Posted 14 May 2013 - 06:39 PM
I'm a little over 200 matches now with Misery, and it is certainly growing on me. With my setup I find it to be a fun balance between able to annoy people at range, hit hard up front, and cool enough to keep on the pressure in endurance fights. I particularly appreciate it when I round a corner and find myself face-to-face with a mint armoured Atlas. Misery has the firepower to take it down with plenty of armour left over to annoy his friends. Assuming, of course, that I can protect that giant rifle barrel that tends to blow up all too often. I am getting used to protecting that side, being aware of my manouvering, where enemies are, and who I choose to shoot at. This situational awareness helps in many more ways than saving my big gun.
Win/Loss, Kill/Death, Dmg per match and XP per match are all on par with my other Stalker variants (excluding the 5S which is greatly inflated through PPC boating). Of course, the 30% C-Bill bonus makes Misery more lucrative (again, the PPC boat edges out Misery's 30% bonus just a little, though recently I feel dirty using it).
The 4ML, 1LL, 1Guass is staying put, what I'm torn between is either an SRM6+Artemis+STD305 vs SSRM2+BAP+STD310. The SRM6 is great for tearing into that Atlas I accdentally run into, but I tend to miss shots too often on anything that moves generating a lot of extra heat. The SSRM runs much cooler, guaranteed to hit, BAP and a faster engine is nice to have, but a single SSRM seems... frivolous.
My verdict? I like it! I fully expect Misery to be the most played mech in my rotation over the next few weeks.