cl_fov = 77
cl_sensitivity = 0.40
r_PostProcessEffectsFilters = 0
r_PostProcessEffects = 0
r_PostAA = 0
r_ColorGrading = 0
;*********************** MWO LOWEST PRO CONFIG **************************
;============================ Core ======================================
r_VSync = 0
sys_spec_Environment = 1
sys_spec_GameEffects = 1
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 1
sys_spec_Particles = 1
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1
sys_spec_Shading = 1
sys_spec_Shadows = 1
sys_spec_Texture = 1
sys_spec_Physics = 1
sys_spec_Sound = 1
;r_MultiThreaded = 1
;--- 0=disabled, 1=enabling rendering in separate thread, 2(default)=automatic detection
;s_FileCacheManagerSize = 80
;============================ Controller ================================
i_mouse_smooth = 0
;cl_sensitivity = 0.25
;cl_sensitivityController = 0.1
;i_mouse_accel_max = 100
;============================= Renderer ================================
q_Quality = 0
q_Renderer = 0
q_ShaderFX = 1
q_ShaderGeneral = 1
q_ShaderGlass = 1
q_ShaderHDR = 1
q_ShaderIce = 0
q_ShaderMetal = 0
q_ShaderPostProcess = 1
q_ShaderShadow = 0
q_ShaderSky = 0
q_ShaderTerrain = 0
q_ShaderVegetation = 0
q_ShaderWater = 0
;============================= ObjectDetail =============================
e_ViewDistMin = 10
e_ViewDistRatio = 100
e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 100
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 75
e_ViewDistRatioLights = 50
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 50
r_DrawNearZRange = 0.08
e_ObjQuality = 2
e_Lods = 1
e_LodRatio = 20
e_LodMin = 0
ca_useDecals = 0
e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 0
e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 2
e_DecalsOverlapping = 0
e_DecalsForceDeferred = 0
e_VegetationBending = 0
e_VegetationMinSize = 0
e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin = 1
e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio = 1
e_ProcVegetation = 1
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 1024
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 128
e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = 200
e_Dissolve = 2
e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = 1
e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 1
e_streamCgf = 0
ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 200
ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0
;============================= Textures ================================
r_TexResolution = 4
;--- Diffuse. When 0 (default) texture resolution is unaffected, 1 halves, 2 quarters etc.
r_TexBumpResolution = 4
;--- Reduces bump texture resolution. Same as ^^^
r_EnvTexResolution = 0
;--- Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels. 0: 64 / 1: 128 / 2: 256 / 3: 512
r_EnvCMResolution = 0
;--- Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels. 0: 64 / 1: 128 / 2: 256
r_TexSkyResolution = 8
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.001
r_ImposterRatio = 1
r_TexAtlasSize = 512
r_TexMinAnisotropy = 0
r_TexturesFilteringQuality = 0
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 16
;----------------------------- Detail Textures -------------------------
r_DetailTextures = 0
r_DetailNumLayers = 0
r_DetailDistance = 1
;================ Post-Processing / HDR / DOF / Motion Blur ============
r_ColorGrading = 0
r_DepthOfField = 0
r_dofMinZScale = 0
r_dofMinZ = 1
r_DepthOfFieldBokeh = 0
r_DepthOfFieldBokehQuality = 0
r_EyeAdaptationBase = 0.1
r_EyeAdaptationFactor = 0.85
r_EyeAdaptationSpeed = 0.1
r_GlowAnamorphicFlares = 1
r_HDRBloomMul = 0.5
r_HDRBlueShift = 0.2
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0.50
r_HDRBrightOffset = 30
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 5
r_HDREyeAdaptionCache = 30
r_HDRGrainAmount = 0
r_HDRLevel = 1
r_HDROffset = 10
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = 0
r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = 30
r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 0
r_sunshafts = 0
r_Coronashafts = 0
r_Coronas = 0
r_Flares = 1
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.00001
ca_MotionBlurMovementThreshold = 0.00001
r_Reflections = 0
r_ReflectionsQuality = 0
;============================= Light/Shading ===========================
e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = 8
e_GI = 1
e_GIAmount = 0.5
e_GIMaxDistance = 80
e_GINumCascades = 1
e_SkyType = 1
e_SkyUpdateRate = 0
e_TerrainAo = 1
e_TerrainNormalMap = 1
e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = 1
;============================= Shadows =================================
e_GsmCache = 0
e_GsmCastFromTerrain = 0
