Modules Advice
Posted 11 April 2013 - 03:16 PM
Ok so I'm about to get my first amount of GXP (5000) to spend on something. Just looking for some advice from you experienced players about which modules are must haves, which are for personal play style and down to the stay away from these ones!
Cheers and see you on the battlefield.
Posted 12 April 2013 - 09:39 AM
The value of each module depends on your playstyle and preferences.
Target Info Gathering:
I think this one is among the best modules. When i see an enemy i want to know if he is crippled already and where, so i can line up my shots where it hurts the most. The module just helps speeding the process up, without it you get more often in situations where you shoot before knowing the weaknesses, potetially losing damage in an important area.
Advanced Sensor Range:
The Sensor range increasement is nice, but the biggest advantage is, that it increases the range between being able to lock on an enemy ECM mech and getting in the ECM bubble. If you use lock-on weapons often, this is hands down a very good module.
Capture Accelerator:
You cant cap fast enough. Nice to have, especially in a Light. Can make the difference between cap win/loose.
360 Retention:
Lets you keep the lock when enemy is out of sight in a little radius of 200m or somethin. Nice to have aswell, but not that important.
Target Decay:
When the enemy goes out of sight you can keep lock a little longer. Also nice to have, but not essential.
Advanced Zoom:
Well it is a pic-in-pic zoom unlike the normal zoom. It only scales up what you see, so it is a pixel mess. Often considered the worst module, wouldnt recommend it.
Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:59 AM
Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:56 AM
Surprised by the lack of responses tho Is there a better place to have this kind of thread?
Posted 15 April 2013 - 11:52 PM
Of course, you can post in the General Discussion forum, but be prepared to have a lot of "different" posts
Posted 16 April 2013 - 12:03 AM
Capture Accelerator is best used on a fast mech.. particularly on Conquest.
Advanced Sensor Range is useful for spotting/scouting and is great to stack with BAP (although, meh to BAP really).
360 Retention is only useful if you are a slower mech and need to keep track of some fast/light mech circling you...
Advanced Zoom is most useful for sniping, but the feature itself could be better...
Target Info Gathering isn't as useful IMO as that can be replicated by BAP (although, I wonder if it is stackable with BAP).
Posted 16 April 2013 - 01:25 PM
Advanced sensor range is my top pick for most generally useful module. Better data at longer ranges and most importantly helps mitigate ECM.
Target retention and target decay are both good ways to keep track of mechs that are moving fast around you, with retention being better for less agile mechs to keep track of ankle biters. Decay is better for LRM boats, and works well with target info gathering and BAP to let you get detailed target info with only a cursory look at an enemy, which is very helpful. 360 retention and decay both let you track an enemy that moves behind you for some time, allowing you to reacquire and twist/dodge better.
Target info gathering is nice, and the last module I think is really useful. It cuts something like half a second off of your detailed target info time, which is useful but you can shoot for the smoking area on a mech til you get it figured out, and a half-second doesn't often make a big difference here. It's still too slow to direct your first alpha, generally, and even without this module you get the info you need by the second alpha, so it makes little real difference, except when paired with target decay as discussed above.
My buy order would be:
Sensor range
Target retention
Target info gathering
With capture accelerator in there with a priority based on how often you drive scouts.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 07:36 PM
Posted 18 April 2013 - 12:35 PM
LRM/streak users can do well with advanced sensor range and target decay.
I think any mech can use cap accel, but if you're a player that never caps you can skip it.
360 target retention is not very useful, IMO, unless you find yourself being flanked and killed from the rear very often. Advanced zoom is pretty useless until they improve it.
Edited by DEMAX51, 18 April 2013 - 12:36 PM.
Posted 25 April 2013 - 04:17 AM
i.e. faster capture rate, further targetting range or longer target decay time?
Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:02 AM
Posted 18 May 2013 - 05:38 AM
Play lights or flankers (i love my speed) so i went cap acc as i had the saved GXP. Sensors next me thinks.
Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:40 AM
Overall though, Target Info Gathering is probably the most universally useful module. I run one on just about every mech I own. As others have said, it's really useful to know where an enemy mech is hurt, but it's also equally useful to know what weapons that enemy is packing.
Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:48 AM
Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:53 AM
if your a longer range fighter it might be a different story, but 360 ret gives you advantages the cant be substituted with something else for the most part (unless you hear dakka dakka dakka, then 360 isnt necassary to know whats shooting u)
also i do like advanced zoom because it really helps at longer ranges
Edited by Just wanna play, 18 May 2013 - 08:55 AM.
Posted 26 October 2013 - 07:53 AM
advanced zoom has been fixed as of sept 2013 and is now very useful for snipering
Posted 26 October 2013 - 11:29 AM
I like siesmic sensor for about any mech.
advanced zoom if I am running a long range build.
target decay for LRM's would probably be good for scouting too.
360 retention wouldnt be bad in a brawler/scout build but i havent used it. I feel you can accomplish almost the same thing with good awareness and a decent ability to predict where mechs are going to be by the way they are currently moving.
I havent bought cap accel yet but there have been a couple times i wish I had it. Though i hate cap matches.
Posted 27 October 2013 - 08:31 AM
That said, I only own Cap Module at the moment because I was running lights a lot and it was a HUGE advantage to have. It would be nice to have more, but they're so expensive, I've been more invested in buying mechs than modules. That will probably eventually change though.
Posted 29 October 2013 - 02:24 AM
I have Bap and Advanced Sensor range on the mech now. I have these unlocked:
Advanced Zoom
Advanced Target Decay
360 Retention
Capture Accelerator
Air Strike Accuracy (purchased)
I'm thinking about buying some new Mechs since I have a nice chunk of Cbills saved up 42mill. I was shocked that for the price of some of these modules I could buy 3 light Mechs. Or get an Atlas for less than 2 of them, I wonder what would be more fun hmm.. I can't see a world were a single module is more powerful then 3 actual entire Mechs. Also the fact that you have to either buy them for every Mech or swap them out each time. Honestly I can't quite yet decide if any are even worth the price since none are game changing. I might get the advanced zoom if I get a sniper mech though. Otherwise I see no real value. It seems like something to get when you have everything else.
It's my fault though, I'm the dummy that spent the time mastering my Mechs for the extra slots without even checking the prices lol
Posted 29 October 2013 - 02:57 AM
Don't use consumables.
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