Keifomofutu, on 06 May 2013 - 07:19 PM, said:
North has a crazy advantage in both cover, height and a more defensible base that can be watched from the top of the mountain. I'd love to see the metrics of which side wins more often.
I kinda agree. In other games map side variance is dealt with by playing each map twice, once from each side. Plus it's not like the other maps don't have a "better" side as well, depending on how you look at it. I'd say River City vastly favors the team with the higher ground based off their ability to see and react to what the other team does. Then again the lower team has the better cap routes to take if they are quick about it and better access to Alcatraz.
With Alpine though the lower base does have a few things going for it.
1. Much easier to watch, set up, and defend against the K-line rush provided you don't advance too far.
2. Much harder to get surprised from people jumping off at your base from the back of it.
3. If you want to defend the hill behind your cap is actually an amazing place to set up and wait till they advance gaining both high ground and much better view.
It's not nearly as bad as most people think it is provided they play defensively. Of course rushing to the middle to play TDM on it yeah, it's at a disadvantage, but that's your teams fault for playing it stupidly.