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Enough Is Enough. Stop Crying/whining Etc.

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#1 Xx Albain xX


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:01 PM

First off whoever made up the term Poptart should be banned from the game. It is a very viable tactic using jump jets I have no idea why people are crying over this.

It is pretty freaking easy to hit the huge highlander in mid air btw, or maybe your just bad?

JUMP JETTING is a very viable and accepted tactic, enough with the stupid poptart comments.

And to the people who want to take SKILL out of the game. Please go back to table top immediately, seriously GTFrackO.

DO you know why mech table top rolls dice and is random? Because it is TABLE TOP. You can't very well sight someones CT in and shoot a laser now can you ?

This game does not need fixing of the jump jets or some kind of STUPID A@# idea about when you shoot it is random where you hit or it does damage in a cone,NOOOOOooooooo, please leave and never come back whoever wants that.

Yes, I play table top and yes I have 100's of mech models, yes rolling dice is fun.

No, rolling dice is not fun online in an action game.

If I put my cross hair on YOUR LEFT EYEBALL (looking at you Atlas) I want to hit his left eyeball. Don't tell me with all these technologies in the future these weapons are so much more inaccurate then our current weapons of today.

If you want to talk about balancing issues fine, but to INTENTIONALLY take skill out of the game, and calling mechs with jump jetts "poptarts" is beyond insane.

For all the crybaby whiners out there, I have a perfect game for you coming out soon
it is called Mechwarrior Tactics and is more of a representation of table top.


Oh btw I don't use jump jets on a single mech, but I sure love blasting them when they jump in the air exposing themselves from behind their perfect cover.

Here is some advice,

1. Get better.
2. Stop crying
3. This is an action game, not a freaking RPG where we roll the dice and wait to see where it hits, or how much damage we did, go back to wow please.
4. Stop making up names like pop tarting which really shows the ignorance of your mech knowledge. Been playing mech for 30 years and now this stupid term is introduced.

About me if your wondering, so this isn't coming out of nowhere. Was star commander of Clan Diamond Shark we won the ADL league, and came in second in NBT. I was the ONLY member of CDS, to earn a blood name in mech 4 (the test was really a bit too hard).

Good day mechwarriors and good hunting "SQUAWK"

#2 Xtrekker


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:09 PM



#3 Playerdrm


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:16 PM

These are all very valid points. I do not see why anyone would want to take the skill aspects out of the game. The pinpoint accuracy is a key feature and changing to a randomized option or cone for damage would be beyond ridiculous. Basically the only people I could see wanting a change such as this is someone who does not wish to improve. I do not want to be shot in the leg and have it count as a head shot, likewise I do not want to shoot someone in the head and have it register on a leg why even bother aiming at that point.

Also poptarting is valid strategy if the user wishes to expend tonnage on jumpjets to be able to employ this tactic and has a good enough aim to make it work he/she should not be penalized for it. Too often anymore games are taking a less skilled approach and I do not wish for that fate to befall this game.

Cliff Note Version:
I agree with everything OP said.

#4 Kdogg788


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:20 PM

Randomization of shot and cone of fire are ridiculous, however, cockpit shake and reticule bounce from jet thrust and the effect of moving an object of that size through the air while firing should and will be implemented.


#5 Keifomofutu


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:24 PM

Makes a whining thread about hatred of whining.

Oh and OP we've moved on. The new term is PopTARDS.

#6 Mr 144


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 11:25 PM

View PostKeifomofutu, on 05 May 2013 - 10:24 PM, said:

Makes a whining thread about hatred of whining.

Oh and OP we've moved on. The new term is PopTARDS.

Nah...make a whinning OP based off of ancedotal BS claiming L33T skillz when the math and meta does not support the conclusions...

Then have a complete newb or Alt account post the sole agreement to it...

Win a BS thread and feel good about yourselves...


#7 Deathlike


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 12:10 AM

View PostKdogg788, on 05 May 2013 - 10:20 PM, said:

Randomization of shot and cone of fire are ridiculous, however, cockpit shake and reticule bounce from jet thrust and the effect of moving an object of that size through the air while firing should and will be implemented.


Actually, this feature is used in MGs, but noone notices it because MGs suck... unless it is the mythical 6MG Spider.

