My best friend turned me onto this game in Jan and I have been having a blast from day one. Now maybe my perspective is limited due to the amount of time I have been playing and that I have not flown anything bigger than a medium. But I come here and read the boards and there are some posters who genuinely care about the game and trying to make it better and there are those that ***** for the sack of bitching because they want the game to fit their style.
But my point is this, I have played with every broke thing in the game so far. Be it the freakin Raven 3L, to the overpowered LRM's to the incredible streaks and now the poptarts. But I play around all of these things and I work to overcome them. For me that is what keeps the game fun for me. Now as a light pilot I run like hell from Jaggers.
Broke as this game is it's still a lot of fun for me every time I log on. I PUG every day, and I fail to see why people are so hard on PUGs. I win just as many times as I lose. I have been on some great PUGs and some downright horrible ones. But for me that keeps the game fresh because I never know what I'm going to get.
Now I can appreciate people posting to try to improve the game. But when I see people saying poptarts, ore streaks are making them quit. I just think people are looking too hard at a GAME and are missing out on the pure fun of it.
But maybe it's just me.