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Can We Do Something About All The Afk

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#1 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:12 AM

Sorry but its reaching critical mass now with every game having a bot or some xp jerk dropping at the start or just watching the game then disconnecting. Why is it still profitable for them to do this? I have played several games where there is only four active players. Yes I know there are drop outs but when you see the same screen names doing it over and over its obvious. Really no one should earn a dime until the fire a shot or cap. Take the profit out of the scammers and end this please.

#2 Zerberus


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:26 AM

You ARE aware that probably about 50% of the "bot or some xp jerk dropping at the start or just watching the game then disconnecting" are directly affected by teh CTD issue that the recent hotfix introduced for many, right?

Apparently not, knock on wood. I on the other hand do and can name 10 people who I personally know that suffer from it as well since the fix.

The issue is that screwing over people who are doing nothing wong EVEN MORE by punishing them for bugs is just flat out wrong. If I get DCd, I already only get w/l cash and no bonuses, which is a joke ( I average about 130-140k on an average match). How many people yo you think will complete the cadet phase of their own free will if they get absolutely zero for half their matches because of bug induced DCS? Their (potentially best and /or favorite) mech is locked for, worst case, 15 minutes, and they get absolutely nothing for it, through no fault of their own.

I feel this is striking at exactly the same point as teh R+R reimplementation discussion. It benefits exclusively those that have no problems and further punishes those already plagued by the underlying issues.

When the game runs so stable that CDs are practically a non occurence, you may have a valid point. But as long as a new CTD bug is inadvertently added to every second or third build as a new feature, your suggestion would serve no purpose but to reduce the playerbase to those few people who never have any problems because MWO happens to like their particular brand of GFX card and revision of mainboard.

But either way, If you see someone doing it match after match, then report THAT PERSON directly to support@mwomercs.com for intentional misconduct, instead of suggesting a blanket "solution" that would screw the innocent twice as hard as the guilty. :P

Edited by Zerberus, 28 April 2013 - 04:42 AM.

#3 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:31 AM

aware of the issues but we all know whats going on really dont we? Sightseerers and the same names over spans of weeks dont account for that. What I am saying is take the profit out of such behaviour and see what happens.

#4 Zerberus


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:44 AM

^^ I get you, but again, tell the devs using the proper channels that you see repeated misconduct, and it will be looked into. I know a person whos original (founders) account was permanently locked and had to reregister, so it DOES happen. It`s just not instant and computer controlled, which at this time it shouldn`t be. :o

Aso, things are not always as they seem. For ex. a buddy of mine whio I was dropping with all day yesterday (including the one or 2 matches we had w/ each other) was called a "bot" about 20 times over the course of the evening, and regularly blamed of just running around not actually doing anything. The latter was actually partly true, but it was no fault of his own: He`s had random framerates since the fix, sometimes 35 fps (which his system schouldn`t even be capable of, lol), sometimes 3.... no relation to map, time of day, grop size, or any other player conttrollable variable. He drops, and looks to to top left, where teh game will now tell him whether he has easymode or hardmode enabled for the following match :)

Please don`t misunderstand me, I definitely agree on the basic principle that afk farming / dc farming should somehow be stopped... I just don`t see any sort of blanket solution that could realistically be implemented at present w/o significant collateral damage :P

Edited by Zerberus, 28 April 2013 - 04:54 AM.

#5 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:51 AM

Sure I get you. I am not mentioning names just making a "Suggestion" . Seems like anyone making a suggetsion is countered just like the government pays shills to counter message boards posts against dissenters. Problem is I am not dissenting. I am making a Suggestion. So either commnet on the suggestion or stand as a shill. :P

#6 Zerberus


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:02 AM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 28 April 2013 - 04:51 AM, said:

Sure I get you. I am not mentioning names just making a "Suggestion" . Seems like anyone making a suggetsion is countered just like the government pays shills to counter message boards posts against dissenters. Problem is I am not dissenting. I am making a Suggestion. So either commnet on the suggestion or stand as a shill. :P

I AM commenting DIRECTLY on your suggestion, ONLY your suggestion, and why I don`t think it is a good idea, in a respectful manner. Sorry if that doesn?t float your boat.

At the same time I am offering information pertaining the proper course of action under teh current Status Quo.

If you want people to agree with you regardless of what you think, this is not the right place to be :o

Seriously, dude, for me you just lost every bit of respect and credibility with your paranoid and misguided insinuation that I am "shilling" you in any way.

Lay off the kool-aid, there is no need to put on a a tinfoil hat, I am not from pgi, and I couldn`t care less about some imaginary "party line" that people love to assume is being "put down from the man" every time somebody has a differing opinion.

I DO however care about: Communities, rules, and respectfuil discussion, all 3 things I`m starting to get the impression may not necessarily be of concern to you, or you would not feel the need for such a juvenile reaction.

I will still defend your right to say whatever you want, but I don`t think i`ll be taking it seriously again any time soon.

Peace and have fun searching for people that agree with you 100% of 95% isn`t enough. *facepalm*

Edited by Zerberus, 28 April 2013 - 05:06 AM.

#7 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:05 AM

Didnt see the smile did ya. Your pushing way to hard here. You said nothing about the profitabilty of afk. So your credibilty is shot too. :P

#8 Syllogy


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:06 AM

Apparently, being a Shill means something now than it originally did not...

Either that, or "engaging in covert advertising" is looked down upon by the "cool kids" born since 1999.

In any case, his account was only created this month. He's either a poor troll or a squeaker nub. Don't feed him either way.

