Custom Answers Your Questions!
Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:11 AM
Please write short to the point questions, avoid long paragraphs.
Please do not quote another persons question and use as your own. Questions are not answered by popularity.
No discussions, replies, etc.
Questions or people we will not answer:
Leading questions.
Questions based on personal opinion.
From people with a warning status.
If the question has been answered already.
Questions about why we didn’t adhere to TT rules.
So, in an effort to let all of you special little snowflakes know that you have been heard, I'd like to preemptively offer my PGI themed response. I, of course, am in no way affiliated with PGI and do this merely to quell the populist rants about buffing this and nerfing that, that would otherwise be so rightly ignored by the devs. I also only name players who have legitimately posted these questions to the forum. I in no way intend to shame or ridicule in any way (that they haven't earned...) Don't worry guys, Custom has your back.
Without further adieu.
First up is dal10:
"in ATD 34 you stated that a majority of players play in groups. In most games a vast majority of players play solo,
leaving groups as a tiny minority."
Thanks for your not-question dal10! By saying that most players are playing in groups, we of course meant the exact opposite. Can't get anything past you!
Next is Nihilo9
"Do you have plans to implement a system that pushes players to form bonds? I know the likely answer to this is "Wait for CW", but what I mean is right now I feel very alone in the actual game. With no sense of continuity (no post-game chat) and short round timers I feel like I Know these people for 7 minutes. And, I don't get a good idea if they are people I would want to play with, again."
We're sorry to hear about your crushing depression, Nihilo9. We here at PGI want you to know that suicide is never the answer. Perhaps you should consider other avenues besides videogames for lasting and meaningful relationships? Next question!
Zyllos asks:
"Why does PGI think it is balanced when you can fire all weapons and hit a single point on a mech?"
We would like to point out that players are free to choose exactly how accurate they would like their mechs to be! Any player who wants an experience closer to that described in various source material is free to squint their eyes really hard to simulate difficult aiming. You are also permitted to run your mech at half-throttle to experience even more realism and/or make engine explosion sounds with your mouth when your mech is killed. A bigger "KA-BOOOSH!" equates to a larger mushroom cloud.
Renthrak wants to know:
"Q: Is it possible for B. Betty to say "Target Destroyed" when the currently selected 'Mech is killed"
This is an upcoming feature that's currently still under development. Last time I checked though all they could get out of her was "POTATO SALAD! POTATO SALAD!" It's still not clear yet whether this is bug with Betty's programming or if there really is a potato salad module hidden somewhere in the mechs' loadouts. No ETA
Next from Chavette:
"Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"
Chavette, our top linguistic experts are still analyzing the content of your question. We'll have an answer for you as soon as they've finished their abstracts.
Next up is Thomas Covenant:
"Would you please reconsider not showing ELO score or go in more depth why you choose not too? I feel it's atleast as valuable as Kill-to-Death ratio(if not more). I would like to see it, even if it was private just to me.
PS. I'd like to give a shout out to the artists. I love the new mountain line paint. It looks great on my RVN-2X:"
[Picture of a menstruating raven]
We're glad you brought this up. We would like to officially announce that players can now request their ELO scores at any time. Thomas yours is 46. Anyone else who like to know their ELO scores is encouraged to ask in the next ATD.
StaggerCheck asks:
"Early on in this whole process, you informed the community that you as a design team spent an afternoon playing the table top board game as a primer to allow the staff the chance to get a feeling for the core material.
Q: Have the play testers been given the same opportunity to play the table top game, so that they have a better understanding of what they might be on the lookout for while playing the computer game?"
When we started development we used to do exactly this. Unfortunately we had to stop when most play testers began throwing dice at their screens every time they fired a weapon, and getting into lengthy arguments about how you couldn't really have fired that AC because according to the TRO your ammo exploded when you overheated. Next!
Logan Doyle's question is:
"Can I ask when Clans will be able to be a playable faction? "
Yes Logan. Yes you can.
Moromillas would like to know:
"Have you thought about adding more immersion to the game? E.g. Walking around the Mech bay, jumping into the cockpit, travelling to the battle field, etc. "
We at PGI also feel that critical mech related experiences that aren't technically "fun" are currently underrepresented by MWO. We would like to officially announce new features that allow you to experience first-hand the excitement of walking slowly in your mech for hours, reloading ammo and replacing armor by hand and leisurely strolling around a big warehouse with some mechs in it. No ETA.
ThinkTank asks:
"Can you please explain the in-game mechanism that provides the temperature reduction? i.e. water or another liquid or a gas based temperature reduction device."
Hold one while I check back with our team of canon experts and writing staff. Hmm... It looks like we don't have one of those, someone mumbled something about "Making a game, not an effin novel", oh well. Satisfied? Good.
Well, that's it for today's Ask The Custom. I hope anyone who hasn't ragequit yet will tune in text time!
Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:18 AM
Should I sell all my redundant mechs and free up space or should should I keep them after I mastered my main mechs?
Who knows what they might come up with in the future...
What to do with all the worthless experience that is good for nothing that you generate with your master mechs?
There aren't any reasonable system to exchange it into generall experience, how do you act?
Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:25 AM
Q from Everybody: Most people aren't satisfied with the ECM statement from the Devs, and feel like it isn't enough and still makes ECM dominate the now nonexistent EW component of the game. Why don't you just change it to acceptable levels?
A: Because I love running ECM, therefore I have no problem with it which must mean its balanced. Sincerely someone high up at PGI
Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:42 AM
"Because we want it that way!" is what I heard...

Posted 12 April 2013 - 02:51 PM
Posted 12 April 2013 - 02:52 PM
Posted 12 April 2013 - 03:00 PM
Posted 12 April 2013 - 03:02 PM
Niko Snow, on 12 April 2013 - 02:37 PM, said:
But the question... what's the question?
(and it's the answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe, and Everything that the pan-dimensional mice where asking for

Edited by Phaesphoros, 12 April 2013 - 03:02 PM.
Posted 12 April 2013 - 03:04 PM
Edited by Soy, 12 April 2013 - 03:05 PM.
Posted 12 April 2013 - 04:33 PM
Posted 14 April 2013 - 05:40 PM
Niko Snow, on 12 April 2013 - 02:37 PM, said:
It ends. The funny thing about things that end, they are interesting. Be it an era, or a brief period in time. Things that do not end sooner or later (hopefully later in MWO's case) are boring. The infinite is dull and unchanging, the finite is interesting and dynamic.
Edit: Oh wait was the OP supposed to give a meaningful answer or was I simply supposed to be amused, because I was.
Edited by Nathan Foxbane, 14 April 2013 - 05:46 PM.
Posted 14 April 2013 - 06:04 PM
Posted 14 April 2013 - 06:49 PM
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