e_GsmLodsNum = 0
e_GsmRange = 0
e_ParticlesShadows = 0
e_Shadows = 0
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 0
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 0
e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = 0
e_ShadowsResScale = 0
e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 0
r_ShadowBlur = 0
r_ShadowJittering = 0
r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0
r_ShadowsPCFiltering = 0
r_ShadowsUseClipVolume = 0
;============================= AA/MSAA/FSAA ============================
r_PostMSAA = 0
r_PostMSAAMode = 0
r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0
r_FSAA = 0
r_UseEdgeAA = 0
;============================= SSAO ====================================
r_ssdo = 0
r_SSAO = 0
r_SSAOQuality = 0
r_SSAODownscale = 0
r_refraction = 0
r_ssreflections = 0
r_ssdoAmbientAmount = 0
r_ssdoAmount = 0
;============================= Volumetrics =============================
r_FogColorGradient = 0
r_Beams = 0
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.05
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 200
e_Clouds = 0
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
;============================ Particles ================================
e_ParticlesQuality = 2
e_ParticlesLights = 0
e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 64
e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 1
e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 0
e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 1
r_UseParticlesHalfRes = 0
r_UseSoftParticles = 0
r_UseParticlesRefraction = 0
r_UseParticlesGlow = 0
r_UseParticlesMerging = 0
r_UseParticlesHalfResForce = 0
r_RainDropEffect = 0
r_RainAmount = 0
r_Rain = 0
;e_particles_thread = 1
;============================ Water ===================================
e_WaterOceanFFT = 1
e_WaterTesselationAmount = 10
e_WaterTesselationAmountX = 10
e_WaterTesselationAmountY = 10
e_WaterTesselationSwathWidth = 10
r_WaterCaustics = 0
r_WaterReflections = 0
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 0
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0
;============================ Physics ==================================
g_breakage_particles_limit = 90
g_joint_breaking = 1
g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0
e_CullVegActivation = 50
e_FoliageWindActivationDist = 25
e_PhysFoliage = 1
e_PhysOceanCell = 0.5
p_gravity_z = -36.3
p_joint_damage_accum = 2
p_joint_damage_accum_threshold = 0.2
p_max_MC_iters = 4000
p_max_object_splashes = 3
p_max_substeps_large_group = 5
p_num_bodies_large_group = 100
p_splash_dist0 = 7
p_splash_dist1 = 30
p_splash_force0 = 10
p_splash_force1 = 100
p_splash_vel0 = 4.5
p_splash_vel1 = 10
v_vehicle_quality = 4
es_MaxPhysDist = 200
es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 25
;============================ Sound ===================================
s_FormatSampleRate = 48000
s_MPEGDecoders = 32
s_Obstruction = 1
s_ObstructionAccuracy = 1
s_ObstructionUpdate = 0.1
s_ReverbType = 1
s_SoundMoodsDSP = 1
s_VariationLimiter = 1
s_PrecacheData = 1
s_PriorityThreshold = 1
;============================ STREAMING ===============================
; *** r_TexturesStreaming=1 is HARD-CODED into the engine core after Sept/19 patch, so just a placeholder. ***
; --- Maximum number of tasks submitted to streaming system. Default is 256. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Maximum amount of texture data requested from streaming system in MB. Default is 2.0(MB) *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Size of system memory pool for managed textures in MB. Default is 800 MB for PC. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Size of pool for textures streaming in MB. Default is 128(MB) for PC. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Minimal read portion in KB. Default is 32(KB)
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmaps. Default is 1 [count]
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmap loads in KB. Default is 1024(KB)
; --- Postpone loading of high res mipmaps to improve resolution ballance of texture streaming. Default is 1 (on).
; --- Toggle for resident textures streaming support.
; --- Force only synchronous texture streaming. All textures will be streamed in the main thread. Default is 0, 1 for enabled.
; --- Default is 0.5. Max is 1.0 means textures will become resident sooner, Min 0.0 means textures will not become resident.
; --- Time to keep textures resident for before allowing them to be removed from memory, in seconds. *** Will give 1 min. ***
; >>> Enabled CPU (1), GPU(2) and disable (0) textures stream pool defragmentation.