Edited by Syllogy, 28 April 2013 - 05:07 AM.

#9 Zerberus


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:14 AM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 28 April 2013 - 05:05 AM, said:

... You said nothing about the profitabilty of afk....

View PostZerberus, on 28 April 2013 - 04:26 AM, said:

If I get DCd, I already only get w/l cash and no bonuses, which is a joke ( I average about 130-140k on an average match).

Anybody that plays this game knows hoiw high the w/L payouts are w/o expölicitly stating tehm here, I know that you play because I fragged you last night on Forest Colony (note that I probably am in a different timezone, so my "night" could easily be your "3 in the afternoon"), and therefore willful ignorance is the only explanation.

With that I rest my case and leave the thread in complete agreeance w/ Syllogy. But at least I tried...

Edited by Zerberus, 28 April 2013 - 05:17 AM.

#10 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:25 AM

What has my play or how long I have been on got to do with this? Is this how we will accept new players in the future? I am so happy for you being an expert and all but still not one response to the issue of profitablity to just afk. Its sad this is how experienced players approach any possible critisism because it does not promote new blood unless they shut up and take it. Your rant aginst my tounge in cheek comment says a lot to me because even though it was tounge in cheek it is a documented established fact. Both parties DOD and state have such operartions where they pay bloggers and posters to counter dissent. It even has a long history starting with Israels Megaphone project. So on two points you have shown that you only tow the party line and will look at nothing that runs counter to it. I was asking for honest responses to my question. Not attacks and ridicule. Thank you for exposing a greater problem than my original post did.

#11 Syllogy


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:12 AM

Here is your response: This was addressed by the devs and fixed nearly 6 months ago. If you do not contribute, you don't get anything.

An intelligent individual would know that. Of course, they would also know how to spell "tongue."

Zerberus gave you an honest answer without condescension. His answer did not warrant a response, but you chose to spit it right back in his face so he got defensive. I don't blame him, especially since you conduct yourself like a disrespectful little twerp.

#12 Neolisk


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:14 AM

What about a positive solution, rather than a negative one?

I suggest a separate queue for people to join an already ongoing match whenever somebody just dropped out, and get higher rewards for that, because you have another random factor to consider - you don't know your loadout and condition of your mech until you see the match. And you are helping the balance the outcome, so hopefully make the fight more fair.

#13 Escef


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:11 AM

I DC'd at least three times today because the client crashed. Two of those after reinstalling. I'm not here to farm, I'm here to play. DCers irk me less these days because I know the last patch was buggier than an entomologist convention.

#14 Skulli Bloodspiller


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:02 AM

View PostEscef, on 28 April 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

I DC'd at least three times today because the client crashed. Two of those after reinstalling. I'm not here to farm, I'm here to play. DCers irk me less these days because I know the last patch was buggier than an entomologist convention.

Same. If I run 20 matches a day the past several days, I'm guaranteed to get DC'd or have some glitch/bug that makes a new player struggle at first, in at least 2-3 of those matches.

Edited by Skulli Bloodspiller, 28 April 2013 - 10:03 AM.

#15 Thndrblt


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:22 AM

View PostEscef, on 28 April 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

I DC'd at least three times today because the client crashed. Two of those after reinstalling. I'm not here to farm, I'm here to play. DCers irk me less these days because I know the last patch was buggier than an entomologist convention.

Aint that the truth, out of 10 drops, ill get game freeze/ctd atleast once, and hud bugs proubly twice. Never had game freeze/ctd before the last two patches....and it is getting worse. I see ATLEAST 1 "disconnect every drop, maybe 2 or 3", and always someone calls out a hud bug.

What amazes me, is if these (td/freeze's)became so rampant after the last two patches, is it that hard for the dev's to look at what was changed in the new code, and rule out the code before these patches....just a thought??

#16 Victor Morson


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:53 AM

Sure we can - we can hope they either fix this insane crashing problem or roll back whatever change caused it in the first place.

Like I said in another thread, it took us 22 drops to get 5 league matches completed last night because of how unstable the game is.

View PostEscef, on 28 April 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

I DC'd at least three times today because the client crashed. Two of those after reinstalling. I'm not here to farm, I'm here to play. DCers irk me less these days because I know the last patch was buggier than an entomologist convention.

Yeah, in all seriousness, this is like the 3rd or 4th thread of someone complaining about "AFK'ers" while, unfortunately.. while there's almost no threads about the crashing.

#17 Straften


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:56 AM

Rejoin feature.

#18 Comguard


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:16 AM

Most AFKlers are probably just victims of a bug.

#19 Neolisk


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:23 AM

View PostComguard, on 28 April 2013 - 11:16 AM, said:

Most AFKlers are probably just victims of a bug.

This is the shortest feature suggestion that I am going to support:

View PostStraften, on 28 April 2013 - 10:56 AM, said:

Rejoin feature.

It solves all relevant problems. Because when you rejoin, shaders and everything would get reloaded. Yes, you lose some game time, but it's still better than -1 player on the team.

#20 Victor Morson


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:28 AM

View PostStraften, on 28 April 2013 - 10:56 AM, said:

Rejoin feature.

There's little reason this shouldn't be allowed, because your 'mech is still in the match.

If disconnecting and reconnecting to the game was possible, it'd be fine. It's not like it's an engine limitation - it shouldn't have trouble allowing someone to free join as long as they have a 'mech to join in on.

This really deserves it's own suggestion thread, honestly.

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