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Please make death like Eve

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#21 Halfinax


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 12:10 PM

Eve is a spreadsheet simulator, and honestly it has a small user base. The bastardization of PVP by the Evers here is hillarious. PVP is clearly being used in reference to combat. Saying that playing the market and mining is PVP is asinine. What's more in Eve you don't have to fight someone else you can go off in the corner and mine for 24 hours if you desire.

Eve is about the worst model you could use to design a F2P team based combat game on.

#22 CobraFive


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 12:43 PM

My vote is "Super no".

This should be a tactical action sim first and foremost and above all else. Not a sim of the things that take place outside of combat.

If the matches have no respawns, like world of tanks or counterstrike, that's fine. But I don't want to lose or even have the possibility of losing 'mechs, guns, pilot skills, whatever when I die. Incentivize survival and victory (bonus money/XP), not penalize death.

And if they do have respawns, like battlefield, I'd like that too. I think I'd like it more, at least on the large team matches, though it really depends on the composition of the matches. Mechwarrior has always been about the fighting to me, first and foremost. The other stuff like customization and economy and salvage is great and cool, but it should never stand in the way of fighting, only support it.

#23 wanderer


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 12:59 PM

I'm for failure being failure- if you're in a mission and your 'Mech is disabled, that's it. Respawning is for shooters, not sims. Put a time limit on missions so someone doesn't just hide all day.

Hope damage to 'Mechs is repairable IF YOU WIN, or else give a VERY limited choice in "motor pool" machines that you can use if your own 'Mech is fragged and you have no replacements.

#24 Kyll Long


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:01 PM

View Postwanderer, on 08 November 2011 - 12:59 PM, said:

I'm for failure being failure- if you're in a mission and your 'Mech is disabled, that's it. Respawning is for shooters, not sims. Put a time limit on missions so someone doesn't just hide all day.

Hope damage to 'Mechs is repairable IF YOU WIN, or else give a VERY limited choice in "motor pool" machines that you can use if your own 'Mech is fragged and you have no replacements.

I'm not all that sure you want a time limit. Unless you have a most damage done wins point. I KNOW there's old timers here who remember me taking em on 1v4 in a locust :)

#25 Halfinax


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:06 PM

View Postwanderer, on 08 November 2011 - 12:59 PM, said:

I'm for failure being failure- if you're in a mission and your 'Mech is disabled, that's it. Respawning is for shooters, not sims. Put a time limit on missions so someone doesn't just hide all day.

Hope damage to 'Mechs is repairable IF YOU WIN, or else give a VERY limited choice in "motor pool" machines that you can use if your own 'Mech is fragged and you have no replacements.

You're missing the point. This would turn people away. It is the inverse of what the community needs if we want to see more MW games.

#26 UncleKulikov


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:08 PM

One life per round. Repair mechs between rounds.

#27 steelwraith


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:27 PM

I expect they will keep it simple; your mech is destroyed, you're out of the match. Once the match is over, you pay to repair your mech and jump into the next match. Your mechwarrior can't die, and you can't 'lose' your mech.

That being said, they can always implement different types of matches to make things more interesting...

#28 Salvatoris


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:39 PM

The less this game is like Eve, the better. Eve is a very pretty screensaver, and not much more. The only thing that game does really well is hide the fact that it's purely pay-2-win. Skill isn't a factor, only wealth and the persistence of time decide what you can and can't field in the game's boring auto-combat system. Lose a ship, no big deal... just buy plex from CCP and they will facilitate it's sale to another player so you can rebuild your tweak-boat and repeat the whole process. While every other MMO fights the sale of ingame currency for real money, Eve has institutionalized it.

#29 wanderer


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:40 PM

View Posthalfinax, on 08 November 2011 - 01:06 PM, said:

You're missing the point. This would turn people away. It is the inverse of what the community needs if we want to see more MW games.

If people don't have a price to pay for failing, then it's not Mechwarrior online. It's MW Instant Action, round 5.

I know a lot of people here are coming in from the "Mechwarrior" games vs. the "Battletech online MMO" games, and that's gonna be conflictive views...but losing should hurt. Resources matter in a persistent world. There should be costs for losing, and gains for winning. I did like 3025's rewards for success meaning a larger pool of 'Mechs to draw off of- a recruit had very few choices, while a high-ranking officer had access to many different tools for the job.

#30 Tsula


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:41 PM

If you lose your mech to a ammo explosion well your not going to get the same mech back once the battle is over. Your going to get chucks of metal if your lucky. Personally I would like to see if your mech is shot out from you so bad well. What does the House force have to give you as a replacement. Ya that might seem kind of hard core. But honestly sometime in gaming death is just well I'll wait 2mins and have everything I lost. Maybe to make it not so hard core maybe you can get a bare chassis and have to re arm it. That can be a high cost but more realistic. Same goes for weapons if you lose your PPC you can have it repaired if possible, but if its really destroyed well got buy a new one. I would still see a costs if you completely lose a mech thou, and you might have to suffer and not get the same mech back.

Edited by tsula, 08 November 2011 - 02:04 PM.

#31 Silent


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:43 PM

I wouldn't mind implementation of "Dead is Dead" tournament matches for those that wanted that kind of hardcore challenge. I sure as hell wouldn't play it, though.

