So, After the introduction of the Highlander, I played a few rounds to see what the new patch brought besides a new mech. Some of the changes I enjoyed, some I did not. I was disappointed to see that somethings were left unchanged. Rather than rage at PGI or any of the devs I decided to just take a hiatus to see where the game would be after everyone got tired of the Highlander and just stick to the forums for a while. Today I decided to play a few rounds to see if anything had changed. This is what I found out:
My STK-3F with 2xLRM10s+Artemis+TAG managed to deal over 450 points of damage but no kills. This was on Caustic Valley
My STK-5M with 2xLRM15s + TAG only managed to deal 150 points of damage and no kills. This was on Forest Colony Normal
My CN9-AL going at 90.3KPH with 2xMPLs, 2xMLs, and 2xSRM4s+Artemis managed to go solo and kill an Awesome with ERPPCs (At the expense of almost complete destruction of my left arm, yay torso twisting though!), Severly wounded LLs Cataphract (Someone else got the kill), and killed a Trebuchet after losing both arms. I then started to engage a Hunchback when I was killed by PPC shots to the cockpit. I did not get the damage readout as I needed to leave, but I was satifisfied with what I did, but disappointed in how I was defeated in the sense that it wasn't a random/lucky shot as I still had CT Armor and the damage readout did not change when the statistics came up and that I was moving at 90.3KPH. This was on Forest Colony Snow.
My thoughts on these matches:
- Missiles are still laughibly pathetic. The weight and critical slots needed to carry them and damage they deal are almost neglible. The only reason I think I did so well with my 3F is that the reload time and lock time were fast, and that the enemy pilots decided to ignore the missiles coming at them.
- The amount of Highlanders has dropped significantly, instead of seeing 4 or more per match when they first rolled out, they are now down to about 1 or 2 a match.
- PPCs are carried by everything. Saw a Spider carrying one as its only weapon, kind of makes you wonder how the hell that would even work in the BattleTech universe.
- Brawlers can still do damage. The only downfall is that medium brawlers do not have the weapon loadout or armor that heavies and assaults have or the speed and reflexes of the lights.
- Long-range engagement is the current meta. No mech wants to get under 300m unless they are forced and by using LLs and PPCs they can still do high damage at long range mitigating their risk.
- PPCs work well, just too well. With their currently velocity, instanteous firing, and HSR, PPCs have the precision of a scapel with the damage of chainsaw. I do not think that there needs to be a nerf to them though. Lowering the damage, changing the range, or raising the heat is not a long-term, viable solution. I do think that now HSR is in effect the velocity can be lowered down a bit, not to previous levels but somewhere in between.
- Missiles definitely need a fix. With LRMs, damage and speed need to be looked at as most mech can effectively dodge missiles at 500 meters since it still takes 5 seconds for them to reach the target and if the mech can not dodge the missiles it can probably just shrug off the current damage anyways. SRMs need a little work, I feel that SRMs can deal decent damage but a slight damage boost might be needed, somewhere between their current damage of 1.5 and 2.
- Heat needs to be looked at. This is another thread altogether, but many mechs abuse the current heat system and lack of penalties that is currently in place.
- Convergence needs a slight tweak. Also a whole other thread.
- PUGs need help. Despite the amount of LLs and PPCs flying around, some of my matches could have been won if there was more coordination within the PUG as it almost takes forever in the game to coordinate through typing and there is no speaking system outside of being in a pre-made or having third-party software. Then again some PUGs couldn't be helped even if they got the attention.