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This Game Is Unplayable To A Core I7 With 7730.

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#41 Koniving

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:51 AM

Long story short... "Notebook."

You may as well have said "I want to run this game on a 386 with windows 3.1 and 4 megabytes of ram with dialup."

I think you'll have better like trying to get the Atari 400 to play this game.

Edited by Koniving, 17 April 2013 - 10:53 AM.

#42 Fate 6


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:02 AM

View PostKdogg788, on 17 April 2013 - 09:24 AM, said:

Point is this game is still well playable on many laptops, and you don't have to drop $2000 on one either. My MSI laptop runs this game all on "Very High" at middle resolution. He's not asking for state of the art performance to match the best of 2013 desktop graphics cards, just something which will run this game. His specs are well within the limits of even the most demanding current games. I blame A: His settings, he could run at a lower res. and B: The optimization of this game code. When many many players run games with better graphics such as BF3, Skyrim, etc. maxed out, yet MWO is a slideshow, there is a problem here, don'tcha think?


DING! Hitting the nail on the head.

My laptop has i7 and like 8gb RAM. I should be able to run this game on lowest settings and have the framerate be smooth.

Here's the reasoning for this: MWO is a free-to-play game. F2P economic models revolve around bringing in lots of players, having them play and enjoy the game, having micro-transactions, and bringing in friends to play with them. In order to do this, people have to be able to run the damn thing without needing desktops that are optimized for gaming. I'm a college student, I move around a lot, and a desktop is entirely impractical. Does that mean I shouldn't play this game? Maybe, if PGI doesn't want me to. But if PGI wants to make a barrier to entry, make it $60 instead of the requirement of a gaming PC.

#43 MaddMaxx


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:03 AM

The thing with Min Specs for any game is this crazy rule everyone seems to understand, well almost everyone.

1) Take the stated minimum specs.
2) Double whatever it says is required for the big 3. CPU, GPU, Ram.
3) Add another 50% to that double you just did and away you go. :ph34r:

P.S. System specs don't mean Jack if your unit is Registry clogged and running a bazillion auto on apps via the registry run entries. Clean your GD machines peeps.

Just for ***** and giggles, try this. Hit Start, then Run, type in Regedit. Now follow this route.


How many thousands of entries are there and do you know what each one does? If not be ashamed for complaining about an issue you have no idea of how to take corrective actions of yourself. :(

P.S. Caveat. Use Regedit at your own risk, and the risk can be HIGH...

Edited by MaddMaxx, 17 April 2013 - 11:12 AM.

#44 Fate 6


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:08 AM

View PostRyvucz, on 17 April 2013 - 10:01 AM, said:

Why people use those thin little objects that have inferior processing power and heat efficiency, is beyond me.

I'd like to see you fit your desktop in your carry-on.

#45 MaddMaxx


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:14 AM

View PostFate 6, on 17 April 2013 - 11:08 AM, said:

I'd like to see you fit your desktop in your carry-on.

LOL! I have a Laptop for that need. :ph34r:

#46 Corbon Zackery


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:17 AM

View PostArctourus, on 17 April 2013 - 09:11 AM, said:

My core I5 desktop runs it flawlessly at max settings. Laptops are not gaming machines. The difference between a laptop and a desktop with the same processor, ram, display card, etc is that the desktop runs at full power. Even at max performance settings, the laptop will always run at a much slower rate. It's the reason I gave up my dream of buying a laptop.

I would have to agree with him I not having any trouble with my i5 desktop computer I bought it through newegg.com through ibuypower and it runs great only issue I had was the underpowered power supply because they used a cheap brand. I using a old 802.11 54 mbps Belkin wireless connection I get 40-67 ping.

The lap-pads just don't have enough battery power to effectively run the game there is a huge difference between a lap-pad processor and desktop processor the size alone would give you a clue.

#47 Kdogg788


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:31 AM

View PostCorbon Zackery, on 17 April 2013 - 11:17 AM, said:

I would have to agree with him I not having any trouble with my i5 desktop computer I bought it through newegg.com through ibuypower and it runs great only issue I had was the underpowered power supply because they used a cheap brand. I using a old 802.11 54 mbps Belkin wireless connection I get 40-67 ping.

