This thread is bringing to light what the closed beta testers were saying back in June of last year: MWO has a problem with scale.
The mechs, all of the mechs, are completely inconsistent in scale. The Stalker is the poster child for this. Based on weight, it should be very nearly the size of an Atlas.
I think Alex does a fantastic job in creating the MWO concepts for these mechs, but somewhere along the lines, the translation of size gets completely screwed up. In other words, each mech taken individually looks great, but compared to each other, things are a mess.
Dear PGI, here's how to fix this problem in 5 easy steps:
1. To me, I think the Hunchback is probably the closest to "right" as far as scale goes. It really doesn't matter which mech is chosen, but you need to figure out which mech has it's scale "right" and use that as a base. One you have chosen the "base" . . .
2. Compute the in game volume of that mech. It cannot be that hard.
3. Take the weight of the mech, divide by volume. Presto! Density.
4. Now you have the density of a well proportioned mech. You know the weight of all the mechs. Shrink or expand the volume of each model in game until they all have identical density.
5. Thank Banditman, perhaps in the form of MC.
Edited by Banditman, 22 April 2013 - 11:28 AM.