#8 Kiiyor


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 12:28 AM

View PostXx Albain xX, on 05 May 2013 - 10:01 PM, said:

It is pretty freaking easy to hit the huge highlander in mid air btw, or maybe your just bad?

Sure it's easy, but it's nowhere near as easy as it is for the Highlander or Phract. You can land snap shots at them, and in return they can land well aimed shots at you, as the poptart in the air is an incredibly stable firing platform. Also, it means that the only way us land-lubber mechs can compete with the high pinpoint alpha damage of the poptart is to have a loadout with higher alpha damage on our own machine, which pretty much rules out anything under a heavy.

Seeing as the poptart completely and utterly dictates the terms of the engagement, including when and where the enemy can shoot, he is at a huge advantage. The only way to deal with this is to close with the poptart, or withdraw.

If you choose to close, there's a good chance the poptart will land several more easy alphas on you while you advance, whilst you are trying to navigate terrain, minimize incoming damage to yourself AND try to land hits on a target that is very likely going to be better armoured than you.

If you choose to withdraw, then job done Mr Poptart; area denial action successful.

I have no issues with the concept of poptarting in general, I have issues over the level of control they exert on the battlefield in this game.

My suggestion? Make jumpjets a less stable firing platform. Increase the judder in the mech when triggering jumpjets and for a set time while lifting off, and decrease it the further the mech rises into the air.

This would mean that in order to get well aimed shots off, the poptart would have to jet higher, increasing the time it was exposed in the air. It would help cut down on the small bursts that lots of poptarts use to get their shots off, and would increase the time between well aimed shots as the JJ's would be used more to gain more height, and would thus take longer to recharge.

#9 Tincan Nightmare


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 12:37 AM

Lol, thank you OP for explaining the difference for us between TT and MWO. Until your well thought out and rational post on the subject I thought they were the same thing and was wondering why I kept landing all those lucky die rolls to the same location. Guess its a good thing I didn't go buy those lottery tickets I was planning on due to my magical luck.

Oh and I love how you defend your post by saying that you don't partake in the poptarding, but your whole post is raging about people complaining about it. Do you normally get so fired up and insane about things that don't effect you personally? Might be some type of disorder.

#10 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 12:52 AM

If you want a stop to the crying and whining, don't visit the forums.

Happy people often don't feel a big need to post on the forums.

Also, you could help the quality of discussion on the forums a lot if you don't denigrate all critique as crying and whining.


If I put my cross hair on YOUR LEFT EYEBALL (looking at you Atlas) I want to hit his left eyeball. Don't tell me with all these technologies in the future these weapons are so much more inaccurate then our current weapons of today.

So you are in favor of automatic lead time calculations and automatic firing angle adjustments? Because I know if the enemy is moving and I aim my AC/20 at the left eyeball of an Atlas, I will probably miss.

Also, screen shake doesn't make where you shoot random. If you manage to press the moment your weapon is aimed at the right spot, you'll hit that spot. Timing your shot so you are on the right spot, that's your job.

Edited by MustrumRidcully, 06 May 2013 - 12:57 AM.

#11 Ragnaphael


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 01:46 AM

View PostKeifomofutu, on 05 May 2013 - 10:24 PM, said:

Makes a whining thread about hatred of whining.

Oh and OP we've moved on. The new term is PopTARDS.

Exactly this! Forums let you discuss grievances. If OP is sick of these, just ignore them!

#12 GODzillaGSPB


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 02:36 AM

"SKILL"...in the startpost. I really laughed, thank you. Standing in one place, not moving and jetting up and down like in a "whack a mole" game...yeah, THAT is skill. lol :ph34r:

#13 Echo6


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:17 AM

My thoughts, posted elsewhere, on poptarding:

Poptarding is illegitimate. Battlemechs supposedly represent a maneuver element on a mobile battlefield. Any unit on an actual battlefield that tried to poptart (stand in one place and try to snipe from the air, really?) would be immediately marked by opposing maneuver elements for destruction by support assets (fighters, artillery, etc.)

Poptarding could only ever consistently work in an arena environment; consequently, no power with the cash to field battlemechs would ever design them as or modify them into any poptard configuration.

