Redoxin, on 20 April 2013 - 01:30 PM, said:
Such a clueless post. First of, the curve shown does NOT show that 90% of people win 50% of their games. It doesnt show anything about win percentage of individuals (I would be very keen to know this though). It just shows that the Elo values are evenly distributed among the population (which should be a given anyway).
You honestly think that current Elo has smth to do with your skill? What it shows is that the vast majority of people who play the game has nearly exact same Elo score. Only people who are not in that middle Elo zone are:
- afk'er, griefers (TK'ers) and just horrible players (5% "left wing")
- people who only play in really good groups and thus nearly always win (5% "right wing")
What it means that everyone else (skilled players and non-skilled players) are in the same Elo zone, which in turn means that their Elo rating just gets random adjustments up and down with equal probability when they end up on a randomly good / bad team.
You can't win against a 'far better opposition' (and visa versa) in terms of Elo beacause you never meet that 'far better' in your games. You only play inside your middle-zone. Even if you pull a rabbit out of your hat in one of your games your Elo won't go up any more then on any other of your wins. More importantly this win will quickly get negated by a few random losses you'll soon have. Everyone starts in the same zone and there is no way to get out of that same zone just as graph shows. The fact that some new players do get out of there only means that they do one of the two things stated above.
Redoxin, on 20 April 2013 - 01:30 PM, said:
Secondly, of course you influence the win chance of your team. It is not random if you win or lose.
An example for you ... completely noob player gets dropped with 7 awesome guys, does nothing in his game (0 damage etc.) but his awesome teams wins even without him. His Elo goes up. Is that fair?
Or ... an awesome players gets dropped with 7 crap players. Obviousely he can't win. His Elo goes down. Is that fair?
Or ... 4 'good' players are in team with 4 'bads', other team has 8 'average' players. Bads run away, 4 good guys are easily outnumbered by 8-man deathball. Is it fair that 4 'goods' will have to suffer Elo drop?
One person can't influence the outcome of the game. The 'difference' that you personally make is so little that it'll never really show up on current Elo graph (thats why most of us are around the middle). With 12 vs 12 coming this difference will be even less.
Redoxin, on 20 April 2013 - 01:30 PM, said:
And your match score does not matter as much as you believe. You can do a lot of stuff that helps your team win that doesnt get you any points.
Never said that the current match score is perfect. PGI will have to keep improving it. IMO you need to include factors like 'damage taken', 'distance travelled', 'locks aquired/kept', 'time on hostile cap zones', 'time on your cap zones when enemy mechs are on them' etc. But 99% of matches I've played people who really did well had higher game scores.
I don't understand why people defend the current Elo system. It has nothing (or very very little) to do with your skill. Obviousely game score has far more to do with your skill that wins/losses.