dal10, on 15 July 2013 - 07:05 PM, said:
ultra 5 and particularly lbx ammo is significantly different from standard ac/5 rounds.
as for heavy industry, the only 2 planets that the falcons took (as far as i can tell) that had any really heavy industry was twycross and sudeten (sudeten in particular actually had battlemech factories). the wolves had tamar and rasahague, as well as verthandi for material access and agromech factories (would take years of retooling to up that to omnimech capability.) as well as MAYBE (speculation on what would be here) Radstadt and gunzburg. (planets that seem to be important would likely have heavy factories (also note that the farther you get from a realm capital in general and terra in particular, the less high tech you tend to see) but not necessarily mech factories) the bears got alshain and the jags got marshdale. so out of the planets they took, there were (by reasonable speculation) 7 planets that likely had heavy industry. 4 of those would not be taken until the 5th wave of the invasion, so roughly 7-8 months. after that you would need extensive retooling even provided they were taken with 0 damage to the facility. at least a year for retooling to production of anything that is not tech one spheroid gear. (and even then this would be at best tech 2 star league gear, not clan omni gear. 5 years to a decade before they could completely refit a factory to produce omni gear, cause you would basically have to start from scratch.) if the IS fought back with any intelligence at all the only planets you would capture with intact factories would be twycross and rasalhague. cause if it was me the moment you guys hit sudeten those factories would be going down. same thing with alshain, marshdale, gunzburg and radstadt. i would make you guys have to start from scratch.
simply put, you could not take the factories for certain, though likely a good amount of light industry facilities would be taken (cause most mid sized planets have at least some industry for consumer goods. it is heavy duty hardware that is produced only on a few planets).
You are trying to rationalize fiction...it never works out well for people who try to do so, however, you are clearly making assumptions about a few things. I would like to help you clear that up some...
(1) You assume that the invasion that had been planned for YEARS, was poorly thought out and supplied on a whim. Reality dictates that the Clans, who were superior strategists in many respects, would have planned resupply in advance. As a tactician, you are going on offensive light years away, your invasion waves would have resupply waves between them as your waves left. Therefore you would not be waiting to call for resupply that would come much later, you would anticipate what you would need and have it coming to arrive at the expected interval it would be needed. The shortfall of this is that you would have to take what you planned to bring for resupply and anything else would need to be improvised. Retooling factories would never be any part of any equation for an invading force that had no intentions of long term occupation. Their goal was Terra, once they conquered that, retooling and rebuilding would be thought about. Otherwise they would simply be scavenging for materials to improvise things they needed.
(2) Each wave of the invasion would also bring it's own supplies up front, even the first wave. If you think the Clans flew light years to invade and showed up with just 'mechs and pilots...you're extremely naive, or have no experience in strategically, logistically, and tactically planning anything.
(3) You have to understand, news traveled slowly then, the Clans likely had 20+ worlds on the periphery captured before any of the word traveled to the heads of the respective governments. Additionally, they likely did not anticipate the threat was as grave as it was until the Clans had advanced much further. They would expect that, as in the past, it was simply some raiders or other group, and the militia level units would take care of the issue before it became something big enough they needed to deal with directly. It wasn't until large swaths of the Inner Sphere were decimated that they began to realize how seriously threatened they really were. Even then, it wasn't until the heads of their respective governments were shown the map with the invaded territory that they realized how hard they were hit.
(4) Toward the end of the invasion, the resupply situation was getting to the point it was more serious, however, through the beginning and middle waves, opposition was so poorly outfitted, poorly trained, and poorly manned, that there really was very little in terms of invasion cost. It is likely the Clans arrived into the more heavily fortified areas with little to no supply issues what-so-ever, however, it was the high cost of the war of attrition with the heavier fortified Inner Sphere worlds that depleted their supplies, mechs, and manpower. At the point this began to occur, you could expect that some clan leaders would have expected an easy march all the way to Terra based on the initial resistance being sparse and untrained. Though, once they got into the heart of the Inner Sphere, the resistance would have been more significant, and they would be glad they had accounted for the supplies they did on the way in.
Hopefully that clears up some of the confusion you have about the invasion.
Edited by Gyrok, 03 August 2013 - 10:30 AM.