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Clantech Coming Within Six Months After Launch

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#121 FupDup


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 08:44 AM

View PostMrPenguin, on 17 April 2013 - 08:35 AM, said:

Game balance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cannon

Canon only has 2 n's in it (cannon has 3). :)

Also, something to note is that both the puretech and mixtech sides of the argument are breaking the game's balance over their knees, with the difference being that puretech is canon for a while until IS techies have had time to reverse-engineer stuff.

Edited by FupDup, 17 April 2013 - 08:50 AM.

#122 Loler skates


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 08:47 AM

View PostFupDup, on 17 April 2013 - 08:44 AM, said:

Canon only has 1 "n" in it. :)

Also, something to note is that both the puretech and mixtech sides of the argument are breaking the game's balance over their knees, with the difference being that puretech is canon for a while until IS techies have had time to reverse-engineer stuff.

Bah mah head cannons :D

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#123 FupDup


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 08:49 AM

View PostThontor, on 17 April 2013 - 08:49 AM, said:

2 actually :D

cannon has 3 :)

Oh snap. I dun goofed.

#124 Loler skates


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 08:51 AM

View PostFupDup, on 17 April 2013 - 08:49 AM, said:

Oh snap. I dun goofed.


#125 Zerberus


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 08:57 AM

View PostMrPenguin, on 17 April 2013 - 08:35 AM, said:

Game balance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Canon

If all you want to do is jerk off to mech models while reading lore, then just buy some TT models and a few lore books.

I`m not the one harping about canon and timeline, "you guys" are. I`m the one telling you why it`s euphoric to expect what some expect. If using people`s own arguments against them makes that even easier, all the better. :)

Edited by Zerberus, 17 April 2013 - 09:00 AM.

#126 M4NTiC0R3X


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:00 AM

Didn't they tell you that when launch gets here that everything will be reset and refunded except for the MC used to purchase premium time?

No, they didn't, because that's not true. But if it were, I'd have something to celebrate!

#127 MrPenguin


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:09 AM

View PostZerberus, on 17 April 2013 - 08:57 AM, said:

Hold that thought, let me just put this on..
Posted Image

Alright, proceed.

#128 MaddMaxx


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:23 AM

View PostVassago Rain, on 16 April 2013 - 08:36 PM, said:

I'm just disappointed.

Just consider it a "Rain" delay. LOL :ph34r:

#129 Felix Reynolds


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:32 AM

I'm confused....

Setting aside all actual real-world reasons to be disappointed at the apparent rollout time frame, why is there so much raging about screwing up the timeline? Last I checked, it's not until October that the first IS folks get their hands on any pristine examples of Clan Tech at Wolcott, and only then start to really buckle down to figure it out. Hell, even then, unless you're from Rasalhague, odds are you wouldn't have even known something was up until late this year, and full-scale 'oh snap it's all going down' (ie, invasion of Luthien) won't happen until late next year- which fits right in with when the aforementioned rollout.

Between now and then? Much more better-er game with all content as is, please thanks.

#130 MaddMaxx


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:33 AM

I am looking on the bright side. The Silver Lining and all that. Given what everyone reads into everything, my Mech of choice to fight the Clans will be ready. The Uziel. LOl :ph34r:

#131 M4NTiC0R3X


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:41 AM

View PostMaddMaxx, on 17 April 2013 - 09:33 AM, said:

I am looking on the bright side. The Silver Lining and all that. Given what everyone reads into everything, my Mech of choice to fight the Clans will be ready. The Uziel. LOl :ph34r:

Posted Image

#132 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:59 AM

View PostZerberus, on 17 April 2013 - 08:34 AM, said:

And go completely against canon for at least another year.

Not to mention he basic premise is much like assuming a caveman found a nuclear bomb and instantly understood exactly how it worked and how to use it. :ph34r:

Clan technology is 300 years ahead of what you have because you idiots blew everything up and continue to do so on a daily basis. Even if you COULD attain it there`s no way your techs would understand it without months of reverse engineering.

