Buckminster, on 22 April 2013 - 12:15 PM, said:
I know some of this build is a matter of opinion - and I won't say it's the ideal build either. But it's what works for me.
Even though LRMs are rare at this point, when I first put this together they were worth countering. I'd rather leave the AMS on than worry about the next fix when LRMs become viable again. Wait until next patch, when missiles are supposedly being un-nerfed, and HSR kicks in for missiles. All the PPCs will be gone, replaced by splatcats and missile boats.
The MGs have actually served their purpose. There is no weapon out there that I'd rather have in their place - heat on two ERPPCs is plenty. And sure, I could also add a couple DHS, but I've found that the crit ability of MGs has it's place. All it takes is one match where you are brawling with a stalker, only to look over and realize he has plenty of armor still but *no* weapons, and MGs don't seem so useless.
BAP is there mostly to fill tonnage. I've found it to be useful for long range sniping as well.
Although I suppose I should say that 'your mileage may vary' with every mech build I post. I PUG, I don't play 8-man competitively, and I have certain ideas from TT that I stick to. So my mech designs don't work for everyone.
I've found it to be more like 1-2 tons. ES is *ALWAYS* a better option.
wow, I'm way too new at this. lol
what is: HSR, splatcats, BAP, PUG, TT, ES ?
POOTYTANGASAUR, on 22 April 2013 - 04:50 PM, said:
Dogshit armor rating for a heavy. Get endo steel and dhs then put all free weight into armor. I put all but around 10 armor on my front i like to be able to stand up to whatever is infront of me no matter what it is. I also run 2 ppcs 1 gauss in my 1x alot its a strong and fun sniper.
way ahead of you, my friend. That pic is from my very first post. I updated with a new pic a couple posts ago. thanks anyway though
Sadistic Savior, on 22 April 2013 - 09:48 AM, said:
Not at all. I use gauss on my highlander, and it hits at point blank. It is SUPPOSED to have a minimum range (it did in the Table Top game) but in this game it does not. Only downside is that it explodes like Ammo when hit...so it you only have ballistic mounts in your torso, it might be a bad idea. Especially if you have an XL engine.
If I have the weight and space for it, I always choose Gauss over PPCs. It does lots of damage at one point, it's ammo does not explode, and it generates almost no heat. But I admit PPCs have advantages; they are lighter, take less space, need no ammo, and hit much faster in combat.
I would go with Gauss over any Autocannon except maybe an AC/20. I would only trade lasers for it if you are confident you can hit close targets with a ballistic weapon. The new State rewind makes this easier than it used to be, but it is still not as easy as lasers IMO.
IMO, your armor should always be maxed or close to maxed. That is a given. That is probably why most people are not commenting on it...no one would choose to go with light armor on a heavy mech.
I would say, max out center torso and head, and distribute evenly everywhere else then go from there and tweak as you need. Arms and legs will depend on what you have stored there...if you are putting ammo in the legs, you might want to put more there. If you are carrying key weapons in an arm or torso (like that Gauss), I would put more there. If you have nothing in one or both arms, I would distribute to torso and legs first, and whatever is left over to arms.
As someone who loves to headshot heavy mechs, I would warn you that skimping on head armor is a bad idea. Especially with state rewind now on ballistic weapons. I usually target the head first. And I usually headshot a heavy mech at least once a day.
IMO, head armor should always be maxed. Even before center torso.
Depends on how good you are a piloting. If you are bad I would say it needs to be high. If you are good, I would say you can skimp on it to a large degree. Clever torso twisting will minimize rear hits even from nimble lights that are circle-strafing you.
But just as with the head, the rear is a prime target for everyone else. If they see your rear torso presented, they will go out of their way to hit it. because it is usually not well armored and therefore an easy kill.
thanks a bunch for your advice, very much appreciated.
btw what is "state rewind" on ballistics? I heard that somewhere else too, am a bit lost