Roland, on 17 April 2013 - 03:14 PM, said:
First, some background... I like PPC's. I like all travel time weapons. I've been using them consistently since closed beta, so the fact that they all hit exactly where I aim, and have no firing delay is like a freaking gift from God. Best time I've had in Mechwarrior since prior to the first patch of Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance.
However, I also feel that it has exposed some issues which will eventually degrade things. I expect that the current "everyone take a highlander" meta is gonna fade quickly, but still, I think that we need to look at how things have changed as a result of functional, modern netcode.
Now that the netcode seems to pretty much work correctly, long range direct fire weaponry is a valid and effective means to play the game. This is, without question, a good thing.
However, this means that it is time to revisit some of the previous balance changes that were made in an environment where long range direct fire was not really viable.
Thus, I suggest the following changes to weaponry:
1) Medium lasers - Reduce heat back to the original value of 3
2) Small Lasers - reduce heat back to the original value of 1
3) Medium Pulse Lasers - reduce heat back to the original value of 4
4) Small Pulse Lasers - reduce heat back to the original value of 2
5) Large Pulse Lasers - Increase damage up to 12
Note, I'm not talking about missile weapons here. While I feel that there are certain changes necessary, I feel that is a discussion to be had separately.
This post is mainly about the small and medium lasers (with the LPL thrown in as well), because I feel that we may want to go back to simply reverting the changes previously made to these weapons.
In order to decide whether we should revert those changes, we need to examine why those changes were originally made to begin with.
Back in closed beta, all of the netcode was basically borked. All of the long range weapons, with the exception of the gauss, were basically useless... and the gauss was largely only usable by folks with good pings. PPC's were much hotter, as were Large Lasers. Also, all of the maps were small, close quarters affairs.
This resulted in small and medium lasers being dominant weapons, especially on the limited chassis of the day which included the Jenner and the Hunchback 4P. Also, without engine/speed caps, you could make mechs that tooled around at extremely high speed (further exacerbating the netcode problems), capable of delivering fairly large alpha strikes against targets which were largely incapable of returning fire effectively.
What's worse, given the essential lack of reliable long range weaponry, there was very little that you could do against an advancing medium laser boat to slow him down. He'd be moving at over 100kph, so it was only taking a few seconds to get within range of his medium lasers, at which point he was just gonna beat you on efficiency if you had any other weapon type. This led to an overall lack of balance, and the heat of the small energy weapons was increased in an attempt to balance them against everything else.
Today though, much of this has changed.
Now, we (obviously) have extremely effective long range direct fire weaponry. There is, without question, the ability to crush a mech while he is closing on your position if he does not maneuver to use cover.
But despite the changes that enable effective long range weapons, we still have the nerfs of the light energy weapons. The result of this is that even if that mech is capable of getting up in your face, at optimal range of his weapons (generally through effective manevuering) he's still not at much of (or any) advantage against a PPC/Gauss boat. In terms of heat/damage, the medium lasers are identical to PPC's.. only the PPC's are capable of always dumping all of the damage on a single panel, while the medium lasers must be held on target during their discharge.
For this reason, I think it is worth resetting the light energy weapons to their original stats, and seeing how they balance out against the long range direct fire weapons.
My hypothesis is that this will make them more effective at short range, but less effective at long range.. which is exactly how they are supposed to function.
This is, in my mind, a better option than simply nerfing the long range direct fire weapons. It preserves the long range, skill based sniper play that many players enjoy. However, it also ENABLES short range brawling, that other players enjoy. It then becomes a contest of positioning, in order to try and get the fight that you are ranged for (or carry configurations capable of fighting at both ranges).
I think this is a reasonable request, and fairly easy to implement, and worth at least examining.
Please don't advocate buffing/nerfing in a vacuum. The Dev team has done too much of that already. Let's get full HSR in, then talk about balance. Furthermore "Balance" can not be discussed in a vacuum as 12v12 should be implemented as well. Lastly Balance must be around an idea, a game-play concept called pacing. Currently MLas, SLas, and LLas are all pretty close in terms of "pacing" for combat. PPC's area little strong, SRM's might be ok, LRMs are a little weak, and the Pulse lasers are a little weak, except maybe the large pulse, it might be about in line with the current laser pacing. So please consider this stuff before saying "my weapon that I love is too weak." Consider that the regular lasers are RIGHT and balance the rest around that pacing.