The lap-pads just don't have enough battery power to effectively run the game there is a huge difference between a lap-pad processor and desktop processor the size alone would give you a clue.

Here's another oft-overlooked function. Make sure your laptop is PLUGGED IN! A laptop battery does not have enough power to run any game requiring a decent amount of processing power on battery voltage alone. A typical laptop GPU is not usually active or at the very least running anywhere near full power on battery.


#48 Veebora


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:45 AM

View PostMawai, on 17 April 2013 - 10:34 AM, said:

1) Your laptop i7 is likely dual core and MWO does NOT run well on dual core devices. You could try turning on hyper-threading in the BIOS (it is often off by default) and see if that will make a difference.

2) The 7730 GPU is almost as low performance as you can get for mobile discrete graphics.

Both these reasons will contribute to poor performance in MWO ... and it isn't the developers fault ... if you want high quality graphics with high polygon counts then it requires a certain minimum in both CPU and GPU to run well.

... that said there are probably some optimizations they could do to make it run better but I am not sure it will ever run well unless they create special low-res models and textures for low-end performance systems which will then look much much worse ...

I am pretty sure that this laptop is better than at least 50% (pretty sure this number should be more to 80%) of the desktops already on the users house, because at least it has a dedicated graphics card and a Generation 3 Core I7 (mobile but it is new).

If this game is aiming just for the very high end machines they will take some time to make strong profits.

View PostKoniving, on 17 April 2013 - 10:51 AM, said:

Long story short... "Notebook."

You may as well have said "I want to run this game on a 386 with windows 3.1 and 4 megabytes of ram with dialup."

I think you'll have better like trying to get the Atari 400 to play this game.

You ate something that was not good for you, go to the bathroom and put your fingers on your throat until you put it out.

Edited by Veebora, 17 April 2013 - 12:05 PM.

#49 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 11:53 AM

View PostFate 6, on 17 April 2013 - 11:08 AM, said:

I'd like to see you fit your desktop in your carry-on.

My tower is portable........ but it sure wont fit in the bins on some rinky dink Embraer!

View PostKdogg788, on 17 April 2013 - 11:31 AM, said:

Here's another oft-overlooked function. Make sure your laptop is PLUGGED IN! A laptop battery does not have enough power to run any game requiring a decent amount of processing power on battery voltage alone. A typical laptop GPU is not usually active or at the very least running anywhere near full power on battery.


Mine runs fine off the battery.. but I only get about an hour in game.

Also, sorry to say, you got ripped if those are the specs you spent a 1000 bucks on. I was patient, got my unit, for about 300 bucks less, and have zero issues, and an actual modern workable GPU. Insisting there is "something wrong" with MWO is not going to change the fact you have a barely viable GPU. Oh, and CryEngine is a resource hog, which probably doesn't help.

#50 Target Rich


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:01 PM

Same old same old....PGI chose Cryengine ...and moded the heck out of it....the result is a graphics engine that eats up CPU and Graphic processing capacity like a wino goes through bottles.

Same old same old...saw same stuff in MW4...both had similar graphic demands upon the then current PC market...the developer's wet dreams EXCLUDED over 70 percent of the available market. NOW MW4 was over 10 years ago...and much higher percentage used desktops.

Nowadays...virtually noone except the gamers wearing those lovely tin foil hats....foregoes the portability of a laptop for a desktop klunker. Heck...the current market move is AWAY from the clunky PC LAPTOPS towards IPAD clones...

Yet here we are yet again...listening to the tin foil hat crowd here...reaffirm the "need" for a basically dedicated desktop gaming system costing fricking THOUSANDS of dollars when combined with all the silly gaming mouses...high end graphic cards...quad processers....and other mickey mouse manure...just to play a fricking beta copy of a game that EXCLUDES over 70-80 percent of its primary market...PC's...!!!

Get real people...why would ANYONE pay this kind of green...for a fricking PC...when they can get a high quality gaming experience on dedicated Playstation and XBOX Gaming systems which are BUILT for this stuff...and do an infinately better job up front anyway.

And listen....sadly....as yet another fustrated laptop owner...is turned away from investing in this game (WHICH SO DESPARATELY NEEDS IT) while you guys mouth yet another irrelevant diatribe about needing to spend beaucoup dollars on a disfunctional beta.