If you were member of Washington`s continental army, do you HONESTLY think you would understand how to use an apache helicopter or f-22 raptor? Or even a Sopwith Camel for that matter? Or drive a tank more than one gas tank without having any knowledge of combustion engines? wwi was not even 150 years after the War of Independence, and the technology is another world in comparison. Now think of fast tech moves today in comparison, and calculate that to twice that timeframe..... What we will be capable of in 300 years will make small gods look like ragdolls in comparison to what we have today.

Or to simplify it to a single weapon: how many people here know how to load , secure, aim, and fire a 120mm rheinmetall smooth-bore ( current artillery cannon 300 years after the first ones)? Not the tank it`s attached to, just the gun. Now Imagine you had never seen a cartridge /artillery shell before, only ball and loose powder. Imagine you had no idea what a Breechloader is, only a "traditional" black powder cannon.

If you DO figure out how to get it to work, you`ll probably be standing behind it when you fire it, and the recoil will smash your torso to pulp becore the blistering hot 20 lb shell casing falls on your foot.

Yeah, weapons adaptation to completely foreign, technologically advanced systems is child`s play.... :(

Nothing a Clan Mech does is like changing from riding a horse to flying an F22 Raptor.

It is at best changing from a Sopwith Camel to an F22 Raptor. But even that is stretching it. I think it really is only moving from self-loading rifles to assault rifles. You will probably have that self-loading rifle expert blowing his ammo too fast at first, but he'll pick things up. Same for the weapon smith that build the self-loaders before.

A CLan Mech works just like an IS mech, it just has more guns. It doesn't suddenly move 300 kp/h, it doesn't perform dimension shifts. It still even use a fusion reactor (it's not like it moved from propeller to jet engine).

#133 Khanahar


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:11 AM

Well, I guess I'm fine with waiting longer for the Clans. But they had been hinting about announcing in just a month or two... Oh well. The game (bugs aside) is fun as is. Shouldn't get greedy.

But the timeline rollback seems imperative at this point. If release is September, and their target date is 2-3 quarters, 6-9 months, which, let's be realistic, means 9 months, we're talking a Clan release in June 2014? Which is about when we would expect for a one year rollback.

Roll 'er back, gents.

#134 Draco Harkins


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:15 AM

Meanwhile in Arma 3 community...

Yep i know where im probably going to spend my time. :ph34r:

Edited by Draco Harkins, 17 April 2013 - 10:15 AM.

#135 Felix Reynolds


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:16 AM

View PostKhanahar, on 17 April 2013 - 10:11 AM, said:

Well, I guess I'm fine with waiting longer for the Clans. But they had been hinting about announcing in just a month or two... Oh well. The game (bugs aside) is fun as is. Shouldn't get greedy.

But the timeline rollback seems imperative at this point. If release is September, and their target date is 2-3 quarters, 6-9 months, which, let's be realistic, means 9 months, we're talking a Clan release in June 2014? Which is about when we would expect for a one year rollback.

Roll 'er back, gents.

Honest question- why do you think a year rollback is necessary?

If your prediction is accurate, and we get Clans in around June of 2014 (3051) how does that mess up the timeline? June of 3051 is when the Clans are all back in the homeworlds electing their new Il-Khan. The only major things happening between now and then that we might miss out on are the actions at Twycross and Wolcott, which unless you're a Genyosha Kuritan, a Kell Hound, or a very lucky Davion, wouldn't involve that many people anyway. After that, everyone disappears for ages to either Outreach or back past the Periphery, and don't come back until late 3051. Right in time for when PGI wants to have them up their sleeve.

#136 Artgathan


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:27 AM

I would like to know then what the rumored "6 completed mechs" are. I had suspected they were Clan mechs (preparing for a launch sometime in Spring / Summer). However I now doubt this because I really can't see PGI sitting on 6 mechs for that long, especially with many players clamoring for content.

