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Mechwarrior games are not a representation of the table top...

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#281 Kalunta


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:10 AM

Physical models are computationally expensive and their results can usually be approximated to a detailed perceptual degree of accuracy by a more frugal stochastic model at much lower cost. Dig it?

#282 Paladin1


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:10 AM

View PostRed Beard, on 11 November 2011 - 08:07 AM, said:

What you post doesn't really make sense. The TT rules are meant for TT games. He is simply trying to get the fanboi base to understand that those rules do not carry over to a VIDEO GAME for shmit. He doesn't need to point out any one portion just to prove something to anyone, bub.

Just like I thought, you've never read the rules much less read the explanation behind those rules. You're just a loud mouthed troll.

#283 Kalunta


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:12 AM

... and Batteltech does not "suck"

#284 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:14 AM

View PostPaladin1, on 11 November 2011 - 08:03 AM, said:

And yet you're still here. The game you want is Hawken, troll. Those Battletech players who are holding to the real rules are those who were playing the game before you were even a gleam in your daddy's eye. Don't like the universe and it's rules? Hit the door.

I am still here. Genius of you to notice. I have no interest in Hawken, but I am interested in YOU going to play Hawken. Keep in mind, troll, that the old BT fans, me being one, are going to be in the VAST minority when this game gets swinging. And I noticed that you like to type like a tough guy. I find that amusing. Since you know where the door is, don't let it hit you on the way out.

#285 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:18 AM

View PostPaladin1, on 11 November 2011 - 08:10 AM, said:

Just like I thought, you've never read the rules much less read the explanation behind those rules. You're just a loud mouthed troll.

Yeah, like I said, you make no sense. All you do is try to bully others. You are really sad, little man. You can call anyone anything you like. You are the troll and you are not getting anyone to leave. You should give it up now, seeing as how you bring nothing to this thread other than angst and a pitiful tone.

#286 Paladin1


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:20 AM

Oh, so now you're an old BT fan? Seriously now, let's see about that. You want to burn the rules, label those who stayed true to the game after FASA went under as fanbois and are, in general, severely lacking in knowledge about those same rules you seem to think suck so bad.

No, there's a troll here but it isn't me. You're just mad because I called you out for what you are; a whiny-assed punk kid.

#287 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:20 AM

View PostKalunta, on 11 November 2011 - 08:12 AM, said:

... and Batteltech does not "suck"

Are you implying that I suggested that BT sucks? I hope not...I have been a BT fan for years.

#288 Paladin1


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:21 AM

View PostRed Beard, on 11 November 2011 - 08:18 AM, said:

Yeah, like I said, you make no sense. All you do is try to bully others. You are really sad, little man. You can call anyone anything you like. You are the troll and you are not getting anyone to leave. You should give it up now, seeing as how you bring nothing to this thread other than angst and a pitiful tone.

Again, Book and Page number troll. Until then, you're just weak.

#289 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:25 AM

View PostPaladin1, on 11 November 2011 - 08:20 AM, said:

are, in general, severely lacking in knowledge about those same rules

To ASSUME, is to make an AS* of U and ME. Get it little fella. You should not make assumptions that you cannot back up. As you begin to enter puberty, this little piece of advice will help more and more.


You're just mad because I called you out for what you are; a whiny-assed punk kid.

Wow, like every one of your posts, you could not be more wrong. I cannot help the fact that you failed the eight grade and have to repeat in a remedial class. I guess I would be mad if I were you too. Get a life young man.

#290 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:28 AM

View PostPaladin1, on 11 November 2011 - 08:21 AM, said:

Again, Book and Page number troll. Until then, you're just weak.

Nobody is under any obligation to prove anything to a person like you.

#291 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:30 AM

View PostKalunta, on 11 November 2011 - 08:10 AM, said:

Physical models are computationally expensive and their results can usually be approximated to a detailed perceptual degree of accuracy by a more frugal stochastic model at much lower cost. Dig it?

Haha...what is that, nerd-speak? You mean it is cheaper to make things "almost" like reality. Nice try Special K.

Edited by Red Beard, 11 November 2011 - 08:30 AM.

#292 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:31 AM

Looks like the troll found the door....after he found that I am not what he called me out to be. Bye bye kiddo.

#293 KingCobra


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:32 AM

STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your bolth acting like TROLLS & KIDS if you keep it up we should set up a poll to vote you off the forums?

anyone can post there opinions but please dont try to overwrite the topics with your insane bantering. :)

P.S just get over yourselfs and have some fun and good inputs to topics without the BulllShitttt.

#294 TheForce


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:36 AM

View PostRed Beard, on 11 November 2011 - 07:55 AM, said:

The devs also remind us that "this aint your daddy's MW".

Daddy's MW was killing a 100 ton mech with 2 shots.

PS: Thanks for creeping my profile red :)

Edited by TheForce, 11 November 2011 - 08:37 AM.

#295 MaddMaxx


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:37 AM

View PostKingCobra, on 11 November 2011 - 08:32 AM, said:

STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your bolth acting like TROLLS & KIDS if you keep it up we should set up a poll to vote you off the forums?

anyone can post there opinions but please don't try to overwrite the topics with your insane bantering. :)

P.S just get over yourself and have some fun and good inputs to topics without the BulllShitttt.

I agree. If you continue to act 6 will will Report and demand your removal. There is absolutely no need for this (what he said)

#296 Paladin1


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:39 AM

View PostRed Beard, on 11 November 2011 - 08:31 AM, said:

Looks like the troll found the door....after he found that I am not what he called me out to be. Bye bye kiddo.

Not so, oh ye of little mind. And for the record, when you make an accusation (the rules suck), then the burden of proof weighs upon you to prove your point. You haven't and can't, therefore you're just an ignorant troll.

Don't like it? Book and page number.

#297 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:41 AM

View PostTheForce, on 11 November 2011 - 08:36 AM, said:

PS: Thanks for creeping my profile red :)

You are one of the few that I can vouch for as "old school" man. I would vouch for you having weathered the storm of time for this new game over most any of the guys in here who claim to be "Old Guard". Feel free to creep my profile right back...By the way, check out c6c6dog's site if you get time. We have a little upstart going and I would value your opinion. Aegir's Hall thread.

#298 Paladin1


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:42 AM

View PostKingCobra, on 11 November 2011 - 08:32 AM, said:

STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your bolth acting like TROLLS & KIDS if you keep it up we should set up a poll to vote you off the forums?

anyone can post there opinions but please dont try to overwrite the topics with your insane bantering. :)

P.S just get over yourselfs and have some fun and good inputs to topics without the BulllShitttt.

Seriously, if you think I'm trolling because I called out a troll for being what he is, then you've got a serious problem. If you want to argue specifics, that's fine, but don't go making sweeping accusations and generalizations and expect to not get called on it.

As for getting along, this is Battletech, not Tickletech. There's going to be ********, so you might as well get used to it.

#299 Red Beard


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:43 AM

View PostPaladin1, on 11 November 2011 - 08:39 AM, said:

Not so, oh ye of little mind.

Well, looks like wishful thinking...oh well.

#300 Adridos


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Posted 11 November 2011 - 08:43 AM

This thread should be closed right now. It doesn't have purpose now and just pits the people against each other. I hope devs will see it, before it can make more damage. I beg you, please don't destroy a good topic and turn it into a spark of a war.

Edited by Adridos, 11 November 2011 - 08:44 AM.

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