I’m not putting the devs on trial, I think they do a wonderful job and during closed beta, I submitted a question to which they answered in a very decent manner. I was worried that doubling the armor would lead to energy weapons being relatively advantaged compared to ammo weapons because the ammo was not doubled like the armor.
Today, my critique is of a different nature. What did those early decisions lead to today?
Let’s first establish 2 universal facts of shooting games:
- Kill first and you have less chance of being killed later
- Long range will almost always happen before short range.
What we see now, is not 2-3 PPCs, not 1 Gauss and not 1 AC20… we see specialized builds of twice those numbers. People “boat” and they should, it gives them a quick kill. It is rewarding and killing early will make the fight easier for your team. Double armor is worked around by doubling the weapons. People couldn’t wait for the Jagger so they could field dual AC20s… what does that tell you?
Let’s suppose we go back to single armor… why field an over specialized Stalker with 6 PPCs? You only need 3 to blow up your opponent! Suddenly, configs closer to stock, closer to lore become viable again. And the META changes to being… non-META. Being the intended game right?
My position here is edgy, I’m pro stock but I can’t see how they can be realistically used in the current state of the game, with double armor (requiring or at least encouraging the use of “double weapons”) sure, you go back to single armor and you might get blown up in one shot… but isn’t that happening anyway? (oh no, not me, I torso twist and I use cover correctly you N00b!)
This is not about who’s playing better or who’s playing the right way. Its about specialized builds and is it really what we want the game to be? Thinking about it, whatever new chassis the devs bring in, who cares what it is really? Because in a matter of hours it will be min-maxed into something unrecognizable to make it more efficient. (and with good reason in the current state of the game)
I’d make the ER/PPCs have different hard point than lasers too, some variants do swap them for one another and isn’t that the point of having variants? For variety… Does the Catapult “need” 6 missiles hard points… why not 4? The stock variant doesn’t require 6 so why build it up like that? (other than the META game making it better)
Anybody sees the logic here?
PS Do I think the MGs and LB10X deserve a little tweak or boost? Maybe but that’s not my main issue.