; ---------------------- Extreme case follow ---------------------
; r_TexNoLoad=1
; >>> Disables loading of ALL textures. !!! USE only in extreme low-end PC case or DEBUG only since GUI is corrupted badly. !!!
cl_fov = 77
cl_sensitivity = 0.40
r_PostProcessEffectsFilters = 0
r_PostProcessEffects = 0
r_PostAA = 0
r_ColorGrading = 0
;*********************** MWO LOWEST PRO CONFIG **************************
;============================ Core ======================================
r_VSync = 0
sys_spec_Environment = 1
sys_spec_GameEffects = 1
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 1
sys_spec_Particles = 1
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1
sys_spec_Shading = 1
sys_spec_Shadows = 1
sys_spec_Texture = 1
sys_spec_Physics = 1
sys_spec_Sound = 1
;r_MultiThreaded = 1
;--- 0=disabled, 1=enabling rendering in separate thread, 2(default)=automatic detection
;s_FileCacheManagerSize = 80
;============================ Controller ================================
i_mouse_smooth = 0
;cl_sensitivity = 0.25
;cl_sensitivityController = 0.1
;i_mouse_accel_max = 100
;============================= Renderer ================================
q_Quality = 0
q_Renderer = 0
q_ShaderFX = 1
q_ShaderGeneral = 1
q_ShaderGlass = 1
q_ShaderHDR = 1
q_ShaderIce = 0
q_ShaderMetal = 0
q_ShaderPostProcess = 1
q_ShaderShadow = 0
q_ShaderSky = 0
q_ShaderTerrain = 0
q_ShaderVegetation = 0
q_ShaderWater = 0
;============================= ObjectDetail =============================
e_ViewDistMin = 10
e_ViewDistRatio = 100
e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 100
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 75
e_ViewDistRatioLights = 50
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 50
r_DrawNearZRange = 0.08
e_ObjQuality = 2
e_Lods = 1
e_LodRatio = 20
e_LodMin = 0
ca_useDecals = 0
e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 0
e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 2
e_DecalsOverlapping = 0
e_DecalsForceDeferred = 0
e_VegetationBending = 0
e_VegetationMinSize = 0
e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin = 1
e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio = 1
e_ProcVegetation = 1
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 1024
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 128
e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = 200
e_Dissolve = 2
e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = 1
e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 1
e_streamCgf = 0
ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 200
ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0
;============================= Textures ================================
r_TexResolution = 4
;--- Diffuse. When 0 (default) texture resolution is unaffected, 1 halves, 2 quarters etc.
r_TexBumpResolution = 4
;--- Reduces bump texture resolution. Same as ^^^
r_EnvTexResolution = 0
;--- Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels. 0: 64 / 1: 128 / 2: 256 / 3: 512
r_EnvCMResolution = 0
;--- Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels. 0: 64 / 1: 128 / 2: 256
r_TexSkyResolution = 8
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.001
r_ImposterRatio = 1
r_TexAtlasSize = 512
r_TexMinAnisotropy = 0
r_TexturesFilteringQuality = 0
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 16
;----------------------------- Detail Textures -------------------------
r_DetailTextures = 0
r_DetailNumLayers = 0
r_DetailDistance = 1
;================ Post-Processing / HDR / DOF / Motion Blur ============
r_ColorGrading = 0
r_DepthOfField = 0
r_dofMinZScale = 0
r_dofMinZ = 1
r_DepthOfFieldBokeh = 0
r_DepthOfFieldBokehQuality = 0
r_EyeAdaptationBase = 0.1
r_EyeAdaptationFactor = 0.85
r_EyeAdaptationSpeed = 0.1
r_GlowAnamorphicFlares = 1
r_HDRBloomMul = 0.5
r_HDRBlueShift = 0.2
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0.50
r_HDRBrightOffset = 30
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 5
r_HDREyeAdaptionCache = 30
r_HDRGrainAmount = 0
r_HDRLevel = 1
r_HDROffset = 10
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = 0
r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = 30
r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 0
r_sunshafts = 0
r_Coronashafts = 0
r_Coronas = 0
r_Flares = 1
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.00001
ca_MotionBlurMovementThreshold = 0.00001
r_Reflections = 0
r_ReflectionsQuality = 0
;============================= Light/Shading ===========================
e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = 8
e_GI = 1
e_GIAmount = 0.5
e_GIMaxDistance = 80
e_GINumCascades = 1
e_SkyType = 1
e_SkyUpdateRate = 0
e_TerrainAo = 1
e_TerrainNormalMap = 1
e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = 1
;============================= Shadows =================================
e_GsmCache = 0
e_GsmCastFromTerrain = 0