Poptarding destroys immersion and should be impossible to effectively do consistent with the rules and lore of battletech.

Edited by Echo6, 06 May 2013 - 04:18 AM.

#14 Lorcan Lladd


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:17 AM


#15 Kaarde


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:34 AM


So, you are saying that a mech weighing 20-100 tons thrusting its self up on a column of superheated plasma is as stable a firing platform as one standing still on the ground? Thats assnine. Even our current military weapondry isn't that accurate, even with stabilization. There is always a degree of error.

Tell ya what slick, grab one of your squirt guns, go running full tilt and try to hit just one spot on a wall from a distance. Notice how you spray all over the place?

Now jump on a trampoline and try that. Same effect. Considering the amount of actuators and gimbles that would be in a machine that size, a little play in movement would be expected.

I see nothing wrong with adding in a bit of randomness to shots depending on the platform, location of weapon in the mech, and amount of movement. Add in modules or efficiencies to dampen the error if you will.

If you want to hit the left eye of a fly at 1000m grab a Zeuss and sit on top of a building.

#16 Xendojo


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 05:02 AM

Screen shake while using jump jets is a confirmed change for later this summer.

#17 Zerberus


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 07:59 AM

View PostXx Albain xX, on 05 May 2013 - 10:01 PM, said:

First off whoever made up the term Poptart should be banned from the game. It is a very viable tactic using jump jets I have no idea why people are crying over this. ...

... and calling mechs with jump jetts "poptarts" is beyond insane.
4. Stop making up names like pop tarting which really shows the ignorance of your mech knowledge. Been playing mech for 30 years and now this stupid term is introduced.

Actually, thinking that we made it up showcases your greater ignorance of the matter you feel so important to post about (without informing yourself, first). And and the rest reeks of a nigh immeasureable amount of arrogance on your part.

So you`ve been playing for 30 years... Interesting, it`s only been out for 29, I know because I bought it with my cousin the first day it hit the stores... Ok, semantics, one year... I concede, the important part is still coming, anyway :ph34r:

If you had been playing even remptely as intensely as you state all of that time, you surely would have not missed Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance.

And would have heard the term "poptart" SPECIFICALLY applied to PPC boats with Jumpjets. Exactly as it is today, 13 years later. Not ALL mechs w/ jumpjets as you incorrectly imply and apparently assume.

Some people that have not ever played a MW game at all know the term, so why exactly are you so oblivious to it`s origin? With your 103% experience with BT /MW, you if anybody should know.... Somethiing`s not adding up, here...

In other words, even though I agree with much of what you mean to say, your entire whine is obviously based on ignorance and large amounts of false or mis-information, and I detect a distinct streak of "Nobody on the forums is smart enough to know I'm BSing , anyway".

As such I cannot like or otherwise condone it as I do not support doing things that are obviously stupid.

Edited by Zerberus, 06 May 2013 - 08:11 AM.

#18 Xmith


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 10:12 PM

People only whine about jump jets and ppcs because they don't use them.

I don't pilot anything smaller than an assault so PGI should nerf all mechs smaller than an assault because they are faster and quicker than my atlas. I have a hard time hitting the lights. They should be nerfed severly. Max speed, no matter the size of the mech should be no more than 80kph.

Since I don't use them, no one else should be able to.

See, I whined and complained about something I don't use. That is all what I see here.

Edited by Xmith, 06 May 2013 - 10:14 PM.

#19 Karl Split


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 12:20 AM

OP is in the highlander with 3 ppc's and a gauss no doubt ;)

Once they get some cockpit shake going on jumpjetting and nerf back ppcs some this whole jumpjetting meta will die back down. Till then either adapt or cry OMG no skill hackers LAME LAME LAME.

Personally im sneaking about with dual ac/20's. when I do get close to these mouth breathing poptarters its very funny ><

Besides when you have 3 games over the course of the afternoon where you see atlases with 4 ppc's you know the current meta is ********.

#20 Xx Albain xX


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 02:39 AM

View PostKdogg788, on 05 May 2013 - 10:20 PM, said:

Randomization of shot and cone of fire are ridiculous, however, cockpit shake and reticule bounce from jet thrust and the effect of moving an object of that size through the air while firing should and will be implemented.


I agree 100%

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