX cannon 10 has a range of about 1980m with alot of ammo. And start spamming the enemy at that long range. 1500-1980.... If you catch a grouped up lance, you'll hit not do any physical significant damage......but I want you to notice when they all turn to look at you not your 3 buddies behind them.
Now imagine your them.....you hear a plink......red flash on screen..... and you see a mech shooting. Do you really think you have the dicipline to take your eyes off who is hitting you.....flashing your armor, your screen.
Your attention is going to stay on that guy. There are only 2 people who are going to ignore you, The noob and the master.