Stalker STK-5S
Engine: STD Engine 260
Tonnage: 84.5 t
Armor: 526 of 526
Heat Efficiency: 1.07 (18 double heat sinks)
Speed: 49.5 kph
No additional upgrades cept for a sizzlin hot paint job.

x4 Medium Lasers (will swap to/ Medium Laser ER's when they are implemented in MWO)
x2 ER Large Laser
x1 Priority Air Strike
Ammo stores:
x4 streak srm caches
x6 AMS caches
x2 C.A.S.E
Makin' Bacon is all about the war-path style of play. I came, I saw, I kicked its ***. It has heat issues, which is why it has 4 streak shooters for a total of 8 shots per salvo. There's literally never a time when you need to stop firing with this, if you have the enemy in your sights. If you get hot, use the streaks, then return to the death rays of doom once the heat is low enough. it has a non XL engine to mitigate the risks of critical hits, and maximum armor to deal with all the other non-critical hits. Furthermore, with the AMS, incoming missiles aren't much of a problem. Even out in the open. However, I still use cover whenever possible. This mech is a great pack leader, since it's AMS's will protect your group from incoming missile barrages, and it can still provide more firepower than almost every other mech combo in the game!
I have the firing set up as;
Mouse button 1 (left click): x4 medium lasers
Mouse button 2 (right click): large lasers
Mouse button 3 (middle click): Full Salvo (EVERYTHING for 75% heat, but a 1 shot killer on almost all light mechs and some lightly armored mediums)
Mouse button 4 (side click): Streaks only
Since Makin' Bacon will turn almost any light mech into bacon, with a single salvo, it's reccomended that when you get the little annoying ECM tards who pace your backside and shoot you in the back over and over, you simply:
A:) Back into a corner of a cliff or building so they have to face your front side. Middle click. Now your free to go about your business.
B.) Come to a complete stop. Turn in the opposite clockwise or full reverse past the back-stabby MF'er. Middle click. Now your free to go about your business.
C.) If you're hot, (and I'm always hot), simply play turning games with the little ****, and hit them with streaks when they come into view a couple times. You'll get them before they get you, I promise.

This mech is good at all ranges, since with it's ER's it can engage out to 1350 meters. Medium range is still all about the ER's. But anything less than 300 meters is game for the mediums and the streaks. I fire the ER's at distant targets as I approach, since the heat isn't too bad, then I finish them off with the mediums. If it's too fast (enemy mech), finish it with the streaks. It is afterall somewhat of a streak cat. This machine works best in groups, so I recommend it as a pack leader/support.
Like I said, it runs hot all the time, so use the streaks, because they don't generate enough heat to shut you down, even if you're at 85 to 90%. You might have to wait a bit between streak salvos, but thats ok. You've got the armor to be patient. Just don't let them out of your sights!
An alternative, if you like to snipe, though personally I think sniping is lame, you can ditch the mediums and the streaks and have 6 ER Large Lasers instead of 2. Now go out there and MAKE SOME HEAT!
Happy hunting. :: sizzling grin ::
Edited by Lightningbug, 04 May 2013 - 01:20 PM.