The laptop owner on the other hand...has a momentary regret...and turns to the hundreds of existing huge MMP's that play perfectly on his or her low end basic PC....


That's called Market Share 101....It's also why World of Warcraft has been a huge success for over a decade not....

and why...unfortunately...MWO is looking increasingly like a still born child....in the making

#51 Caviel


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:07 PM

View PostVeebora, on 17 April 2013 - 08:58 AM, said:

The game is awesome, but I have a notebook with a Core I7 and a Radeon 7730 and the top FPS is 20.

That is because everything is on minimal and the resolution is 1280 x 800.

Developers must do something about this.

They are, all the time. There are DX11 changes with more engine integration features from the CryEngine coming, so there's not as much drive to fix things in the current revision since it will be partially tossed out with the future upgrade (May-ish?).

Do you have an integrated video chipset from Intel on your system in addition to the ATI? I have an nVidia chipset on my wife's laptop so your process would be different with ATI, but I had to go into the nVidia control panel and explicitly set MW:O to use the nVidia card and not the Intel Integrated GPU. Before I did that I was lucky to get 25 fps at 1024x768, now I can get a solid 48-50 fps at native screen resolution with everything but AA enabled.

You might want to check your power profile settings as well to make sure your system isn't scaling back your CPU performance, even on AC power.

View PostFate 6, on 17 April 2013 - 11:08 AM, said:

I'd like to see you fit your desktop in your carry-on.


View PostKdogg788, on 17 April 2013 - 11:31 AM, said:

Here's another oft-overlooked function. Make sure your laptop is PLUGGED IN! A laptop battery does not have enough power to run any game requiring a decent amount of processing power on battery voltage alone. A typical laptop GPU is not usually active or at the very least running anywhere near full power on battery.

And make sure it is plugged in before you turn the power on. I know some Dell laptops had an issue where it would never hit full performance on AC power unless it was plugged in at boot.

#52 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:10 PM

View PostTarget Rich, on 17 April 2013 - 12:01 PM, said:

Same old same old....PGI chose Cryengine ...and moded the heck out of it....the result is a graphics engine that eats up CPU and Graphic processing capacity like a wino goes through bottles.

Same old same old...saw same stuff in MW4...both had similar graphic demands upon the then current PC market...the developer's wet dreams EXCLUDED over 70 percent of the available market. NOW MW4 was over 10 years ago...and much higher percentage used desktops.

Nowadays...virtually noone except the gamers wearing those lovely tin foil hats....foregoes the portability of a laptop for a desktop klunker. Heck...the current market move is AWAY from the clunky PC LAPTOPS towards IPAD clones...

Yet here we are yet again...listening to the tin foil hat crowd here...reaffirm the "need" for a basically dedicated desktop gaming system costing fricking THOUSANDS of dollars when combined with all the silly gaming mouses...high end graphic cards...quad processers....and other mickey mouse manure...just to play a fricking beta copy of a game that EXCLUDES over 70-80 percent of its primary market...PC's...!!!

Get real people...why would ANYONE pay this kind of green...for a fricking PC...when they can get a high quality gaming experience on dedicated Playstation and XBOX Gaming systems which are BUILT for this stuff...and do an infinately better job up front anyway.

And listen....sadly....as yet another fustrated laptop owner...is turned away from investing in this game (WHICH SO DESPARATELY NEEDS IT) while you guys mouth yet another irrelevant diatribe about needing to spend beaucoup dollars on a disfunctional beta.

The laptop owner on the other hand...has a momentary regret...and turns to the hundreds of existing huge MMP's that play perfectly on his or her low end basic PC....


That's called Market Share 101....It's also why World of Warcraft has been a huge success for over a decade not....

and why...unfortunately...MWO is looking increasingly like a still born child....in the making

Hmmmm. Funny. I spent about 800 initially designing my computer. And I also find it much more useful for art editing and other things to have the stability and power and solid workspace of a desktop. Certainly I have added toys since, but I was playing the game fine without them. AND using the PC for many other things. (Entertainment center for one). No tin foil hat here.

