Bishop Steiner, on 26 April 2013 - 05:30 AM, said:
the Kodiak if PGI were to scale it (or what happens when a Kodiak mates with a MWO Centurion)
couldn't wait to slap an XL engine into that baby!
Anyhow... when I add the gross exaggeration of the original art in, and then look at yours, I think your proportioning are just a LITTLE more reasonable, and more likely to be the product of HomoSapiens Perfectus, than the goober art they attribute to the later Clan designs (which in no way fit the original spartan and utilitarian Omnis)
AKA, I would MUCH rather drive your version in game, while hunting up a pik-a-nik basket from Mr Ranger in game. For one thing, I think I would live a LOT longer. And I wouldn't get wedged in between every frikking building.
There is just so much WRONG with that mod! LOL
When I do mechanical designs like 'mechs I try to think about what it'd be like to actually built it. If not a four-story tall hulking war machine, at least a plastic model kit. Imagine cutting off pieces from a sprue and getting a kit ready for assembly.
Thanks for the laugh though. I had to do a double-take when I scrolled down and saw the pinhead version!
Viper69, on 26 April 2013 - 05:45 AM, said:
If the Kodiak were in game we would definitely need melee combat with those claws.
I love the artistic interpretation OP, its a lot better than the older MW art of the arms always being up like in a roaring position. Its definitely a n example of some of the mech designs of form over function like the hatamoto CHi.
OP was played by Ron Howard back in the days of B&W TV.
I agree, most renditions position the arms like it wants to hug something, or is a walking zombie. Yet the claws are purely cosmetic. I tried to create a version with usable claws in a designer, but the tonnage wouldn't work and maintain its weapon and equipment profile.
Grotoiler, on 26 April 2013 - 06:00 AM, said:
Really looks good!
I must admit though the arms / shoulders DO bother me slightly as well.... From my perspective I think it's the placement of the shoulder jounts for the arm - i.e. they seem to be a bit too low in relation to the head, as well as the bulk above the shoulders. In my mind i could picture it looking a little more imposing if the shoulder joints were in the position of the armored bulk above where they are now (having the shoulder joints coming out from where that two-plate armor segment above them is, if that makes sense).
I'm not cracking out my pitchfork though - you really are doing justice to all the mechs you've documented here so far, and I wouldn't expect you to make changes now; I know how much of a mission it is to get oneself motivated when scrapping a design and re-doing it...
Keep it up!

Haha ! Yeah, the Kodiak arm placement was an odd duck even in the original design. Looking through the process, most of my design work was based on an actual bear rather than a stylized robot. So the proportions better match an actual kodiak or grizzly. That's one of the reasons the head is as big as it is when compared to the official design. Real bears have HUGE heads!
Also, I built the first cockpit/head model around a cockpit interior I built for my TWolf.