Dimento Graven, on 28 April 2013 - 04:09 PM, said:
You can't do it and maintain the same accuracy or piloting ability without it. Hense it provides a non-generally available tactical advantage and is therefore cheating.
A quick answer to your question with some extrapolation, and please not that I do so dispassionately, as I'm not interested in provoking you, but pointing out a nuance to this entire argument that you may have missed.
First, as to "Why use it?". Because it looks and sounds cool. Thats all. If we stop and analyze what is actually happening with AC2's in particular it should become apparent. The machine gun macro for AC2's is nothing more than a visual and auditory modification of link-firing 6 AC2's in one weapon group. All the macro does is offset the timing of them by .05 seconds so that it looks and sounds cooler. The pinpoint accuracy is exactly the same in macro fire as it is in link-group fire. As is the damage, heat accumulation, and ROF. the individual AC2's are not firing any faster than they are capable of in link-fire mode. Additionally, with the AC2's there are a few inherent disadvantages to macro-firing them, since they cycle every half second your pinpoint accuracy actually decreases as they start to function like a slow ticking laser (ie. you have to track better and more consistantly to keep your DPS equal to firing them normally in linked-group mode). As a further disadvantage over firing them in normal group-linked mode, when macro-firing since they only fire one at a time (albeit in rapid succession) if you release the fire button on anything other than the #6 AC2, the rest do not fire and you lose what would have been the damage for that volley(2-10 damage) since the volley quit firing before all of them had a chance to fire.
The only advantage that Macro-firing AC2's has is looking and sounding cool. That really is it. Its a cooler looking and sounding group-linked fire.
If other macros on other weapon systems actually do offer an advantage, than they are a problem. But the AC2 macro specifically is purely cosmetic, even though its so effective at being cooler looking and sounding that its drawn new attention to the debate of "macro or not". If macros are to eventually found to offer unfair advantages in MW:O the AC2 macro can not objectively be used as evidence, since it does not apply.