thank non-existing entity for CLTR-A, CTRL-C reflexes
Again with the R&R?
R&R gave us:
- AFK Farmers (yes, they still exist, but not to that extent)
- Suicide Trial Mech Farmers
- People powering down in a corner to avoid taking damage
- People not torso-twisting to deflect some damage because this would be more expensive
- Imbalanced the game - some mechs were cheap to run, some where expensive to run ,but with no rhyme or reason.
- Base Cap Rushing with no shot exchanged.
Fundamental issues
Repair & Rearm does not actually encourage better play. There are two things that drive players in MW:O
1) The Will to Win
2) C-Bill and XP Rewards. The more you can get, the better. C-Bills and XP allow you to get the stuff you want to have and you believe will be fun.
R&R created a direct conflict between 1 and 2). Winning was not the guarantee to get rich in C-Bills and XP. Sometimes it was smarter to accept a loss (power down in a corner). It was better to suicide in a trial mech, leave the match, and start another suicide match in a trial, because you'd made more money from 2 lost matches with no repair cost then 1 hard-fought match with repair cost.
Another example here is the torso-twist thing. Everyone hopefully knows by now - you can try to avoid the enemy hitting your sensitive spots by torso twisting and not showing him those spots. But unfortunately, that means that more of your mech's armour was destroyed, which you needed to pay for afterwards. So better to get killed clean and fast.
R&R lead to pay-to-win scenario
The C-Bill reward bonus from Founder and Hero Mechs and from Premium Accounts meant that people that have these bonus are much more likely to bring expensive gear to every match, which someone without these bonuses couldn't afford. This is a direct advantage in every combat that you could get by paying money. It's not as clear-cut as buying a Gold PPC that deals 12 damage per shot instead of 10, but it's bad enough.
R&R didn't serve to balance the game
If a technology is powerful, it makes it more likely to win if you use it when the enemy isn't. So you are more likely to get high rewards if you use powereful technology, which gives you the money to use powerful technology.
Weak technology is not so popwerful, if you use it you are less likely to win, more likely to make less money, less likely to buy better technology.
So the winners win more, the losers lose more. At some point its's pointless or at least so unfun to try to get better that you might as well leave the game. A player less to fight against, a player less that could potentially buy some MC.
R&R and in-game world "realism"
R&R is also broken on a in-game world perspective. Why become a mercenary if you risk losing so much money or not making a profit? You'd be better off selling your mech and becoming a farmer. Real world mercenaries are well-payed in this day and age. A Mercenary employed by the US in Afghanistan earns a multiple of the money a regular soldier costs.
A real world mercenary will probably avoid taking any contracts that gets them the guarantee that the'll fight equally strong enemies. Unfortunately, match-making is all about balanced both sides of the match! Even real world armies will try to avoid fighting "balanced" matches. Balanced matches are a concept of games, because it's more fun that way. Wars are not usually fought for the fun of it.
Other Mechwarrior Titles
Comparisons to other Mechwarrior also fall flat
1) R&R didn't exist in online modes of previous mechwarrior titles.
2) In Single Player, the game is always rigged for you to win. If you don't win or are unsatisfied with your results, you can always go back to a previous savegame.
So Repair & Rearm, never again.
Edited by MustrumRidcully, 18 April 2013 - 10:40 PM.