But if a fix for the HUD issues and crashing is not pushed immediately, this is the first time I've honestly really been concerned about the future of the game.
To put it frankly, many units are just BLEEDING pilots right now, who refuse to play until this is fixed. Our unit is doing considerably better than that (Others we've known have imploded over it, though), but I'd be lying if I wasn't going to say this is crushing morale.
For context, last night we wanted to play 5 drops against another 8 man in Conquest. Do you know how many drops it took to get games where less than 1 person disco'ed? 22.
To make matters worse, among those disconnects, at least 2-3 people were afflicted with various HUD bugs ranging from no guns, to no map, to inverted cap points - and we were generally lucky to even get in with that. On top of that, we also encountered the new cap point issue that prevents one team from taking a point (even after the whole team dog piled it).
This isn't acceptable PGI. I'm not attacking anyone here, I think you guys are awesome overall, but this is really really really bad. And it's not just impacting us "serious" players; look around at all the PUGs that are more than a little upset by the "AFKers" and "Discos." While that happened a little before, I'd say as much as 95% of it are these bugs.
Whatever changes you made in the last two patches (the last hot fix made an already existent problem worse in our experience) needs to either be addressed in the very next patch, or rolled back. I realize you'd be reluctant to rollback the Highlander and Jaggermech for obvious reasons, but re-implementing them after the rollback before pushing the update would likely be fine as I doubt they're what broke the game (possible as it may be - and at least you'd know for sure then.)
All I know, and this part I cannot stress enough, is if PGI pushes another large content patch without addressing these issues, a lot of people are going to quit. I'm not talking drama-quit, coming to the forums to rant quitting, I mean they're going to just quietly slink off and stop playing.
I'm not one of them, and I'm trying to push through this, but if you ask any units that are aware of the problem and they'll tell you the same thing; some PUGs might not realize the extent of it (only noticing their own bugs), but they too are getting frustrated by not getting a single match in without losing people, and I really don't think the majority of them are on purpose right now.
Again, please do not turn this into a flame thread, but the more comments the better (in particular if you feel strongly about this) - I'm not attacking PGI here but you cannot introduce bugs on this level and then leave them for this long; I know this is a "beta" but I am pretty sure everyone is on the same page that it pretty much means "Awaiting community warfare before a big PR push" and not actual beta; not when you have active paying customers.
If anyone is making the mistake of treating this like people should put up with this as paid beta testers, stop immediately. Nobody, not even people who don't play and are looking at the game from the outside, has that impression. If you burn people here, they won't come back for the "full game."
tl/dr: The second to last patch rendered the HUD unstable and began causing crashes; the hotfix seemed to amplify it. Either roll back the changes (even if it means taking HSR offline) in the next patch, and soon, or repair the issue before people outright give up entirely. Also whatever you do, do not release another big content patch until this stuff is fixed. While I love more content and want as much as possible, people are viewing this as a "Sell stuff, don't fix stuff" strategy - regardless of it's honest intentions.
EDIT: To put it simply, among the hardcore users, we never really talk badly about PGI - in fact many of us talk rather fondly of them. But I would be lying if I had not heard nothing but venom from the hardest of loyalists over this - if they're even around. This is really, really, really bad; the worst issue since Closed beta (when the game was in "real" Beta, making it way more acceptable).
Edited by Victor Morson, 28 April 2013 - 11:12 AM.