Maybe it's the mobile casual user that needs to realize that the compromise being made for everything getting smaller and lighter is that they also aren't going to have the ****** to run a lot of things, as programming is getting more complex, not less.

You want insta portability, great.. but if you want to game with it, hope you are content with Words with Friends, Temple Run and some games using 10 year old engines.

#53 Black Templar

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:13 PM

View PostChavette, on 17 April 2013 - 09:01 AM, said:

FPS are chainging rapidly between patches for lower end comps, if that makes you happier.

Sometimes its 10fps more, sometimes its 15 less.

ever since closed beta i have been through this like four times now. performance comes and goes with patches. i am playing on a Q9500 @ 3,5Ghz with 8GB RAM and a HD5770 and am currently getting roughly 40fps out of the game (still 10 less since closed beta)

stay put dude, times will get better!

#54 Veebora


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:36 PM

View PostCaviel, on 17 April 2013 - 12:07 PM, said:

Do you have an integrated video chipset from Intel on your system in addition to the ATI? I have an nVidia chipset on my wife's laptop so your process would be different with ATI, but I had to go into the nVidia control panel and explicitly set MW:O to use the nVidia card and not the Intel Integrated GPU. Before I did that I was lucky to get 25 fps at 1024x768, now I can get a solid 48-50 fps at native screen resolution with everything but AA enabled

Thks, I will try checking your TIP as I have the Inteal integrated as well.

#55 Atayu


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:36 PM

Most of the time I play on my good gaming rig. But once in a while im on playing off my laptop. I handles MWO just fine on high settings medium rez. Or on medium settings on high rez. It runs the game at 40-60 FPS most off the time. Running high rez and settings both drops FPS allot. It is a simple dell insperion I-7 processor, nvidia 660 video card and 8mb mem. I bought the thing for under a grand. But after about hour and a half have to give it a rest because it gets so hot.

#56 TehSBGX


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:43 PM

View PostRyvucz, on 17 April 2013 - 10:01 AM, said:

Why people use those thin little objects that have inferior processing power and heat efficiency, is beyond me.

I've always considered laptops "little girl" comps. Then again, I laugh at smartphones too.

#57 Ancalagon


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:46 PM

My Laptop runs the game just fine at a max resolution of 1920 * 1080, graphics quality set at around Very High (averaging 25 fps). Then again, I do have a 7970M in it, as well as a random Quad Core CPU. I suspect your card might not be up to scratch, which is why you're getting much lower FPS than I am.

#58 Ialti


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:49 PM

View PostArctourus, on 17 April 2013 - 09:11 AM, said:

My core I5 desktop runs it flawlessly at max settings. Laptops are not gaming machines. The difference between a laptop and a desktop with the same processor, ram, display card, etc is that the desktop runs at full power. Even at max performance settings, the laptop will always run at a much slower rate. It's the reason I gave up my dream of buying a laptop.

Never give up your dreams. :D

#59 Dead Fury


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 12:55 PM

I'm running a Core i3 2100k @ 3.1 Ghz (hyperthreading capable) had to go cheap here I was budgeting when i built the computer.

Graphics card: Amd HD 6950 Bought this card a year ago, was a very good card a year ago and still is.

Running the game at 1920x1080 High settings with shadows reduced, and AA off. 50 frames average.

I record matches in 900p with MSI afterburner and it drops my frames to 30-40 while recording.

#60 Ranek Blackstone


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 01:07 PM

View PostAtayu, on 17 April 2013 - 12:36 PM, said:

Most of the time I play on my good gaming rig. But once in a while im on playing off my laptop. I handles MWO just fine on high settings medium rez. Or on medium settings on high rez. It runs the game at 40-60 FPS most off the time. Running high rez and settings both drops FPS allot. It is a simple dell insperion I-7 processor, nvidia 660 video card and 8mb mem. I bought the thing for under a grand. But after about hour and a half have to give it a rest because it gets so hot.

The 660m is a decent mobile GPU, roughly as powerful as the aging 450 desktop cards. My brother wanted a mac with a 675m, until I showed him my aging GTX460 (which ran MWO just fine at max settings) over powered it. He got a new windows PC, and I gave him the 460 when I splurged and got a GTX670.

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