e_GsmLodsNum = 0
e_GsmRange = 0
e_ParticlesShadows = 0
e_Shadows = 0
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 0
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 0
e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = 0
e_ShadowsResScale = 0
e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 0
r_ShadowBlur = 0
r_ShadowJittering = 0
r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0
r_ShadowsPCFiltering = 0
r_ShadowsUseClipVolume = 0
;============================= AA/MSAA/FSAA ============================
r_PostMSAA = 0
r_PostMSAAMode = 0
r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0
r_FSAA = 0
r_UseEdgeAA = 0
;============================= SSAO ====================================
r_ssdo = 0
r_SSAO = 0
r_SSAOQuality = 0
r_SSAODownscale = 0
r_refraction = 0
r_ssreflections = 0
r_ssdoAmbientAmount = 0
r_ssdoAmount = 0
;============================= Volumetrics =============================
r_FogColorGradient = 0
r_Beams = 0
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.05
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 200
e_Clouds = 0
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
;============================ Particles ================================
e_ParticlesQuality = 2
e_ParticlesLights = 0
e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 64
e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 1
e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 0
e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 1
r_UseParticlesHalfRes = 0
r_UseSoftParticles = 0
r_UseParticlesRefraction = 0
r_UseParticlesGlow = 0
r_UseParticlesMerging = 0
r_UseParticlesHalfResForce = 0
r_RainDropEffect = 0
r_RainAmount = 0
r_Rain = 0
;e_particles_thread = 1
;============================ Water ===================================
e_WaterOceanFFT = 1
e_WaterTesselationAmount = 10
e_WaterTesselationAmountX = 10
e_WaterTesselationAmountY = 10
e_WaterTesselationSwathWidth = 10
r_WaterCaustics = 0
r_WaterReflections = 0
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 0
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0
;============================ Physics ==================================
g_breakage_particles_limit = 90
g_joint_breaking = 1
g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0
e_CullVegActivation = 50
e_FoliageWindActivationDist = 25
e_PhysFoliage = 1
e_PhysOceanCell = 0.5
p_gravity_z = -36.3
p_joint_damage_accum = 2
p_joint_damage_accum_threshold = 0.2
p_max_MC_iters = 4000
p_max_object_splashes = 3
p_max_substeps_large_group = 5
p_num_bodies_large_group = 100
p_splash_dist0 = 7
p_splash_dist1 = 30
p_splash_force0 = 10
p_splash_force1 = 100
p_splash_vel0 = 4.5
p_splash_vel1 = 10
v_vehicle_quality = 4
es_MaxPhysDist = 200
es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 25
;============================ Sound ===================================
s_FormatSampleRate = 48000
s_MPEGDecoders = 32
s_Obstruction = 1
s_ObstructionAccuracy = 1
s_ObstructionUpdate = 0.1
s_ReverbType = 1
s_SoundMoodsDSP = 1
s_VariationLimiter = 1
s_PrecacheData = 1
s_PriorityThreshold = 1
;============================ STREAMING ===============================
; *** r_TexturesStreaming=1 is HARD-CODED into the engine core after Sept/19 patch, so just a placeholder. ***
; --- Maximum number of tasks submitted to streaming system. Default is 256. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Maximum amount of texture data requested from streaming system in MB. Default is 2.0(MB) *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Size of system memory pool for managed textures in MB. Default is 800 MB for PC. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Size of pool for textures streaming in MB. Default is 128(MB) for PC. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Minimal read portion in KB. Default is 32(KB)
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmaps. Default is 1 [count]
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmap loads in KB. Default is 1024(KB)
; --- Postpone loading of high res mipmaps to improve resolution ballance of texture streaming. Default is 1 (on).
; --- Toggle for resident textures streaming support.
; --- Force only synchronous texture streaming. All textures will be streamed in the main thread. Default is 0, 1 for enabled.
; --- Default is 0.5. Max is 1.0 means textures will become resident sooner, Min 0.0 means textures will not become resident.
; --- Time to keep textures resident for before allowing them to be removed from memory, in seconds. *** Will give 1 min. ***
; >>> Enabled CPU (1), GPU(2) and disable (0) textures stream pool defragmentation.
; ---------------------- Extreme case follow ---------------------
; r_TexNoLoad=1
; >>> Disables loading of ALL textures. !!! USE only in extreme low-end PC case or DEBUG only since GUI is corrupted badly. !!!