If anyone wants to test another weapon for comparison to these, the method I use is:
1 - Take the Mech with the weapon to be tested (ammo weapons should have 1-2 tons ammo)
2 - Enter Testing Grounds
3 - Find the Atlas
4 - Get within 88m centered on its front
5 - In its CT, there is a row of 3 panels with Xs on them, aim for the middle one
6 - Make sure the test weapon is assigned its own weapon group
7 - Get your timer ready
8 - To start, press and hold the button for the group given to the test weapon in Step 6. Holding the button constantly fires the weapon. Do this until:
8A - Atlas destroyed
8B - You run out of ammo
Note time to one of the end steps.
Save screenshot and post it with time + details here.
1 MG on a RVN-4X using 1 ton ammo, 5 minutes, 35 seconds until ammo ran out, I think a test with no spread would be better than this
1 SL on AWS-8Q, 2 minutes
1 SPL on HBK-4H, 1 minute, 58 seconds
1 ML on HBK-4H, 1 minute, 35 seconds
LBX AC/10 on HBK-4H using 2 tons ammo, 1 minute 15 seconds then ammo ran out, note spread is not always same as this, I have other pictures to prove it.
AC/10 on CN9-A with 2 tons ammo, 40 seconds, used 1 ton + 1 shot ammo
PPC on AWS-8Q, 50 seconds
I am sure people know about why a MG is compared to a SL
I also wanted to see comparison of MG spread vs LBX spread
The SPL was included for comparison to the SL and ML
AC/10 was added to compare to the LBX and the PPC
Note the PPC is NOT an ER version and is used under 2m of its minimum range
OK, not going to post the same 'dead Atlas' pics but here are stats for other weapons I have access to now.
MPL on an Awesome, 1 minute 20 seconds
LL on Awesome, 55 seconds
LPL on Awesome, 50 seconds
Gauss Rifle on Trial DRG-5N©, 42 seconds, 11 shots used
Edited by Merchant, 28 April 2013 - 07:33 PM.