#32 Black Sunder


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:49 PM

Loss needs to have real meaning. Its as simple as that. If you don't want your stuff salvaged then win. Someone on the other team will probably use it better than you did. And then lose it after that so its all good.

See Battletech as far as I know doesn't possess magic to retrieve your shattered mech back to you. If you want your mech back then perhaps you pay a fraction the price of what it originally cost to buy but it'll be stock.

Edited by Black Sunder, 08 November 2011 - 01:50 PM.

#33 God of War


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:51 PM

Final Death is an uncool idea... I would like more a mechanic that perhaps locks down the mech for specific time which is based on
which way the mech was destroyed. A Mech killed by ammo explosion would stay longer in the bay than one destroyed by a cockpit hit.

to simply raise the repair cost for more drastical damaged mechs seems not enough for me... :)

#34 Johnathan McKenna


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:57 PM

I really like the idea of losing my mech when it gets scrapped. While it could be some what annoying I also think it could be really immersive and give players a reason to think about what they are doing. It would force people to actually work together and reduce the likelyhood of people running around like idiots.

#35 Tsula


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 02:00 PM

View PostJohnathan McKenna, on 08 November 2011 - 01:57 PM, said:

I really like the idea of losing my mech when it gets scrapped. While it could be some what annoying I also think it could be really immersive and give players a reason to think about what they are doing. It would force people to actually work together and reduce the likelyhood of people running around like idiots.


#36 Silent


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 02:03 PM

View PostJohnathan McKenna, on 08 November 2011 - 01:57 PM, said:

I really like the idea of losing my mech when it gets scrapped. While it could be some what annoying I also think it could be really immersive and give players a reason to think about what they are doing. It would force people to actually work together and reduce the likelyhood of people running around like idiots.

You can never actually force people to work together, and it wouldn't reduce the likelyhood of people running around like idiots. I mean, look at EVE: it has ship permadeath and it still has complete idiots playing the game.

Edited by Silent, 08 November 2011 - 02:04 PM.

#37 simon1812


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 02:04 PM

NO, I would like it the way it was in MW4:M or a variation of the same, u could lose weapons and equpment, depending of the damage your mech takes, and u have to buy weapons and equpment back, but u have to pay to get your mech repaired too, pay more if u want it repaired fast.

but I dont know how well that would work, Im pretty sure dev will think something better though.

#38 Sintaqx


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 02:12 PM

Killing a player pilot isn't something I would like to see, that would be a huge disincentive to play. Losing your shiny toy while trying to blow up somebody else's shiny toy, however, I don't see a problem there. And if your team manages to pull it out after you go boom, well congrats, you could get the remains of your mech back (should there be anything salvageable left), and maybe even bits to use to put together another shiny toy.

As far as the whole market bit goes, MWO isn't an economic sim, sell your salvage to the NPC market, buy new goodies from the NPC market. For a merc the pocketbook is the final arbiter of what you do and don't do. Will the mission and salvage cover the repair costs? If I fail the mission will it hurt too much? Can I get away with fielding a lighter (and cheaper) lance and still achieve the objective? Sure, I've got this Atlas in the hanger, do I need to risk it though? Can I get away with fielding a hunchback and a cougar instead?

Heck, it would be cool if you could deal with the victors, offer to buy back your salvage from them if it's that important to you. Whatever happens, though, losing should be a serious consideration.

#39 gregsolidus


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 02:20 PM

So should not playing the game if I run the risk of losing my mech every time I play.At best it will wind up just like EVE with players being forced to join groups so they can afford to pay for their inevitable loses.I really don't understand why people want the equivalent of a punch in the nads every time the lose,isn't paying for repairs and ammo enough for you?

Edited by gregsolidus, 08 November 2011 - 02:21 PM.

#40 Halfinax


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 02:24 PM

View PostSintaqx, on 08 November 2011 - 02:12 PM, said:

Killing a player pilot isn't something I would like to see, that would be a huge disincentive to play. Losing your shiny toy while trying to blow up somebody else's shiny toy, however, I don't see a problem there. And if your team manages to pull it out after you go boom, well congrats, you could get the remains of your mech back (should there be anything salvageable left), and maybe even bits to use to put together another shiny toy.

As far as the whole market bit goes, MWO isn't an economic sim, sell your salvage to the NPC market, buy new goodies from the NPC market. For a merc the pocketbook is the final arbiter of what you do and don't do. Will the mission and salvage cover the repair costs? If I fail the mission will it hurt too much? Can I get away with fielding a lighter (and cheaper) lance and still achieve the objective? Sure, I've got this Atlas in the hanger, do I need to risk it though? Can I get away with fielding a hunchback and a cougar instead?

Heck, it would be cool if you could deal with the victors, offer to buy back your salvage from them if it's that important to you. Whatever happens, though, losing should be a serious consideration.

And no one but the most hardcore would play. The game would fail, and we'd all wave good bye to any future installment of official MW titles.

I'm not against the concept, but I'm against it being forced on everyone.

I wouldn't mind if there is a "hardcore" server or something where everyone plays with those rules, but to force it on everyone would be a mistake that would destroy the hopes of future games.

Edited by halfinax, 08 November 2011 - 02:25 PM.

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