#137 Zerberus


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:31 AM

View PostMustrumRidcully, on 17 April 2013 - 09:59 AM, said:

Nothing a Clan Mech does is like changing from riding a horse to flying an F22 Raptor.

It is at best changing from a Sopwith Camel to an F22 Raptor. But even that is stretching it. I think it really is only moving from self-loading rifles to assault rifles. You will probably have that self-loading rifle expert blowing his ammo too fast at first, but he'll pick things up. Same for the weapon smith that build the self-loaders before.

A CLan Mech works just like an IS mech, it just has more guns. It doesn't suddenly move 300 kp/h, it doesn't perform dimension shifts. It still even use a fusion reactor (it's not like it moved from propeller to jet engine).

My first point is that in 300 years there is time to teke even the most time tested design to a whole new level the original creators could well not be able to grasp, hence the 120mm tank howitzer.

I agree teh revolutionary / F22 was a stretch, but it DOES illustrate the tech advantage possible staggeringly well. George wachington`s era folk would have certainly considered an apache some form of witchcraft.

But a sopwith camel pilot would already be completely out of his league and doomed to crash and burn in an F86 sabre (korean era), developed barely 50 years later. Simply becasue of one game changing technology: The jet engine.

To simplify it to a laser: Maybe the emitter was completely redesigned to be more energy efficient, but needs dfferent input voltages, frequencies, and signals, and the weapon assembly needsdifferent mounting brackets... Hell, it could even be as simple as having a different wiring code.

My second point is that these things take time to figure out, just grabbing one, bolting it in and hooking up random wires to other less random wires is a recipe for disaster 90% of the time :ph34r:

Edited by Zerberus, 17 April 2013 - 10:33 AM.

#138 Odins Fist


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:45 AM

View Postbenth, on 16 April 2013 - 06:58 PM, said:

"Clantech Coming Within Six Months After Launch"

#1. Announcing "ANY" sort of timeline for either development of MWO, or timeline for the CLan Invasion was a mistake to begin with.

#2. Thinking that the majority of the MWO player base is going to wait a another "YEAR" for the implementation of some awful idea of a timeline is a mistake.

#3. The window of opportunity for MWO has been closing, and at some point (if this so called beta stage) doesn't progress to the expectations of players across the board, they will grow tired with the speed of development, and that is just a reality, if a consumer is not happy with a product, then the consumer will not continue support of said product, and will move on to another product that does satisfy whatever want or need of the consumer.. That's the reality of it...

I understand that MWO needs more time to be developed, "BUT" the reality of the situation is that many players will have already grown tired of playing MWO a lot sooner than 6 to 12 months from now, and counting on them coming back after being soured on MWO is a naive gamble.. I don't see the masses getting a taste of MWO, then being told they will have wait another year as holding the attention of gamers.. You can't lump MWO in with the biggest hits of all time in terms of player retention either, you will have to wait for release to see if it even has any success! This is "BETA" remember, and that argument can be used both ways, but the reality is that MWO is still only an unfinished product that "HAS" been brought to market.

#139 Vardrak


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:52 AM

Balancing Clan Mechs is very easy ...

While the Omnimech is superior to the IS-Mech, the pilot suffers from a huge disadvantage: He isn't supposed to focus fire by any means.

So if a Clan-Pilot (Team 1) attacks another Mech (Team 2, be it a Clan-Enemy or IS-Enemy) this Mech is claimed by him for lets say 20 sec. or until either the attacker or the defender is destroyed. No other Mech of Team 1 is able to do damage to the claimed Mech or can get a target lock on him until the 20 sec. did run out or the attacker is destroyed (both resetting the claim).

All shots at the claimed Mech are turned to 0 damage the moment they are fired at him until resetting is done. After that the Mech is free for all members of Team 1 to claim it anew.

