Starkiller, on 15 November 2011 - 05:37 AM, said:
Nothing wrong with correcting me if what I'm saying is false and it's my fault for not being specific enough. Other MW games were released on consoles, yes, but none of the other releases were flagship titles for Microsoft or got the advertising power of the Xbox + MS behind them. It's the same thing as Marathon and Halo.
Glare, on 15 November 2011 - 12:16 PM, said:
Redbeard: Ad hominems are never appropriate. That said, having little to no working knowledge of the rules while arguing vehemently against their inclusion is a little... short-sighted. At least have the decency of conversation to research what you're yelling about before yelling about it.
Same goes for you on the ad homs, Starkiller.
What I wouldn't give for real mods in these topics.
Agreed. Would love to see some real mods. Gotta ignore the trolls though.