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Will you buy the Razer Artemis controller?

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#141 Scoobysnax


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:23 AM

Nope. I was never any good with a joystick.



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:24 AM

Has a price been announced?

#143 Arnie1808


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:25 AM

not yet its still in its concept stage

#144 MadBoris


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:26 AM

We don't know anything about the HW. http://www.razerzone.com/artemis
I was hoping they would make a joystick with someone (Razer would likely be my 2nd choice to Logitech), as I have already said in this forum.

I wasn't hoping they would make cheap crap, so go big or go home.
I'm glad they are trying to go big and make a quality joystick.

If it's good HW, and they make a regular unbadged MWO version, that will be supported and great to use in other games, then possibly.
I support furthering quality PC Hardware.
It would allow me to slide my whole keyboard and mouse out of the way for the game.

I have no reason to think this is a cheap gimmick, although some are strangely turned off by them trying to make something that may potentially be cool.
If they don't support other joysticks well, that will rub me the wrong way.
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Edited by MadBoris, 05 June 2012 - 11:31 AM.

#145 Elkarlo


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:26 AM

Just reactived my old 250€ Hotas Rudder Combo via Gameport Konvertor and it works fine.
So no need for me.. personally i hope there is a Wifi App for Android Taps as MFD, can go 3 Monitor setup here but additional Radar..

So intresting but got Own Gear.

#146 Arnie1808


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:28 AM

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I can see the potential but I can also imagine the price.

#147 UncleKulikov


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:30 AM

Price is my main concern, followed by space. My computer is fairly crowded as it is.

#148 Grendalsh


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:35 AM

Currently using the RAZER Nostromo (absolutely no problems with the hardware quality with almost 2 years intensive use.. The left hand controller of the Artemis is a modified Nostromo.
If this is released as a single unit, then I probably won't be buying it.. I WOULD be interested if it's modular, and I can use my existing Nostromo and Android tablet. I would be willing to pay a couple bucks for the controller software and App behind the Artemis to be able to use my existing hardware. However, I won't be playing MWO enough to justify an entirely new desk-spanning hardware interface.
Now, if it came with a thumb trackball instead of joystick, so I could use it with other games...

#149 Arnie1808


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:37 AM

lol yeah me too that's why I am thinking this -

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Will do just fine :P

#150 Voridan Atreides


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:41 AM

If i had the money then yeah.

#151 Blackfire1


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:46 AM

No... I'm very dissapointed.

#152 Zerik


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:48 AM

Looks sexy...If I had the cash for it, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. That said, I'm just lucky my old Logitec 3D Pro still functions, since another joystick would be cutting dangerously close to the Founder's pack funds.

#153 Jeremiah Rose2


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:48 AM

View PostFrostiken, on 05 June 2012 - 08:10 AM, said:

Are you NUTS?

If they had a 'lefties' version, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I'm right-handed.

Off-hand joystick for throttle and analog turning. Main-hand mouse for aiming and torso twisting.

You cannot beat this setup, it's the best of both worlds. Lefties are in the best position to exploit this - using a right-handed joystick in your left hand is ridiculous.

Im using right hand for my mouse and left for Joystick. Thats it. No Joystick for my left hand so **** it.

#154 Blackfire1


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:54 AM

Ok I'll add to it. There is only ONE reason I'd buy that thing. If I can put my keyboard under the display OR if my display is a touchscreen and I can summon a keyboard on it.

#155 Smiffy


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:58 AM

Assuming that it doesn't cost as much as an xbox then fo ****. I was planning on buying a new joystick and throttle setup in acouple weeks anyways, but depending on the details of this and when it actually gets released I may have to save my pennies (before they get discontinued by the canadain mint that is) for one of these monsters.

#156 Arnie1808


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 12:02 PM

View PostBlackfire1, on 05 June 2012 - 11:54 AM, said:

Ok I'll add to it. There is only ONE reason I'd buy that thing. If I can put my keyboard under the display OR if my display is a touchscreen and I can summon a keyboard on it.

Now that would be AWESOME if you could get a keyboard on it :D

#157 Stormdragon


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 12:02 PM

View PostArnie1808, on 05 June 2012 - 11:28 AM, said:

Posted Image

I can see the potential but I can also imagine the price.

I 'm betting around 500.00

#158 Alistair Steiner


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 12:04 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 05 June 2012 - 08:02 AM, said:

Assuming I stumble across a huge wad of cash laying on the curbside somewhere... then yes!

Otherwise, I'm in a state where I can't justify the expense. It sounds really cool, though.

Not sure what page I'll end up on, but Prosperity Park is always so good at putting my thoughts into words.

So, basically what he said. The concept is cool. If it does what it's supposed to do, it'll be completely awesome. A MechWarrior custom joystick and throttle with a keypad? Pretty sweet. If possible, I'd even have it make me punch in my access code (along with joystick waggles, as in the novels) to start the match. Truth be told, the screen is the main source of problems for me. It's pretty sweet at first, then you realize it'll have you looking away from the main screen. I use a laptop, so I don't know if it will be feasible at all for me. The screen also brings up the feasibility of pricing. A joystick/throttle/keypad combo is already expensive enough that I don't have one yet. A screen that ties into the game? That could become prohibitive.

All that being said, were I to "stumble across a wad of cash," then I'd definitely go for it.

#159 Hadet


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 12:04 PM

I was planning on getting a new joystick, since i'm having problem after problem with my steel batttalion controller in Windows 7 and obviously CryEngine 3 and XP are a no go. Here's the problem i see with it so far, and yest i'm still willing to buy one, given a price tag that isn't out-rageous(needs to be less than 250USD.) Razer's licensed peripherals are terrible quality at the moment, look at the Star Craft 2 stuff. I'd have much rather seen them partner with Madcatz. I don't like the fact it doesn't have pedals or a real HOTAS. The screen is cool and all but a HOTAS would have been nicer.

Still interested, will buy if the price is right.

#160 Shapeshifter


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 12:04 PM

All depends on cost, quality and durability (and if it's any good)

need to wait for a few reviews when its out, then another 4-6+ months down the road to see if it will fall apart after heavy use or not.

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