Regarding the current discipline on the battlefield the default pilot will have to learn reading the sitiuation and always be aware of which Mech is free to fire on or he will just build up heat and waste ammo. :ph34r:

#140 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:53 AM

View PostWrenchfarm, on 17 April 2013 - 08:33 AM, said:

I think it's admirable to have patience and to be understanding.

I also think there is a line where that patience and understanding starts to be taken advantage of. That you can be too "nice" to the point of becoming a sucker.

I think a lot of people in this community are past that point.

There is no excuse for the Keystone Cops level of buffoonery PGI has shown. From the lack of basic features, the limited number of maps, the constant bugs and and glitches that pervade every single aspect of the game. Going back on "pillars" of the design, failing to adhere to their own self-imposed deadlines (which lets face it, were pretty generous. Remember how many months Alpine and Tormaline were delayed?)

But the worst offence is the lack of positive communication from the devs. Snarky tweets, terse replies, and a community manager that goes on at length about how unpleasant his job and the community is. The fact that we continually hear about these problems from outside sources - which PGI will claim mis-quoted them or got it wrong, only to basically confirm it a week later.

It's a disaster.

PGI are the ones who said the game is ready for Open Beta. They are the ones who put themselves on a 1:1 time scale with the 3050 lore which DOES carry certain implications and expectations. They were the ones who said "this game is worth money, please give us some" then try to still hide behind the beta-shield.

It isn't entitled to expect them to live up to their own statements and goals. It isn't impatient to ask why basic functions are missing, or why half the weapon systems are broken right now, or why it takes them months to make even the slightest adjustment to things. It is OK to have reasonable expectations of them to deliver what they said when they are also asking you to pump money into this thing.

Don't be a sucker. Don't let them off the hook.

A clanmate asked me today "I'm thinking of buying the Highlander, should I come back?"

My reply - "Don't bother, it's a pop-tart ppc/gauss fest out there and the gameplay is deteriorating FAST. Nevermind all the bugs"

After sending it I realized how crappy word of mouth is getting, how my desire to play a game I've been waiting to be revived for 10 YEARS is becoming. I recently spent a few hours playing Tribes and was blown away at how much better that game is in pretty much EVERY single way, and how I'd rather spend my time there than in MWO - and it made me really sad!

I guess what it boils down to is this - If I ran my company the way PGI runs theirs, I'd be broke 10 times over by now.

I'm mortified at this news, given the lack of progress I was 100% sure that there was some MAJOR stuff coming down the pipes. Now, I'm much more liable suspecting that I'm out $200, and that this game is going to go **** up because PGI can't run a good business, it's employees are slacking off, or very simply PGI hasn't a CLUE what they are doing.

I'm sick of the excuses and the ********. PGI wont accept FREE help to build maps for this game. They won't take FREE help to help in so many aspects.

When I fixed the damn graphics 6 months ago with user.cfg, I got bitched at. We where even told "these fixes do nothing" and it took a near riot of the playerbase saying they do fix the FPS for PGI to backpedal on a thread with 50,000 hits. Even today, people see me ingame and tell me that their game runs better AND looks better with the custom setups. SIX MONTHS LATER! I did the work in a few weeks. You know what this tells me? Employees covering their ***** instead of doing their jobs.

This **** is completely unacceptable. man-hours must be wasted tremendously. My biggest fears, that this game is gonna face-kiss duke nukem and die in a spasm of garbage are once more arising - hell, I can't even bring myself to recommend this game to my friends anymore and mechwarrior is my favourite franchise ever.

Get your **** together now before it is to late PGI, or take the money and run, right now. Stop wasting everyones time.

To much unacceptable stuff is going on. What do you guys spend your 12 hours a day doing? do you actually work at all?

Be glad I'm not your boss. Or as one of my employees told me - if you where the boss, they might actually be getting stuff done, boss.

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